Table of Uncommon Major Magic Items
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The following table predominantly contains uncommon major magic items. Uncommon items you've found can be sold easily. They frequently appear in markets, but it may be difficult to track down a specific uncommon item to buy.
If you find a fair seller, the expected asking price for a magic item like this is around 3,000 (4d4 × 300) rupees. If you sell this magic item to a honorable and fair buyer, you can expect to accrue in profit around 1,500 (2d4 × 300) rupees.
Name | Type | Summary |
Bomb Bag | Wondrous item | This magic bag can spontaneously produce bombs. |
Bomber's Ring | Ring | You can fling an extra bomb during your turn. |
Book of Mudora | Wondrous item | This magic book lets you translate any script into a language you understand. |
Bracer of Silvering | Wondrous item | This magic bracer coats in silver all ammunition you shoot. |
Cacto Clothes | Armor | This magic armor lets you make a special kind of unarmed strike against as a reaction against a creature if it makes direct contact with you. |
Cane of Pacci | Rod | This magic rod can be used to harmlessly flip over objects and willing creatures. |
Climbing Gear | Wondrous item | Your speed isn't reduced while climbing, and you can use your bonus action to abruptly climb 20 feet. |
Deku Leaf | Wondrous item | This fan-like leave can be used to create a powerful gust. |
Deku Shield | Shield | While wielding this +1 wooden shield, you are treated as Medium for any effect that has a DC based on size. |
Don Gero's Mask | Wondrous item | You can converse with amphibians through a magical language. |
Dragonbone Armor | Armor | While wearing this splint armor, any critical hit against you becomes a normal hit. |
Dragonbone Weapon | Weapon | This blin-made weapon is fragile, but deals extra damage. |
Eightfold Blade | Weapon | |
Fire Gloves | Wondrous item | You can cast fire bolt, with Str or Dex as your casting ability. Your unarmed strike can deal fire damage. |
Fire Rod | Rod | |
Fireshield Earrings | Wondrous item | Become immune to ignition. Endure extreme heat with ease. |
Flameblade | Weapon | Attacks with this magic sword can ignite your foes. |
Flamespear | Weapon | Attacks with this magic spear can ignite your foes. |
Great Flameblade | Weapon | Attacks with this magic sword can ignite your foes. |
Grip Ring | Ring | Your speed isn't reduced while climbing, and you have advantage any Strength (Athletics) check made to climb or to maintain your grip while climbing. |
Guardian Weapon | Weapon | This magic weapon deals extra force damage. |
Handy Glove | Weapon | Your unarmed strikes and weapon attacks deal double damage to objects and structures. |
Heart Medal | Wondrous item | Increase by 2 the heart points you regain through rest, spells, and potions. |
Horse Call | Wondrous item | Teleport a coordinated, willing beast to a nearby space. |
Hover Boots | Wondrous item | Walk on a cushion of air. You can leap further and avoid land-based traps. |
Jabber Nut | Wondrous item | Become permanently fluent in the first language you hear but don't already understand. |
Knight's Shield | Shield | You have a +1 bonus to your AC, in addition to the shield's normal bonus to AC. |
Knight's Weapon | Weapon | You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. |
Kokiri Boots | Wondrous item | Gain advantage on Dex (Stealth) checks made in forest terrain. |
Kokiri Tunic | Armor | Gain advantage on Wis (Survival) checks in forest terrain. Gain advantage on saves against fear and location by divination spells. |
Life Medal | Wondrous item | Increase your heart points maximum by 4. |
Limber Shield | Shield | Gain advantage on saves against paralysis, stunning, and speed reduction. |
Lizal Forked Boomerang | Weapon | This lizal boomerang deals an extra 1d4 slashing damage on every hit. |
Lizal Gauntlet | Weapon | Any hit with this magic shortsword deals an extra 1d6 radiant damage. |
Lynel Spear | Weapon | This lynel-made glaive deals extra damage based on its rarity. |
Lynel Sword | Weapon | This lynel-made longsword deals extra damage based on its rarity. |
Magical Boomerang | Weapon | This magic boomerang ignores cover and has a range of 100/400. |
Magnetic Glove | Wondrous item | Use your action to cast magnesis. |
Maple's Ring | Ring | Gain advantage on all Int (Arcana) checks to recall lore about creatures or spells. |
Mask of Scents | Wondrous item | Gain advantage on any Wisdom (Perception) check that relies on scent. |
Octo Ring | Ring | Transform yourself into an octorok while you wear this ring. |
Paraglider | Wondrous item | Gain a fly speed than can be used to glide. |
Pictograph Box | Wondrous item | You can cast the pictograph spell three times per day. |
Power Gloves | Wondrous item | Enhance the amount of weight you can push, drag, or lift. |
Rang Ring | Ring | Gain a bonus to attack and damage rolls with returning thrown weapons. |
Red Candle | Wondrous item | Cast candle at will. |
Ricky's Gloves | Weapon | Jump higher, and cast air slash whenever you want. |
Roc's Feather | Wondrous item | While holding this feather, your jumping ability increases drastically. |
Sand Rod | Rod | Create temporary cubes of sand which can be used for cover or environmental manipulation. |
Seed Shooter | Weapon | This magic blowgun has a longer range than normal, and its ammunition can bounce off walls. |
Shield of the Mind's Eye | Shield | While wielding this magic shield, you cannot be surprised in combat. |
Stal Helm | Wondrous item | The undead skull of this stal monster works as a surprisingly effective helmet. |
Stepladder | Wondrous item | |
Super Lamp | Wondrous item | This magic lamp casts more light than a normal lamp. You can use it to make a fiery melee attack. |
Thrower's Mitt | Wondrous item | Add a bonus to attack and damage rolls you make with thrown weapons. |
Tornado Rod | Rod | Use your action to create a vortex that damages and pushes away creatures. Reduce damage you take from falling by 20 feet. |
Toss Ring | Ring | Throw improvised weapons proficiently. Ignore disadvantage when attacking with thrown weapons at long range. |
Vicious Sickle | Weapon | If you use this magic sickle to make an attack against a creature that has yet to act in combat, you have advantage on the attack roll. |
Water Dragon Scale | Wondrous item | Use your walking speed as a swim speed, or vice versa. |
Water Rod | Rod | Cast shape water, create or destroy water, and geyser. |
Whimsical Ring | Ring | This ring increases the damage you deal from critical hits, but reduces the damage you deal otherwise. |
Winged Boots | Wondrous item | While wearing both boots, you can wade through nonmagical mud, dirt, sand, or water up to your waist without treating it as difficult terrain. |
Zora Scale | Wondrous item | Grants a swim speed of 40 feet. |
Zora Tunic | Armor | While wearing this traveler's tunic, you can breathe both air and water, and your body is also protected from water pressure. |
This table is meant to augment or replace the "Magic Items Table F" on page 146 of the Dungeon Master's Guide.