Sage of Water

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ClassesSageSage of Water

Sage of Water is one of several possible subclasses you can gain as a member of the sage class.

Your subclass affects which spells you can prepare as a sage, and what proficiencies you gain at 1st level. Your subclass grants more features at 2nd, 6th, 10th, and 14th levels.

Domain Proficiencies

You gain proficiency with scimitars, pikes, and ice rods.

If you do not already have a swim speed, you gain a swim speed equal to your base walking speed. If you already have a swim speed or otherwise gain one, you never provoke opportunity attacks when you use that swim speed to move.

Water Discipline

At 2nd level, you gain one of the following disciplines of your choice.


You can breathe both air and water.


You are proficient in the Nature skill. If you were already proficient in Nature, you can instead gain 3 Proficiency Points.

You have expertise on any Intelligence Nature check made to identify aquatic creatures.


You are proficient in the Survival skill. If you were already proficient in Survival, you can instead gain 3 Proficiency Points.

You are proficient with water vehicles.

Sage of Ice

You have resistance to cold damage. You can endure even the most extreme cold with ease.

Blue Veil

At 6th level, you learn to augment your blessings.

If you have resistance to acid, fire, cold, or lightning damage, any creature you have blessed also has resistance to this damage.

If you have a swim speed, any creature you have blessed can use a swim speed equal to yours.


At 10th level, you learn to augment your banes.

Any creature you have baned loses any resistance it has to cold damage.

When a creature you have baned makes a saving throw to halve the damage it takes, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on that saving throw. The bane ends after the saving throw is made.

Swift Current

Beginning at 14th level, your cunning accents your agility, and vice versa. You can add both your Dexterity modifier and Wisdom modifier to your initiative.

Water Sage Spells

Name MP Lv School Summary
Aegis 0 abjuration A creature within 60 feet of you that you can see gains resistance to all damage other than bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing until the start of your next turn.
Aid 3 2nd abjuration Your spell bolsters your allies with toughness and resolve, boosting maximum heart points.
Animal Friendship 2 1st enchantment Charm an animal for up to 24 hours.
Animal Messenger 3 2nd enchantment Instruct a Tiny beast to deliver a message, traveling potentially hundreds of miles to do so.
Animal Shapes 11 8th transmutation You transform any number of willing creatures within 30 feet into beasts (CR 4 or lower) for up to 24 hours.
Antimagic Field 11 8th abjuration A 10-foot radius sphere around you suspends or dispels all magic effects within it.
Baneful Ray 7 5th evocation You project a ray of divine power to bane a creature up to 60 feet away.
Barrier 2 1st abjuration Your bonus action grants a creature a +2 bonus to AC for up to 10 minutes.
Beast Shape 5 3rd transmutation Transform into a beast of your choice for 1 hour.
Breath of Naydra 6 4th evocation A blast of freezing breath assails a 10-foot cone in front of you, potentially freezing your enemies solid.
Calm Emotions 3 2nd enchantment You attempt to suppress strong emotions of a group of creatures.
Ceremonial Rite 3 2nd abjuration A 10-minute ceremony lays a protective blessing upon a creature with varying benefits depending on recent events.
Clairvoyance 5 3rd divination You create a sensor up to 1 mile away that sees or hears on your behalf, lasting for up to 10 minutes.
Control Water 6 4th transmutation You control freestanding water
Cooling Aura 9 6th abjuration Provide resistance to cold damage in an aura around you for 8 hours.
Counterspell 5 3rd abjuration You attempt to interrupt a creature in the process of casting a spell.
Courage 2 1st enchantment For 1 minute a creature regains temporary heart points at the each of its turns, and can't be frightened.
Cryonis 0 evocation Upon a relatively flat plane of liquid water at least five by five feet, you create a pillar of magic ice.
Darkness 3 2nd evocation Create magical darkness out to a radius of 15 feet for 10 minutes or longer.
Daruk's Shield 6 4th abjuration A creature you touch repels up to three attacks that would otherwise hit it.
Death 1 1st necromancy You inflict wounds upon a creature you touch.
Death Ward 6 4th abjuration
Detect Magic 2 1st divination Sense the presence of magic within 30 feet of you.
Detect Poison and Disease 2 1st divination Sense the presence and location of poisons, poisonous creatures, and diseases within 30 feet of you.
Disguise Self 2 1st illusion Cause yourself to appear different for the duration.
Dispel Magic 5 3rd abjuration You attempt to end a spell effect in range.
Druidcraft 0 transmutation Whispering to the spirits of nature, you create one of several minor effects.
Ethereal Bridge 6 4th conjuration You create a glass-like bridge up to 100 feet long and 20 feet wide over a chasm, river, or other obstacle.
Farore's Courage 2 1st enchantment For the duration, you and any friendly creatures within 30 feet of you have advantage on every saving throw against being charmed or frightened.
Feather Fall 2 1st transmutation Your reaction safely slows the descent for up to five creatures within 60 feet of you.
Fly 5 3rd transmutation A willing creature you touch gains a flying speed of 60 feet for the duration.
Fog Cloud 2 1st conjuration You create a sphere of fog within range.
Foresight 13 9th divination A creature you touch can see into the immediate future. For 8 hours, the target has advantage on all attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws, etc.
Frost Bolt 0 evocation Your ranged spell attack deals 1d6 cold damage and imposes disadvantage on the first attack roll the target makes.
Greater Invisibility 6 4th illusion A creature you touch becomes invisible for 1 minute.
Greater Restoration 7 5th conjuration You imbue a creature you touch with positive energy to undo one debilitating effect.
Heal 8 6th evocation A creature within 60 feet of you regains 10d12 heart points.
Healing Word 2 1st evocation Your bonus action restores a few heart points to a creature within 60 feet of you.
Holy Aura 11 8th abjuration Nearby creatures of your choice gain advantage on all saving throws, while all attack rolls against them have disadvantage.
Ice Barricade 3 2nd evocation You create a wall of nonmagical ice up to 10 feet tall and 30 feet across.
Ice Wave 4 2nd evocation You conjure a wave of water into a 30-foot cone, then freeze it, damaging and restraining creatures within it.
Icicle 1 1st evocation Conjure a icicle on a ceiling, then use your reaction to attack a creature as it moves underneath.
Illumination 3 2nd evocation Create daylight out to a wide radius for 10 minutes or longer.
Imprisonment 13 9th abjuration You create a magical restraint to hold a creature that you can see within range, permanently.
Invisibility 4 2nd illusion A creature you touch becomes invisible until it attacks or casts a spell, for up to 1 hour.
Jump 1 1st transmutation A creature's jump distance is tripled until the spell ends.
Lesser Restoration 3 2nd abjuration You touch a creature and can end either one disease or one lesser condition afflicting it.
Life 2 1st conjuration You heal the wounds of a creature you touch.
Light 0 evocation You touch one object, causing it to shed bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet
Locate Creature 6 4th divination Sense the direction of a familiar creature you specify if it is within 1,000 feet of you.
Longstrider 2 1st transmutation A creature you touch has its speed increases by 10 feet for 1 hour.
Lullaby 2 1st enchantment Up to 4d12 heart points' worth of creatures within 30 feet of you fall unconscious for 1 minute.
Magic Circle 5 3rd abjuration You create a 10-foot radius cylinder that prevents certain creature types from entering.
Magic Mouth 3 2nd illusion You implant a message within an object in range, a message that is uttered when a trigger condition is met.
Marvelous Melody 0 enchantment Your melody damages adjacent creatures, and potentially charms them.
Mass Heal 13 9th evocation Restore up to 700 heart points, divided as you choose among all creatures within 60 feet of you.
Mending 0 transmutation This spell repairs a single break or tear in an object you touch.
Message 0 transmutation You whisper a message that can be heard only by one creature you designate within 120 feet, who can respond similarly.
Mind Blank 12 8th abjuration One creature you touch becomes immune to divination spells, the charmed condition, psychic damage, and any effect that senses its thoughts.
Mipha's Healing Rain 6 4th evocation For 1 minute, whenever you cast a spell nearly friendly creatures regain a few heart points.
Nayru's Love 12 8th abjuration A creature you touch becomes immune to damage other than psychic for up to 1 minute.
Nayru's Wisdom 5 3rd enchantment Friendly creatures within 30 feet of you have advantage on Int checks, Wis (Insight) checks, and saving throws against jinxes.
Nondetection 5 3rd abjuration For 8 hours, you hide a target that you touch from divination magic.
Paralyze 3 2nd enchantment You attempt to paralyze a creature you can see within range.
Perceive Invisibility 2 1st divination For at least 1 minute, you see invisible creatures and objects as if they were visible.
Protection from Energy 5 3rd abjuration A creature you touch gains resistance to one damage type you specify for up to 1 hour.
Protection from Poison 3 2nd abjuration A creature you touch is no longer poisoned, and is bolstered against poison for 1 hour.
Purify Food and Drink 1 1st transmutation Remove poison and disease from food and drink within a 5-foot-radius sphere.
Reflecting Shield 3 2nd abjuration You enhance a shield's defenses, and grant its wielder the ability to reflect ranged spell attacks.
Regulate Water 2 1st transmutation You either create, destroy, or drain water.
Remove Curse 5 3rd abjuration At your touch, all curses affecting one creature or object end.
Revivify 5 3rd necromancy You touch a creature that has died within the last minute, restoring it to 1 heart point.
Rushing Wave 0 evocation A wave of water crashes into a creature to cause damage and push it away.
Ruto's Pirouette 0 evocation Slashing blades of water soak a creature, let you avoid opportunity attacks from it this turn, and let you regain movement.
Sage's Smite 1 1st evocation Your next melee attack surges with elemental power.
Sage Armor 2 1st abjuration You touch a creature to surround it with a transparent barrier of protective energy, potentially improving its AC.
Sage Hand 0 conjuration Conjure a translucent, floating hand that can manipulate objects at range.
Sanctuary 2 1st abjuration You ward a creature within range against attack, which remains protected so long as it doesn't harm other creatures.
Scrying 7 5th divination You can see and hear a particular creature you choose that is on the same plane of existence as you.
Sending 4 3rd evocation You send a short message to any creature with which you are familiar over any possible distance.
Sentinel 6 4th conjuration You conjure a stationary statue that lasts for 8 hours. It can shoot fiery projectiles.
Sequester 10 7th abjuration A willing creature or object you touch becomes hidden and enters suspended animation for any period of time.
Shapechange 13 9th transmutation You change into almost any creature for up to 1 hour.
Sleet Storm 5 3rd conjuration For 1 minute, freezing rain and wind hinder movement and concentration in a 40-foot radius cylinder.
Speak with Animals 2 1st divination You gain the ability to comprehend and verbally communicate with beasts for the duration.
Storm of Vengeance 13 9th conjuration You create a powerful storm cloud up to a radius of 360 feet, which assails the area underneath for 1 minute.
Summon Instrument 0 conjuration You summon a musical instrument into your hands out of thin air.
Telepathic Bond 7 5th divination For 1 hour, up to 8 creatures of your choice can communicate telepathically with each other.
Thaumaturgy 0 transmutation You manifest a minor wonder, a sign of supernatural power, within range.
Time Stop 13 9th transmutation Briefly stop time for everyone but yourself.
Tiny Hut 5 3rd abjuration
True Resurrection 13 9th necromancy Taking an hour and 250,000 rp worth of diamonds, you bring back to life any creature that has died within the past 200 years.
True Seeing 9 6th divination A creature you touch gains truesight out to a range of 120 feet for 1 hour.
Water Breathing 5 3rd transmutation Grant up to ten creatures the ability to breathe underwater for 24 hours.
Water Walk 4 3rd transmutation Up to ten willing creatures gain the ability to traverse any liquid surface as if it was solid ground for 1 hour.