Kokiri (species)
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Player's Guide |
System Reference |
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Kokiri, also known as fairy folk or the kokiri tribe, are a race of ageless Small humanoids that primarily dwell in woodlands, wherein they are directly protected and guided by the Great Deku Tree. Remarkably similar in appearance and manner to the more ubiquitous hylians, kokiri are almost indistinguishable from hylian children. Indeed, they literally consider themselves "children of the forest" but never age into adulthood despite living for decades or even centuries.
Children of the Forest
From a glance, any kokiri is indiscernible from a hylian child between the ages of 8 and 12. Any one of them stands at a height of about 4 feet, with child-like features, pointed ears, blue eyes, and pale skin. Their hair color is usually a bright brown, red, or a dirty blonde, but occasionally can be green or another exotic color.
Kokiri are magically created at the age they appear to be, and never age or mature. Despite their longevity, most retain immature personalities and child-like intelligence forever.
The Great Deku Tree "gives life" to all kokiri, and it seems he is the sole father of the entire race. Kokiri do not know how to produce more kokiri on their own.
Consequently, kokiri are very few in number, and most of them have no recollection of their creation. The Great Deku Tree has given life other beings of the forest, mainly koroks, but these creatures are much higher in population due to their reproductive capability.
It was once widely believed that kokiri would age if they ever left the forest in which they were born, or otherwise left the protection of the Great Deku Tree. This does not seem to be the case, as at least a few kokiri have remained as children for decades.
Although they do not perish simply due to the decay of aging, kokiri who reach a "certain age" abruptly disappear, with a replacement born just as abruptly somewhere else. No kokiri seems to know this certain age for sure, but most assume it to be longer than a century, and it may vary widely between kokiri.
Isolated Simplicity
Kokiri only inhabit deep woodlands forests, and almost universally respect the Great Deku Tree as a father-like figure. Indeed, it seems this tree could be the one who created the entire kokiri race. At the very least, the Deku Tree protects them as though they were his children, and even assigns tiny fairies to guide and protect kokiri.
Thanks in large part to the guidance of their fairies, kokiri maintain simple but effective villages deep in the woods. Foraging, fishing, and occasional hunting provide their tiny population with more than enough nutrition to thrive. The abundance of free time kokiri experience causes many of them to pass the time by playing games, or enjoying hobbies like word carving. Few kokiri know much if anything about the world beyond their forest, and most of what they learn is taught through the ancient and wise Deku Tree. To most kokiri, even a simple well-forged shortsword can be a remarkable treasure.
Kokiri rarely leave their forest, as the Deku Tree dissuades them from leaving his protection. Those who do almost universally do so to become adventurers or explorers, if they survive long enough on their own to do so. Kokiri are frequently mistaken for hylians outside their woods, but cultured or knowledgeable people can often recognize kokiri for what they are.
Kokiri use many items found in the forest as part of their everyday lives. They almost universally wear green outfits woven from leafy materials, boots made from animal hide, and either pointy hats for males or hair bands for females. Their homes are typically the hollowed out stumps of ancient, long-grown trees. Although kokiri as a whole practice remarkable woodcarving, the arts of full-fledged carpentry are mostly foreign to them. They survive without too much difficulty through gathering food and water from the forest, and by practicing a small amount of gardening.
It is often believed that skull kids and koroks were once kokiri themselves, or are otherwise somehow related to kokiri. These races often live in the same sprawling forests, and occasionally intermixed villages. The Deku Tree treats both koroks and kokiri as his children, and is highly respected by both races in a similar manner.
Fairy Folk
A typical kokiri is paired with a tiny fairy, a friendly guide that seems to originate from the Great Deku Tree as well. A fairy typically follows the kokiri wherever they go, and always is eager to help. These fairies not only share wisdom but provide companionship and even dispel darkness with their glowing bodies. Fairies are so ubiquitous among kokiri that their presence is often taken for granted, but their absence is sorely missed. New kokiri may not have their own fairies, and some kokiri who leave the protection of the Deku Tree may lose the aid of their fairy completely.
Character details
Alignment. Despite living for centuries, kokiri usually retain a childlike innocence and freedom. They tend towards chaotic good.
Age. Kokiri are magically created at an age that resembles a hylian at about age 10. You do not age, and probably do not know your own age—but may define yourself by how many years have passed since you first left your forest. A kokiri rarely if ever lives beyond 300 years.
Diet. As a Small humanoid, each day you require at least 1 pound of food and 1 gallon of water to avoid exhaustion. Kokiri can eat meat, but are accustomed to nuts and berries of the woods.
Names. Kokiri names tend to be comprised of two or three short syllables. Each syllable typically begins with a consonant and ends with a vowel. Male examples include Fado, Gulley, Kasuto, Mido, and Midoro. Female examples include Fado, Jada, Sachi, Saria, and Tantari.
Base Height | Height Modifier | Base Weight | Weight Modifier |
3′ 5″ | +3d4 | 50 lb. | × (1d2) |
Character traits

by ひるまえ (Hirumae) of pixiv
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2.
Size. A typical kokiri is 4 feet tall. Your size is Small.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.
Eternal Youth. You do not age, and are immune to any magical effect that would cause you to age.
Deku Tree's Protection. A spell cannot divine your location and you cannot be charmed by any spell. You have advantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws against spells or magic effects.
Woodland Tinkering. Kokiri are expected to fashion everyday items, and practically everything they use in life, out of woodland materials. You have proficiency with your choice of either woodcarver's tools or any one musical instrument.
Languages. You can read, write, and speak both Deku and Hylian.
Subrace. Choose one subrace from fairy-blessed, independent, or urban.
Fairy-Blessed Kokiri
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1.
Fairy Guide. You can cast the fairy familiar once without expending magic points, and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. This fairy's heart points are fully replenished whenever you complete a short rest and it rests with you. You can cast this spell to resurrect your fairy if it dies against its will, but you cannot summon a different fairy when you cast this spell with this feature. You may begin the game having already cast this spell without providing its material component.
Fairy Protection. Your fairy can hide on your person and moves with you while it does so. While hiding in this manner, it has total cover.
Most kokiri are granted a tiny fairy companion by their father-figure, the Great Deku Tree. This fairy companion is created by the tree’s magic in a manner seemingly similar to that of the kokiri, and as such a fairy and kokiri can have a sibling-like relationship. As it lacks the kokiri’s childlike demeanor, the fairy is often more knowledgeable and responsible than the kokiri itself, and acts as something of a guide or elder sibling.
Independent Kokiri
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Kokiri Cunning. You have proficiency in two skills of your choice from Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Perception, Nature, and Survival. You also have advantage on any Wisdom (Survival) check made in regards to natural forest terrain.
Woodland Weapons. You are proficient with blowguns, clubs, and slingshots. You can improvise up to 20 pieces of ammunition for a blowgun or slingshot in no more than 1 minute if you have access to natural terrain, though ammunition fashioned in this way has no monetary value. You can use a stick or similar improvised weapon as if it was a club.
Although it’s rare, a kokiri may not have been blessed with a fairy. This may occur if the kokiri abandons the protection of the Great Deku Tree, or abuses a fairy companion it previously had. It may also occur if the power of the tree itself weakens to the extent that he cannot grant fairies, among other possibilities. Regardless of the reason, this kokiri loses some of its childlike innocence, and gains the skills and instincts that an independent life requires.
Urban Kokiri
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 1.
Natural Deceiver. You have spent many days pretending to be someone you're not, and following others' assumptions about you. It has become second nature. You have proficiency in the Deception skill, and are an expert in Charisma (Deception) checks made to tell lies about yourself.
Extra Language. You can speak, read, and write one more language of your choice.
Even more esoteric than an independent kokiri is one who has long left its forest, and now masquerades as a hylian child in a sizable village or city. Such a kokiri may have lost its fairy friend before leaving the forest, or the ageless kokiri may have outlived its friend. Either way, this kokiri has lost not only its fairy companion, but likely most of its innocence and wonder, and now bears an outlook and demeanor that may be more akin to a hylian adult.
Lineage feats
The following feats are exclusive to members of this lineage.
Name | Effects |
Kokiri Combatant | You have learned an esoteric form of combat using simple weapons easily found and made in your woodland home:
The material on this page is based primarily on content found in Ocarina of Time, which is copyright Nintendo Co., Ltd.