Category:Bludgeoning damage spells

From Legends of Hyrule
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The following spells may deal bludgeoning damage.

Name MP Lv School Summary
Control Water 6 4th transmutation You control freestanding water
Darunia's Explosive Boulder 11 8th conjuration You summon a huge, explosive rock and hurl in a straight line.
Delayed Flying Object 6 4th transmutation
Din's Fist 13 9th evocation Call down a ball of fire from the heavens to deal immense damage to creatures and structures in a 40-foot radius.
Earthquake 11 8th evocation For the duration, an intense tremor rips through a region of ground you specify, shaking creatures and structures atop it.
Floormaster's Grasp 5 3rd transmutation You transform part of your body into a giant hand to violently grab hold of a creature.
Flying Object 1 1st transmutation A Small nearby object shoots up to 100 feet in a straight line, potentially damaging a creature in its path.
Glacier Crash 2 1st evocation You drop a huge chunk of ice, shattering on a creature and dealing up to 2d12 damage to it.
Gravity Surge 12 8th transmutation You cause gravity to greatly intensify in a 50-foot radius cylinder.
Jolt Corpse 0 necromancy Compel a dead or undead creature into a sudden, jerking motion.
Knock Down 0 transmutation You force a creature towards the ground, potentially damaging it.
Magnesis 0 transmutation You gain control of one object that is made mostly or entirely of iron in range that you can see, and levitate it at will.
Poltergeist 4 2nd transmutation For the duration, you are surrounded with swirling objects that damage those who approach, and can use your action to pelt creatures with ghastly force.
Rushing Wave 0 evocation A wave of water crashes into a creature to cause damage and push it away.
Storm of Vengeance 13 9th conjuration You create a powerful storm cloud up to a radius of 360 feet, which assails the area underneath for 1 minute.
Tremor 1 1st evocation You cause the ground around you to wildly shake, knocking nearby creatures prone and creating difficult terrain.
Whip Winds 4 2nd evocation For up to 1 minute, you either lash out with a sudden gale at a creature or object, or whip winds around you to push back nearby creatures.
Wizzkick 2 1st transmutation Perform a magically-enhanced flying kick through your enemies.