Table of Rare Minor Magic Items

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The following table predominantly contains rare minor magic items. Rare items are so valuable that finding someone willing and able to buy one at full price may prove difficult. A town usually only has a few rare items, if any, so it can be very difficult to track down a specific one to buy.

If you find a fair seller, the expected asking price for a magic item like this is around 5,000 (4d4 × 500) rupees. If you sell this magic item to a honorable and fair buyer, you can expect to accrue in profit around 2,500 (2d4 × 500) rupees.

Name Type Summary
Armor Potion Potion Once imbibed, for 8 hours your AC increases to a preset value.
Bomb Arrow Weapon This magic arrow explodes on impact, igniting nearby objects and creatures.
Bombchu, Remote Wondrous item This explosive device can be telepathically maneuvered.
Boss Lock Wondrous item This lock has magical protection which makes it particularly difficult to open without the paired key.
Foul Fruit Wondrous item This horrifically bitter fruit forces you to yell in such pain that nearby creatures take psychic damage.
Gale Seed Wondrous item This magic seed can be used to shoot a creature 100 feet into the air, or to teleport a group of creatures to a sigil you know.
Green Potion Potion Recover either magic points or twice as many stamina points.
Guardian Acorn Wondrous item Gain 30 temporary heart points for up to 10 minutes.
Hearty Elixir Potion Gain temporary heart points that last up to 24 hours.
Mighty Elixir Potion Gain a bonus to weapon damage rolls and to Str checks for 1 minute.
Pegasus Seed Wondrous item This magic seed can be used temporarily to increase your speed or negate the speed of another creature.
Razor Sword Weapon This shortsword deals an extra 1d12 slashing damage on a hit, but only for its first 20 attacks.
Red Potion Potion Drinking this potion restores heart points.
Scoot Fruit Wondrous item Teleport yourself and a few other creatures to the last place you finished a long rest.
Shock Arrow Weapon This magic arrow can be used for shocking ranged weapon attacks that can momentarily paralyze the target.
Sneaky Elixir Potion Temporarily gain advantage on all Dexterity (Stealth) checks.
Super Bomb Wondrous item This huge bomb can deal 8d10 damage to creatures within 10 feet of its explosion.

This table is meant to augment or replace the "Magic Items Table C" on page 145 of the Dungeon Master's Guide.