Table of Rare Major Magic Items

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The following table predominantly contains rare major magic items. Rare items are so valuable that finding someone willing and able to buy one at full price may prove difficult. A town usually only has a few rare items, if any, so it can be very difficult to track down a specific one to buy.

If you find a fair seller, the expected asking price for a magic item like this is around 15,000 (4d4 × 1,500) rupees. If you sell this magic item to a honorable and fair buyer, you can expect to accrue in profit around 7,500 (2d4 × 1,500) rupees.

Name Type Summary
All-Night Mask Wondrous item You cannot be rendered unconscious except by dropping to 0 hp, and you have no need to sleep.
Amber Earrings Wondrous item You gain a bonus to AC based on the earrings' rarity.
Anouki Parka Armor Gain resistance to cold damage. Ignore slippery ice.
Armor Ring Ring You gain a bonus to AC based on the ring's rarity.
Barbarian Armor Armor This hide armor grants you a bonus to Str-based damage rolls and to Str (Athletics) checks.
Big Bomb Outfit Armor This magic armor increases the power of your bombs.
Bomb Bag Wondrous item This magic bag can spontaneously produce bombs.
Bombchu Bag Wondrous item This magic bag can spontaneously produce bombchu.
Bombproof Ring Ring You are immune to fire and thunder damage caused by yourself or allies.
Bracer of Bombing Wondrous item This bracer lets you easily cast bomb arrow using stamina instead of magic.
Bunny Hood Wondrous item This magic headband increases your speed, jumping, perception, and ability to count seconds.
Captain's Hat Wondrous item Have undead creatures be less hostile towards you, and gain advantage on social checks made for undead creatures.
Cheetah Costume Armor This magic tunic increases your walking speed and enables you to vocally communicate with cats.
Clawshot Wondrous item This useful tool can quickly pull you towards an object or vice versa.
Cross Wondrous item See invisible creatures and objects.
Deku Spear Weapon You can wield this magic weapon as a greatclub, spear, glaive, or lance. Any hit with it deals an extra 1d8 damage.
Demon Carver Weapon This +1 scimitar lets you strike fear in your enemies.
Din's Fire Wondrous item This magic crystal lets you periodically cast Din's fire.
Gleeok Shield Shield Gain resistance to fire damage. Once per day, transform this shield into an obedient gleeok head.
Goron Tunic Armor Gain resistance to fire damage and immunity to ignition.
Guardian Weapon Weapon This magic weapon deals extra force damage.
Hawkeye Wondrous item See extremely distant objects. Omit disadvantage on long range weapon attacks.
Kokiri Sword Weapon Any hit with this magic shortsword deals an extra 1d6 radiant damage.
Lens of Truth Wondrous item Expend a little bit of magic to briefly see through illusions and invisibility.
Lizal Skin Armor Gain resistance to acid damage and advantage on Dex (Stealth) checks made to hide.
Lizal Tri-Boomerang Weapon This lizal boomerang deals an extra 2d4 slashing damage on every hit.
Luck Ring Ring Gain resistance to a specific kind of damage.
Lynel Bow Weapon This lynel-made shortbow deals extra damage based on its rarity.
Lynel Crusher Weapon This lynel-made crusher deals extra damage based on its rarity.
Lynel Shield Shield Gain a bonus to your AC based on this shield's rarity. You can also use it as a quick, effective melee weapon.
Magical Key Wondrous item Open any nonmagical lock. Gain advantage on any ability check to open a nonmagical lock.
Mermaid Suit Wondrous item Gain a swim speed of 60 feet and the ability to breathe underwater.
Mogma Mitts Wondrous item Gain a modest burrow speed.
Moon Pearl Wondrous item Become immune to magic that would change your form against your will.
Nice Fire Rod Rod
Pegasus Boots Wondrous item Enhance your Dash action, make charge attacks, and double your long jump.
Potion Medal Wondrous item Potions you consume last longer or have a bit more potency.
Power Gloves Wondrous item Enhance the amount of weight you can push, drag, or lift.
Rang Ring Ring Gain a bonus to attack and damage rolls with returning thrown weapons.
Red Shield Shield Use your reaction to ignore the fire, cold, or lightning damage from a ranged attack with this +1 deflecting shield.
Roc's Cape Wondrous item While wearing this magic cape, you can not only jump up to 30 feet high, but control your decent as if gliding.
Royal Shield Shield While wielding this magic iron shield, your Armor Class increases by 4 instead of 2.
Royal Weapon Weapon Add a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
Rubber Armor Armor Gain resistance to lightning damage.
Skull Hammer Weapon
Snowquill Tunic Armor This traveler's tunic enables its wearer to endure extreme cold and high altitudes. Attuning grants resistance to cold damage.
Spring-Loaded Hammer Wondrous item A critical hit or target strike with this weapon that hits a Medium or smaller creature sends it flying.
Steadfast Ring Ring While wearing this magic ring, you have advantage on Strength saving throws to prevent being forced from your position or knocked prone.
Super Bug-Catching Net Weapon Add a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls with this magic bug-catching net.
Thrower's Mitt Wondrous item Add a bonus to attack and damage rolls you make with thrown weapons.
Tiger Scroll Wondrous item
Transformation Mask wondrous item Don this mask to transform into another individual, possibly including a change in race.
Woodfall Chain Armor Dash across the surface of water. Gain resistance to poison damage and advantage on saves against poison.
Zora Armor Armor

This table is meant to augment or replace the "Magic Items Table G" on page 147 of the Dungeon Master's Guide.