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Player's Guide

Character Creation
the next level
champ, opportunist, researcher, sage, scion
gerudo, goron, hylian, rito, zora
anouki, deku, korok, twili, zonai
armor, weapons, gear, tools, goods, services

System Reference

Hyrulean Guidelines
Using Ability Scores
str, dex, con, int, wis, cha
Time & Movement
Dungeon Mastering
encounters, progression, treasure, variant rules


Fighting Styles
spell list, spell gallery
Creature Overview
monsters, NPCs, other creatures
Magic Item Overview
item list, item gallery

Either Hyrulean Feats or D&D Feats, Not Both
Many feats here are parallels to those found in Player's Handbook and other official content subject to copyright. For the sake of balance, it is suggested a character cannot gain both Hyrulean feats and official Dungeons & Dragons feats. A party with mixed feats would still be perfectly fine.

A feat represents an aptitude or special ability that gives a player-character exceptional capabilities. It embodies training, experience, and abilities beyond what a class provides. Under Hyrulean character creation, a player-character can gain a feat at 1st level. At later levels, your class can grant a feat as an option for the Improvement feature.

You can take each feat only once, unless the feat specifies otherwise. You must meet any prerequisite specified in a feat to take that feat.

The following tables detail all feats available in Legends of Hyrule. Your DM may enable feat options beyond those listed here.

General feats

Listed below are feats without prerequisites or restrictions.

Name Effects
%PAGE% You have mastered an ancient and infamous form of sleep deprivation, rendering sleep unnecessary for you. You gain the following benefits:
  • Increase your Constitution score by 1. This cannot increase your ability score above its maximum.
  • You never need to sleep. You still must limit yourself to restful activity to gain the benefits of rest, such as reading or keeping watch.
  • Magic can't render you unconscious. You otherwise have advantage on any ability checks and saving throws made to avoid falling unconscious.
  • Unless your eyes are damaged, you have no need to blink. You have advantage on saving throws to avoid being blinded.
%PAGE% You are well-trained in guerilla warfare, and gain the following benefits:
  • You have advantage on initiative checks. If your campaign uses static initiative, you instead add a +5 bonus which doesn't stack with any other bonus.
  • When the first attack roll you make in a combat targets a creature which has yet to have a turn, your attack roll has advantage.
  • You can't be surprised while you are conscious.
  • Other creatures don't gain advantage on attack rolls against you as a result of being hidden from you.
%PAGE% You are a dangerous foe to face while mounted. While you are mounted and aren't incapacitated, you gain the following benefits:
  • You have advantage on Strength-based melee attack rolls against any unmounted creature that is at least one size category smaller than your mount.
  • You can force an attack targeted at your mount to target you instead.
  • If your mount is subjected to an effect that allows it to make a saving throw to reduce the damage it takes, your mount instead takes no damage if it succeeds on the saving throw, and takes reduced damage if it fails.
%PAGE% You specialize in one damage type of your choice from from acid, cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, poison, and radiant.
  • When you deal damage of the chosen type, it ignores damage resistance.
  • When you cast a damage-dealing spell using a number of magic points equal to or less than you proficiency bonus, you can change one of the spell's damage types to your chosen type.
  • When you see a creature take damage of your chosen type, you can use your reaction to magically flux the element's impact on that creature: either add your proficiency bonus to the damage dealt, or subtract your proficiency bonus from the damage dealt (as damage reduction).
%PAGE% You have learned to nimbly weave through melee combat without exposing yourself. You gain the following benefits:
  • The first 5 feet you move on your turn never provokes opportunity attacks.
  • When you use your action to Dash, your movement does not provoke opportunity attacks until the end of your turn. You don't gain this benefit if using a bonus action or other means to Dash.
  • If you are hit with a melee attack, you can use your reaction to move up to 10 feet without provoking opportunity attacks from that creature. This movement is subtracted from any you would be able to make before the end of your next turn.
%PAGE% Whether hunting game or hunting bounties, you are a specialist in the hunt of your chosen foe. As your chosen foe, choose a creature type from beasts, dragons, fiends, monstrosities, or undead. You can elect to instead choose two humanoid races (such as blins and lizal). Your DM may enable other options suited to the campaign. You gain the following benefits:
  • You have advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks made to track your chosen foe, and any Intelligence checks made to recall lore about them.
  • You add a d4 bonus die to every damage roll you make against your chosen foe.
  • You add a d4 bonus die to any saving throw you are forced to make by your chosen foe.
  • When you are targeted by an attack from your chosen foe, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll.

If different features add bonus dice to your roll, they don't combine. Add only the highest.

%PAGE% You have developed impeccable mimicry and acting skills. You gain the following benefits:
  • Increase your Charisma score by 1, if doing so does not exceed your maximum score for that ability.
  • You can mimic the speech of another person or the sounds made by other creatures. You must have heard the person speaking, or heard the creature make the sound, for at least 1 minute. A successful Wisdom (Insight) check contested by your Charisma (Deception) check allows a listener to determine that the effect is faked.
  • You have advantage on Charisma checks made to pass yourself off as a different creature.
  • You gain proficiency with the disguise kit.
%PAGE% Through instinct or study, you have mastered impressive but fundamental spellcasting ability. You gain the following benefits:
  • Your magic point maximum increases by 2.
  • Choose a class and subclass from researcher or sage. You learn one cantrip of your choice from that subclass's spell list. In addition, choose one 2-point spell from that same list. You learn that spell and can cast it by expending magic points as normal. Your spellcasting ability for these spells depends on the class you chose: Intelligence for researcher, or Wisdom for sage.
%PAGE% With training and cunning, you have become exceptionally agile on the field of combat. You gain the following benefits:
  • Your walking speed increases by 10 feet.
  • When you use the Dash action, difficult terrain doesn't cost you extra movement until the start of your next turn.
  • When you make a melee attack against a creature, you don't provoke opportunity attacks from that creature for the rest of the turn, whether you hit or not.
%PAGE% You have spent much time honing your eyes to perceive clearly in darkness or areas of limited vision, and gain the following benefits:
%PAGE% You have learned to sprint with the forceful intensity of a legendary beast. You gain the following benefits:
  • If you move at least 10 feet in a straight line immediately before you make a melee weapon attack or a shove, you gain advantage on the damage roll or ability check. You can only gain this benefit once per turn.
  • If you use your action to Dash, you can use your bonus action to make one melee weapon attack or one shove.
  • If you have a running start, the distance of your long jump increases by 10 feet.
%PAGE% Drawing on your combat experience, you learn any one martial technique that draws upon 2 or fewer stamina points, and can use this technique by expending stamina points as normal. If you have no stamina points, you can use the technique once without stamina points, and regain the ability to use it when you finish a short or long rest.

Proficiency feats

Listed below are general feats which grant proficiency with weapons, armor, skills, tools, or languages.

Name Effects
%PAGE% You have trained all varieties of weapons, to the point you can pick up almost anything and wield it like a master. Gain two of the following benefits of your choice:
  • Gain proficiency with all simple weapons.
  • Gain proficiency with all martial weapons. You must be proficient with all simple weapons, or choose that as your other benefit.
  • Gain proficiency with bombs. You must be proficient with all simple weapons, or choose that as your other benefit.
  • Add your proficiency bonus to attack rolls with improvised weapons.
  • You can choose for your unarmed strike to deal bludgeoning damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier.
  • Increase your Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution score by 1, if doing so does not exceed your maximum score for that ability.

You can gain this feat multiple times.

%PAGE% You have trained extensively with armor. Gain two of the following benefits of your choice.
  • Gain proficiency with light armor.
  • You gain proficiency with medium armor, and with shields (but not heavy shields). You must be proficient with light armor to choose this benefit, or choose light armor proficiency as your other benefit.
  • You gain proficiency with heavy armor and all shields. You must be proficient with medium armor to choose this benefit, or choose medium armor proficiency as your other benefit.
  • Increase your Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution score by 1, if doing so does not exceed your maximum score for that ability.

You can gain this feat multiple times.

%PAGE% Alert to the traps and treasures present in many dungeons, you gain the following benefits:
%PAGE% As a studied linguist, you have mastered many tongues and scripts. Gain any three of the following benefits:
  • Speak, read, and write 4 more languages of your choice. You can choose this benefit multiple times.
  • Increase your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma score by 1. This cannot increase your ability score above its maximum, which is initially 20.
  • Gain proficiency with calligrapher's supplies and the forgery kit.
  • As a downtime activity, you can expertly create a written encrypting cipher for any written language you know. No one can decipher a cipher you've created this way without knowledge you know have, a key you provide, or magic.
  • You can spend an hour translating up to one page of any language you don't know into a language you do know. This can translate rarely-known languages like Mudoran and Sky Writing but cannot translate secret languages. The hour requires your full focus and a separate page to write down the translation.
  • After listening to someone speak a language you know for at least 10 seconds, you can tell if the language is native to the speaker or one they learned after maturing. You can also tell if someone is able to speak the language only because of a spell or magic effect.
%PAGE% You gain proficiency in any two skills of your choice. You also gain one of the following benefits, as you decide:
  • Gain proficiency in a third skill.
  • Gain proficiency in any two tools, learn two languages, or one tool and one language.
  • Increase one of your ability scores by 1. The ability must either be Intelligence, or an ability that governs at least one of the skills you chose.

Feats with prerequisites

The list below includes only feats with prerequisites but excludes feats which require any specific race.

Name Prerequisites Effects
%PAGE% The ability to cast at least one spell You have practiced casting spells in the midst of combat, learning tricks that grant you the following benefits:
%PAGE% Proficiency with cook's utensils You have become so talented with the culinary arts that you can prepare dishes with seemingly supernatural benefits. You become an expert in cook's utensils.
     When you have access to these utensils, you can spend 1 hour preparing any one of the following special dishes. When you prepare one of these special dishes, you can prepare any number of servings of that dish. Each serving requires you to consume 500 rupees' worth of appropriate ingredients or spoils in the cooking process. Any creature that consumes one of these servings before it spoils has sufficient food for the day. While your meals may be best best enjoyed over time, a creature can consume one serving as an action. Any uneaten serving you prepare spoils after 8 hours, becoming inedible.
  • Tasty Meal. A creature that consumes a serving regains heart points equal to your level plus your proficiency bonus.
  • Hearty Meal. A creature that consumes a serving gains temporary heart points equal to your proficiency bonus.
  • Energizing Meal. A creature that consumes a serving regains stamina points equal to your proficiency bonus or magic points equal to half your proficiency bonus, rounded down.
  • Sneaky Meal. If a creature consumes a serving, for 1 hour it gains advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide or move quietly.
  • Hasty Meal. If a creature consumes a serving, for 1 hour its base walking speed becomes 40 feet if it would otherwise be lower.
  • Spiced Meal. When you prepare this meal, choose either fire damage or cold damage. A creature that consumes a serving gains resistance to the chosen damage type for 1 hour.
  • Mighty Meal. If a creature consumes a serving, it can add a d4 bonus die to the first Strength-based damage roll it makes on each of its turns for 1 hour. (If different features add bonus dice to your damage roll, they don't combine. Add only the highest.)

Most creatures need time to digest and grow hungry before gaining such special benefits again. Regardless of how many meals or servings you prepare, a creature can only gain the benefits of one special meal, and regains the capability to do so when it finishes a long rest.

%PAGE% Proficiency with the disguise kit and an artisan's tool Incomplete. See downtime.
%PAGE% At least 1 magic point You are able to store magic power more efficiently than others. When you gain this feat increase your magic point maximum by 2 + half your current character level (rounded down). Your magic point maximum increases by 1 at every even-numbered level you gain after this.
%PAGE% The ability to cast at least one spell with magic points You've learned to manipulate and transform the spells you cast, using a practice called metamagic. When you cast a spell, you can expend 1 extra magic point when you cast it to give it one of the following effects. This extra magic point is subject to your Magic Limit.
  • Careful Spell. When you cast a spell that forces other creatures to make a saving throw, you can protect some of those creatures from the spell's full force. Choose a number of those creatures up to your spellcasting ability modifier. A chosen creature automatically succeeds on its saving throw against the spell.
  • Distant Spell. When you cast a spell that has a range of 5 feet or greater, you double the range of the spell. When you cast a spell that has a range of touch, the range becomes 30 feet.
  • Extended Spell. When you cast a spell that has a duration of 1 minute or longer, you double its duration, to a maximum duration of 24 hours.
  • Subtle Spell. You cast the spell without any somatic or verbal components.
%PAGE% The ability to cast at least one spell You have learned to direct your physical power into some of your spells, gaining several benefits:
%PAGE% 20 heart points or more Whether through intentional training or pure luck, you always seem to cling to consciousness even when you are at death's door. You gain the following benefits:
  • Increase your Constitution score by 1, if doing so does not exceed your maximum.
  • When a single attack or effect reduces your heart points from 20 or more to 0, but doesn't kill you outright, you are reduced to 1 point instead. You must complete a short or long rest before this feature can be used again.
  • You are proficient in death saving throws, and add your proficiency bonus to these rolls.
%PAGE% The ability to cast at least one spell with the ritual tag Instead of casting a spell as normal, you can increase its casting time by 10 minutes, but only if the spell has the ritual tag. You need not expend magic points (or spell slots) to cast the spell when casting it in this way. When casting it in this way, you cannot overpower the spell (nor cast it with a higher level spell slot).
%PAGE% Magic points, and proficiency with at least one rod You learn the craft rod spell and can cast it with the magic points you have. Whenever you would expend charges from a rod, you can instead expend an equal number of your own magic points. This feat can't be used with any effect that draws upon a number of charges that exceeds your proficiency bonus.
%PAGE% The ability to cast at least one spell You have mastered tricks to enhance your attacks with certain kinds of spells, gaining the following benefits:
%PAGE% Strength 13 or higher Your combat training has awakened in a unique style of fighting you adopt as your specialty. Gain any one fighting style of your choice.

Racial feats

The following feats can normally only be acquired by members of a specific race. Consequently, only a small portion of characters have access to any particular one of these feats.

Name Prerequisites Effects
%PAGE% Rito lineage, character level 4th Through training and perhaps even physical transformation, you have learned to fly effortlessly. It is easy for you to rapidly switch between flapping your wings and using your hands even while maintaining flight. This gives you the following benefits:
  • You gain a fly speed of 60 feet. If you have the Labored Flight trait, this feat effectively replaces that trait.
  • If your heritage is coastal or highland, increase your Strength or Constitution score by 1. This cannot increase your ability score above its maximum.
%PAGE% Goron lineage Among the incredibly stalwart gorons, there some even more resilient than their peers. Whether the result of intense training or natural aptitude, you gain the following benefits:
%PAGE% Kokiri race You have learned an esoteric form of combat using simple weapons easily found and made in your woodland home:
  • You gain proficiency with all simple weapons, plus the shortsword.
  • When you wield a club or slingshot the damage die is increased to a d6 if it would otherwise be lower.
  • After you use your action to attack with a shortsword or any simple weapon and miss the target, you can use your bonus action to make one more attack with that weapon. If you wouldn't add your ability modifier or any bonus dice to the damage roll of the missed attack, you don't add them to the additional attack either.
%PAGE% Lynel race, proficiency with all martial weapons You have learned a brutally powerful form of archery, gaining several benefits when you attack with a shortbow.
  • You can add your Strength modifier to attack and damage rolls instead of your Dexterity modifier.
  • Your shortbow attacks ignore half cover and three-quarters cover.
  • As an action, you can make one shortbow attack against a target you can see, which automatically hits without rolling the d20. Once you use this action, you must finish a long rest before you can do so again.
%PAGE% Goron race Through arduous training you have learned to roll effortlessly, switching between walking and rolling in the blink of an eye. Your speed has become the envy of any racing goron. You gain the following benefits:
  • Your base walking speed increases to 50 feet.
  • When you use your action to Dash, moving through nonmagical difficult terrain costs you no extra movement.
  • When you use your action to Dash, you can use your bonus action to make one unarmed strike. This unarmed strike can deal slashing damage instead of its normal damage type.
%PAGE% Deku scrub race You have learned an esoteric form of magic innate to your race, and gain the following benefits:
  • Your seed shot's damage die increases to d8. It overcomes damage resistance and immunity as if it was magical.
  • You know two cantrips of your choice from acid bubble, druidcraft, pirouette, and summon instrument. Dexterity is your casting ability for these spells.
  • You can spend 10 minutes creating a deku flower in natural soil. Any flower created in this way lasts for 24 hours before withering. If you expend 500 rupees worth of appropriate spoils when creating the flower, it instead lasts permanently.
%PAGE% Sunlight Sensitivity racial trait After arduous training, your sight and other senses have become capable of enduring sunlight with negligible discomfort. You gain the following benefits:
%PAGE% Lizal race You have trained to be an elite warrior among lizal, embodying traditional combat styles and tactics of your people. You gain the following benefits:
  • Martial Advantage. When you use the Attack action to hit a creature with a melee attack, if that creature is within 5 feet of your ally and that ally isn't incapacitated, you can use your bonus action to deal an extra 1d6 damage to the creature you hit.
  • Shield Breaker. If you score a critical hit hit with a melee attack against a creature, any nonmagical shield the target is wielding becomes damaged beyond use.
  • Skill Proficiency. You gain proficiency in your choice of either Athletics or Stealth.
%PAGE% Zora race Your fins have been trained to slice through water and foes alike, granting you the following benefits:
  • Using your razor-sharp fins, you can choose for your unarmed strike to deal 1d8 slashing damage + your Strength modifier.
  • You can make a ranged weapon attack by throwing one of your attachable fins. This attack has the finesse and returning (range 20/80) properties. A hit deals 1d8 slashing damage + your Strength or Dexterity modifier.
  • If using zora's natural armor, increase your AC by 1.
  • While using your swim speed, you can use your bonus action to Dash.