Category:Dexterity save spells

From Legends of Hyrule
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The following spells may require a Dexterity saving throw.

Name MP Lv School Summary
Blade Barrier 9 6th evocation Create a wall energy-blades up to 100 feet long and 20 feet wall which slashes creatures that are inside it or pass through it.
Breath of Dinraal 5 3rd evocation A vortex of flames swirls forth from mouth or hands, igniting creatures in a 20-foot cone originating from you.
Breath of Dragons 0 evocation You exhale a gout of elemental energy in a 10-foot cone.
Breath of Malice 8 5th evocation You blast a cone-shaped detonation of pure hatred in a 60-foot cone to deal damage.
Call Lightning 5 3rd evocation You call down a bolt of lightning to deal damage, and can do so every turn for up to 10 minutes.
Candle 0 evocation Create a five-foot sphere of flame which lingers for a minute, damaging creatures it touches.
Caustic Cauldron 2 1st evocation You drop acid on a 10-foot-circle in range, dealing gradual damage to those covered in it.
Chain Lightning 9 6th evocation Create a bolt of lightning that arcs toward a target of your choice that you can see within range.
Chromatic Burst 0 evocation You evoke a burst of elemental energy, potentially damaging several creatures at once.
Darunia's Explosive Boulder 11 8th conjuration You summon a huge, explosive rock and hurl in a straight line.
Deku Pirouette 0 transmutation Your magically-enhanced twirl forces creature within 5 feet of you to succeed on a Dexterity save or take d6 slashing damage and suffer disadvantage on opportunity attacks against you.
Delayed Blast Fireball 10 7th evocation Create a fiery explosion that detonates either immediately or builds to an even greater explosion over a minute.
Din's Fire 7 5th evocation A sphere of flame arises around you that rapidly expands outward, engulfing your enemies.
Din's Fist 13 9th evocation Call down a ball of fire from the heavens to deal immense damage to creatures and structures in a 40-foot radius.
Disintegrate 9 6th transmutation Deal 10d6 + 40 force damage to a creature, object, or a creation of magical force within 60 feet of you.
Dragon Rend 3 2nd evocation You rip through the air with magically-manifested dragon claws, evoking gales of wind to cut through foes.
Earthquake 11 8th evocation For the duration, an intense tremor rips through a region of ground you specify, shaking creatures and structures atop it.
Ether 12 8th evocation The sky's power sweeps down to strike all creatures in a 60-foot radius cylinder centered on you.
Fairy Fire 2 1st evocation Surround creatures and objects with pastel lights, granting advantage on attack rolls targeting them.
Fire Storm 10 7th evocation A storm made up of sheets of roaring flame appears in a location you choose within range.
Fireball 5 3rd evocation You erupt an explosion of flame to damage creatures in a large sphere up to 150 feet away from you.
Flame Strike 7 5th evocation A vertical column of divine flame deals fire and radiant damage. A successful Dex save halves damage.
Flame Vortex 2 1st evocation A cyclone of fire travels from you in a 30-foot line, dealing fire damage and igniting creatures.
Flaming Sphere 3 2nd conjuration You conjure a flaming sphere for up to 1 minute, which rolls through and damages creatures.
Glacier Crash 2 1st evocation You drop a huge chunk of ice, shattering on a creature and dealing up to 2d12 damage to it.
Grease 2 1st conjuration Slick grease covers a patch of ground, potentially knocking creatures prone.
Hand of Nayru 13 9th evocation
Hot Foot 4 2nd evocation Your movements are wreathed in flames until the start of your next turn, boosting your speed and dealing damage to creatures you move through.
Ice Barricade 3 2nd evocation You create a wall of nonmagical ice up to 10 feet tall and 30 feet across.
Ice Wave 4 2nd evocation You conjure a wave of water into a 30-foot cone, then freeze it, damaging and restraining creatures within it.
Icicle 1 1st evocation Conjure a icicle on a ceiling, then use your reaction to attack a creature as it moves underneath.
Lightning Field 0 evocation An electrical field sweeps around you, forcing creatures within 5 feet of you to succeed on a Dex save or take lightning damage.
Magnesis 0 transmutation You gain control of one object that is made mostly or entirely of iron in range that you can see, and levitate it at will.
Petite Storm 2 1st evocation A small black cloud deals lightning damage to creatures which pass under it for up to 1 minute.
Poltergeist 4 2nd transmutation For the duration, you are surrounded with swirling objects that damage those who approach, and can use your action to pelt creatures with ghastly force.
Prismatic Spray 10 7th evocation Eight multicolored rays of light flash into a 60-foot cone originating from you, causing an array of harm to those caught in the blast.
Sacred Flame 0 evocation Flame-like radiance descends on a creature that you can see within range.
Sleet Storm 5 3rd conjuration For 1 minute, freezing rain and wind hinder movement and concentration in a 40-foot radius cylinder.
Somaria 3 2nd conjuration You create a 5-foot block of stone in range, then cause it to erupt in a fiery explosion within the next minute.
Storm of Vengeance 13 9th conjuration You create a powerful storm cloud up to a radius of 360 feet, which assails the area underneath for 1 minute.
Thunder Bolt 5 3rd evocation A stroke of lightning forming a line 100 feet long and 5 feet wide blasts out from you in a direction you choose.
Voice of Farore 13 9th evocation For the duration, each turn you can call down a thunderous bolt of lightning that deals immense damage and can paralyze.
Wall of Fire 6 4th evocation Flames extend in a wall up to 60 feet long and 20 feet wide. One side of the wall incinerates creatures within 10 feet of it.
Web 3 2nd conjuration You conjure a mass of webbing that restrains creatures caught in it.
Wizzkick 2 1st transmutation Perform a magically-enhanced flying kick through your enemies.
Wizzro's Beam 7 5th evocation You push both hands forward to blast a searing beam of life-draining energy.