Category:Damaging spells

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The following spells may directly deal damage.

Name MP Lv School Summary
Beamos 0 evocation Your eyes project a beam of searing energy, dealing more damage if you haven't moved since the start of your last turn.
Blade Barrier 9 6th evocation Create a wall energy-blades up to 100 feet long and 20 feet wall which slashes creatures that are inside it or pass through it.
Blades of Grass 0 transmutation Your transform up to two blades of grass into daggers or sickles.
Blast Bolt 0 evocation You detonate volatile energy with a melee spell attack. If your attack misses, you take damage and are pushed back.
Blight 6 4th necromancy Necromantic energy washes over a creature of your choice that you can see within range.
Blinding Radiance 6 4th evocation You emit a bright flash, damaging and blinding nearby creatures.
Blizzard 11 8th evocation A roar of wind and pelting snow tears through an area 120 feet wide; limit movement, diminish senses, deal cold damage.
Bombos 11 8th evocation You send out a wave of flame that circles out from you in a spiral, followed by a series of thunderous explosions.
Breath of Dinraal 5 3rd evocation A vortex of flames swirls forth from mouth or hands, igniting creatures in a 20-foot cone originating from you.
Breath of Dragons 0 evocation You exhale a gout of elemental energy in a 10-foot cone.
Breath of Farosh 7 5th evocation A stroke of lightning-breath tears through a 30-foot line in front of you, potentially causing momentarily paralysis.
Breath of Malice 8 5th evocation You blast a cone-shaped detonation of pure hatred in a 60-foot cone to deal damage.
Breath of Naydra 6 4th evocation A blast of freezing breath assails a 10-foot cone in front of you, potentially freezing your enemies solid.
Bubble Blast 0 evocation You blow up an acidic bubble, and can either attack with it immediately for d8 damage or save it until your next turn for d12 damage.
Call Lightning 5 3rd evocation You call down a bolt of lightning to deal damage, and can do so every turn for up to 10 minutes.
Candle 0 evocation Create a five-foot sphere of flame which lingers for a minute, damaging creatures it touches.
Caustic Cauldron 2 1st evocation You drop acid on a 10-foot-circle in range, dealing gradual damage to those covered in it.
Chain Lightning 9 6th evocation Create a bolt of lightning that arcs toward a target of your choice that you can see within range.
Chill Touch 0 necromancy A ghostly hand chills a creature to deal necrotic damage and prevent heart points recovery.
Chromatic Burst 0 evocation You evoke a burst of elemental energy, potentially damaging several creatures at once.
Conjure Sol 11 8th conjuration Summon a powerful glowing orb that can either damage or empower those touched by the light it emits.
Control Water 6 4th transmutation You control freestanding water
Dark Dive 2 1st necromancy Grab hold of a creature with an electrocuting, life-draining palm.
Daruk's Magmatic Smite 6 4th evocation Your next melee attack blasts away the target with an explosion of magma.
Darunia's Explosive Boulder 11 8th conjuration You summon a huge, explosive rock and hurl in a straight line.
Dead Hands 3 2nd conjuration Ghostly hands grab hold of a creature, dealing necrotic damage and restraining it.
Death 1 1st necromancy You inflict wounds upon a creature you touch.
Death March 6 4th necromancy You empower yourself and nearby allies with the life-draining force of death.
Deku Pirouette 0 transmutation Your magically-enhanced twirl forces creature within 5 feet of you to succeed on a Dexterity save or take d6 slashing damage and suffer disadvantage on opportunity attacks against you.
Delayed Blast Fireball 10 7th evocation Create a fiery explosion that detonates either immediately or builds to an even greater explosion over a minute.
Delayed Flying Object 6 4th transmutation
Dimension Door 6 4th conjuration You teleport yourself and up to one other creature up to 500 feet away to a point you specify.
Din's Fire 7 5th evocation A sphere of flame arises around you that rapidly expands outward, engulfing your enemies.
Din's Fist 13 9th evocation Call down a ball of fire from the heavens to deal immense damage to creatures and structures in a 40-foot radius.
Din's Javelin 10 7th evocation You hurl a divine javelin up to 150 feet, with a hit dealing 6d12 damage and igniting the target.
Disintegrate 9 6th transmutation Deal 10d6 + 40 force damage to a creature, object, or a creation of magical force within 60 feet of you.
Dispirit 0 enchantment A creature must succeed on a Charisma save or take 1d6 psychic damage, but instead takes 1d10 damage if it has full heart points.
Dragon Claws 2 1st transmutation Grow draconic claws on yourself or a creature you touch, granting a powerful unarmed strike.
Dragon Punch 8 5th evocation With the greatest draconic power, you send a creature flying with a devastatingly awesome blow.
Dragon Rend 3 2nd evocation You rip through the air with magically-manifested dragon claws, evoking gales of wind to cut through foes.
Drain Vitality 0 necromancy You drain the life from a creature to bolster your own vitality.
Earthquake 11 8th evocation For the duration, an intense tremor rips through a region of ground you specify, shaking creatures and structures atop it.
Eldin Fist 0 transmutation You transmute the hands of yourself or a willing creature you touch into stone and flame.
Eldin Smog 9 6th conjuration Conjure a cloud of fiery smoke that deals damage and blinds creatures.
Electric Wreath 8 5th evocation A creature is wreathed in magnetizing lightning bolts that wrap around its body.
Electrified Terrain 6 4th evocation A 20-foot square of ground becomes electrified, becoming difficult terrain and dealing lightning damage.
Ember 0 evocation A grounded creature within 20 feet of you must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or take 1d6 fire damage and be ignited for 1 minute.
Ether 12 8th evocation The sky's power sweeps down to strike all creatures in a 60-foot radius cylinder centered on you.
Feeblemind 12 8th enchantment A creature must succeed on an Intelligence saving throw or have its Intelligence and Charisma scores reduced to 1 indefinitely.
Fire Bolt 0 evocation You hurl a mote of fire at a creature or object within range.
Fire Shield 6 4th evocation For 10 minutes, a shield of hot or cold flames surround you, providing light and damaging those who hit you.
Fire Storm 10 7th evocation A storm made up of sheets of roaring flame appears in a location you choose within range.
Fireball 5 3rd evocation You erupt an explosion of flame to damage creatures in a large sphere up to 150 feet away from you.
Flame Charge 3 2nd evocation Your body is launched forward with fiery force up to 30 feet, and you can strike every creature in your path.
Flame Choke 2 1st evocation Your touch engulfs a creature in a burst of flames and knocks it prone.
Flame Strike 7 5th evocation A vertical column of divine flame deals fire and radiant damage. A successful Dex save halves damage.
Flame Vortex 2 1st evocation A cyclone of fire travels from you in a 30-foot line, dealing fire damage and igniting creatures.
Flaming Sphere 3 2nd conjuration You conjure a flaming sphere for up to 1 minute, which rolls through and damages creatures.
Flash Freeze 8 5th evocation Creatures in a 20-foot cube take cold damage and may be petrified for up to 1 minute.
Floormaster's Grasp 5 3rd transmutation You transform part of your body into a giant hand to violently grab hold of a creature.
Flying Object 1 1st transmutation A Small nearby object shoots up to 100 feet in a straight line, potentially damaging a creature in its path.
Freezing Sphere 9 6th evocation A 60-foot-radius sphere explodes with cold energy, dealing immense cold damage and freez
Frost Bolt 0 evocation Your ranged spell attack deals 1d6 cold damage and imposes disadvantage on the first attack roll the target makes.
Frostnip 0 transmutation A creature within 30 feet must succeed on a Constitution save or take 1d8 cold damage, or 1d12 cold damage if it is missing heart points.
Ganon's Fist 2 1st transmutation You unleash a single, supernaturally-powerful punch that sends foes flying.
Glacier Crash 2 1st evocation You drop a huge chunk of ice, shattering on a creature and dealing up to 2d12 damage to it.
Gravity Surge 12 8th transmutation You cause gravity to greatly intensify in a 50-foot radius cylinder.
Guardian Laser 8 5th evocation You charge up an extremely powerful beam of radiant energy, then shoot it at a target during your next turn.
Hand of Nayru 13 9th evocation
Heat Metal 3 2nd transmutation A manufactured metal object in range intensely heats, damaging any creature on contact with it.
Hot Foot 4 2nd evocation Your movements are wreathed in flames until the start of your next turn, boosting your speed and dealing damage to creatures you move through.
Ice Cube 5 3rd evocation At a point you choose in range, air cools so rapidly it momentarily freezes into a solid cube before shattering apart.
Ice Shard 0 evocation You conjure a sharp spike of ice and either wield it for a melee attack or hurl it at a creature in range.
Ice Wave 4 2nd evocation You conjure a wave of water into a 30-foot cone, then freeze it, damaging and restraining creatures within it.
Icicle 1 1st evocation Conjure a icicle on a ceiling, then use your reaction to attack a creature as it moves underneath.
Icy Gale 2 1st evocation Creatures within 15 feet of you take cold damage and are pushed back 10 feet.
Igniting Impact 1 1st evocation Use your bonus action to ignite a creature you've already hit with a melee attack this turn.
Incinerate 8 5th evocation The target takes up to 9d6 fire damage, and is ignited for 4d6 damage by persistant fire.
Jolt Corpse 0 necromancy Compel a dead or undead creature into a sudden, jerking motion.
Knock Down 0 transmutation You force a creature towards the ground, potentially damaging it.
Laser Focus 3 2nd divination Your supernatural focus into a creature grants improvements to checks and damage rolls targeting it.
Lightning Field 0 evocation An electrical field sweeps around you, forcing creatures within 5 feet of you to succeed on a Dex save or take lightning damage.
Luminous Lure 0 enchantment A creature must make a Charisma saving throw or be pulled 10 feet towards you, then take 1d8 radiant damage if it is within 5 feet of you.
Magic Missile 2 1st evocation Three darts of magical force hit their targets without err, each dealing 1d4 + 1 damage.
Magnesis 0 transmutation You gain control of one object that is made mostly or entirely of iron in range that you can see, and levitate it at will.
Malevolent Mockery 0 enchantment Debilitating doubts deal psychic damage and impose disadvantage on an attack roll.
Marvelous Melody 0 enchantment Your melody damages adjacent creatures, and potentially charms them.
Mergewall 9 6th transmutation You transform a creature into a painting, merging it into a nearby wall.
Necrotic Ray 0 necromancy You sling a ray formed from necrotic energy to wither matter and rot the soul. A hit with this ranged spell attack deals 1d8 necrotic damage.
Nightmare Visage 4 2nd illusion A creature you touch becomes horrifying to its enemies, adding psychic damage and fear to its attacks.
Palm Blast 2 1st evocation A thunderous shockwave erupts from your hand in a 30-foot line, blasting black creatures in its path.
Petite Storm 2 1st evocation A small black cloud deals lightning damage to creatures which pass under it for up to 1 minute.
Piercing Note 0 evocation Your note pierces reality as an arrow-like attack. A hit creature takes force damage has suffers temporary disadvantage on Wisdom checks.
Poison Spray 0 Conjuration Fling poisonous gas or fluid at a creature within 10 feet, which must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or take poison damage.
Poltergeist 4 2nd transmutation For the duration, you are surrounded with swirling objects that damage those who approach, and can use your action to pelt creatures with ghastly force.
Power Beam 0 evocation You launch a beam of force from your melee weapon to attack from afar.
Primordial Lightning 11 7th evocation Either devastate a creature with an almighty bolt of lightning, or empower a creature with primordial energy.
Prismatic Spray 10 7th evocation Eight multicolored rays of light flash into a 60-foot cone originating from you, causing an array of harm to those caught in the blast.
Produce Flame 0 conjuration You hurl a mote of fire at a creature or object within range.
Radiant Weapon 8 5th evocation A weapon you touch deals an extra 2d10 radiant damage for up to 1 hour.
Ray of Radiance 0 evocation You hurl a ball of light, dealing radiant damage and briefly illuminating the target.
Remote Bomb+ 2 1st conjuration You create a lightweight blue orb or cube, and can use your reaction to detonate it with a concussive explosion.
Remote Bomb 0 conjuration You create a lightweight blue orb or cube, and can use your reaction to detonate it with a concussive explosion.
Roaring Breath 4 2nd enchantment Your tremendous roar deals thunder damage to creatures in a 15-foot cone, frightening them.
Rushing Wave 0 evocation A wave of water crashes into a creature to cause damage and push it away.
Ruto's Pirouette 0 evocation Slashing blades of water soak a creature, let you avoid opportunity attacks from it this turn, and let you regain movement.
Sacred Flame 0 evocation Flame-like radiance descends on a creature that you can see within range.
Scorching Ray 3 2nd evocation Hurl three rays of flame at one target or several. Each ray that hits deals 2d6 fire damage.
Seizing Bolt 3 2nd evocation A ray of flashing white-and-yellow lightning springs from you to seize the muscles of a creature.
Sentinel 6 4th conjuration You conjure a stationary statue that lasts for 8 hours. It can shoot fiery projectiles.
Sever 0 transmutation Separate matter at its most fundamental level, dealing 1d12 slashing damage to a creature or object within 10 feet. Damage to an object is doubled.
Shards of Twilight 0 conjuration You hurl a glittering, mirror-like shard to shatter against a small group of creatures.
Shock Bolt 0 evocation You sling a jolt of electricity, which might flare up to shock creatures nearby your main target.
Shocking Grasp 0 evocation Lightning springs from your hand to deliver a shock to a creature you try to touch.
Shroud of Spirits 5 3rd necromancy
Singe 0 evocation A creature within 30 feet must succeed on a Constitution save or take 1d8 fire damage; 1d12 fire damage if it's unarmored.
Snowballs 3 2nd evocation Conjure a pile of 10 snowballs that can be thrown by yourself or other creatures for ranged spell attacks that deal cold damage.
Sparkle 0 evocation For 1 minute, you can replace your unarmed strikes with melee spell attacks that deal radiant damage.
Sphere of Death 5 3rd necromancy A 40-foot radius sphere emerges from a point within 150 feet, dealing 6d6 necrotic damage to creatures that fail a Constitution saving throw.
Spike Growth 3 2nd transmutation A 20-foot radius of ground grows spikes, dealing 2d4 piercing damage for every 5 feet of movement a creature travels through it.
Spiritual Weapon 3 2nd evocation Use your bonus action to summon and attack with a spectral weapon.
Spook 0 enchantment A creature must succeed on a Charisma saving throw or take psychic damage and be unable to take reactions for 1 round.
Static 0 evocation A sudden charge of electricity arcs through a creature in range, dealing damage that will spread to an adjacent creature.
Storm of Vengeance 13 9th conjuration You create a powerful storm cloud up to a radius of 360 feet, which assails the area underneath for 1 minute.
Sunburst 12 8th evocation A brilliant flash of sunlight deals radiant damage and blinds several creatures.
Thunder 10 7th evocation Lightning storms all around you. Creatures in a 60-foot radius take 14d6 damage on a failed save, or have as much on a success.
Thunder Bolt 5 3rd evocation A stroke of lightning forming a line 100 feet long and 5 feet wide blasts out from you in a direction you choose.
Tremor 1 1st evocation You cause the ground around you to wildly shake, knocking nearby creatures prone and creating difficult terrain.
Twilit Ray 2 1st evocation You hurl a crackling black sphere of arcane energy at a creature or object in range to deal two types of damage.
Vampiric Touch 5 3rd necromancy For up to 1 minute, your touch deals 3d6 necrotic damage and heals you for half the damage dealt.
Voice of Farore 13 9th evocation For the duration, each turn you can call down a thunderous bolt of lightning that deals immense damage and can paralyze.
Wall of Fire 6 4th evocation Flames extend in a wall up to 60 feet long and 20 feet wide. One side of the wall incinerates creatures within 10 feet of it.
Weird 13 9th illusion Each creature in a 30-foot sphere must make a Wis save or take psychic damage and become frightened of you.
Whip Winds 4 2nd evocation For up to 1 minute, you either lash out with a sudden gale at a creature or object, or whip winds around you to push back nearby creatures.
Withering Ray 3 2nd necromancy You sling up to three necrotic rays at one target or several. Each deals 2d6 necrotic damage on a hit.
Wizzbolt 7 5th evocation Three bolts are hurled to deal 3d12 damage, with each potentially inflicting different damage and ailments.
Wizzkick 2 1st transmutation Perform a magically-enhanced flying kick through your enemies.
Wizzro's Beam 7 5th evocation You push both hands forward to blast a searing beam of life-draining energy.
Wizzwall 3 2nd abjuration A creature you touch is protected with elemental energy, gaining temporary heart points that damages incoming melee attackers.

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