Category:Fire damage spells

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The following spells may deal fire damage.

Name MP Lv School Summary
Bombos 11 8th evocation You send out a wave of flame that circles out from you in a spiral, followed by a series of thunderous explosions.
Breath of Dinraal 5 3rd evocation A vortex of flames swirls forth from mouth or hands, igniting creatures in a 20-foot cone originating from you.
Breath of Dragons 0 evocation You exhale a gout of elemental energy in a 10-foot cone.
Candle 0 evocation Create a five-foot sphere of flame which lingers for a minute, damaging creatures it touches.
Chromatic Burst 0 evocation You evoke a burst of elemental energy, potentially damaging several creatures at once.
Daruk's Magmatic Smite 6 4th evocation Your next melee attack blasts away the target with an explosion of magma.
Darunia's Explosive Boulder 11 8th conjuration You summon a huge, explosive rock and hurl in a straight line.
Delayed Blast Fireball 10 7th evocation Create a fiery explosion that detonates either immediately or builds to an even greater explosion over a minute.
Din's Fire 7 5th evocation A sphere of flame arises around you that rapidly expands outward, engulfing your enemies.
Din's Fist 13 9th evocation Call down a ball of fire from the heavens to deal immense damage to creatures and structures in a 40-foot radius.
Eldin Fist 0 transmutation You transmute the hands of yourself or a willing creature you touch into stone and flame.
Eldin Smog 9 6th conjuration Conjure a cloud of fiery smoke that deals damage and blinds creatures.
Ember 0 evocation A grounded creature within 20 feet of you must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or take 1d6 fire damage and be ignited for 1 minute.
Fire Bolt 0 evocation You hurl a mote of fire at a creature or object within range.
Fire Shield 6 4th evocation For 10 minutes, a shield of hot or cold flames surround you, providing light and damaging those who hit you.
Fire Storm 10 7th evocation A storm made up of sheets of roaring flame appears in a location you choose within range.
Fireball 5 3rd evocation You erupt an explosion of flame to damage creatures in a large sphere up to 150 feet away from you.
Flame Charge 3 2nd evocation Your body is launched forward with fiery force up to 30 feet, and you can strike every creature in your path.
Flame Choke 2 1st evocation Your touch engulfs a creature in a burst of flames and knocks it prone.
Flame Strike 7 5th evocation A vertical column of divine flame deals fire and radiant damage. A successful Dex save halves damage.
Flame Vortex 2 1st evocation A cyclone of fire travels from you in a 30-foot line, dealing fire damage and igniting creatures.
Flaming Sphere 3 2nd conjuration You conjure a flaming sphere for up to 1 minute, which rolls through and damages creatures.
Guardian Laser 8 5th evocation You charge up an extremely powerful beam of radiant energy, then shoot it at a target during your next turn.
Heat Metal 3 2nd transmutation A manufactured metal object in range intensely heats, damaging any creature on contact with it.
Hot Foot 4 2nd evocation Your movements are wreathed in flames until the start of your next turn, boosting your speed and dealing damage to creatures you move through.
Igniting Impact 1 1st evocation Use your bonus action to ignite a creature you've already hit with a melee attack this turn.
Incinerate 8 5th evocation The target takes up to 9d6 fire damage, and is ignited for 4d6 damage by persistant fire.
Prismatic Spray 10 7th evocation Eight multicolored rays of light flash into a 60-foot cone originating from you, causing an array of harm to those caught in the blast.
Produce Flame 0 conjuration You hurl a mote of fire at a creature or object within range.
Scorching Ray 3 2nd evocation Hurl three rays of flame at one target or several. Each ray that hits deals 2d6 fire damage.
Singe 0 evocation A creature within 30 feet must succeed on a Constitution save or take 1d8 fire damage; 1d12 fire damage if it's unarmored.
Wall of Fire 6 4th evocation Flames extend in a wall up to 60 feet long and 20 feet wide. One side of the wall incinerates creatures within 10 feet of it.
Wizzbolt 7 5th evocation Three bolts are hurled to deal 3d12 damage, with each potentially inflicting different damage and ailments.
Wizzwall 3 2nd abjuration A creature you touch is protected with elemental energy, gaining temporary heart points that damages incoming melee attackers.