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Player's Guide

Character Creation
the next level
champ, opportunist, researcher, sage, scion
gerudo, goron, hylian, rito, zora
anouki, deku, korok, twili, zonai
armor, weapons, gear, tools, goods, services

System Reference

Hyrulean Guidelines
Using Ability Scores
str, dex, con, int, wis, cha
Time & Movement
Dungeon Mastering
encounters, progression, treasure, variant rules


Fighting Styles
spell list, spell gallery
Creature Overview
monsters, NPCs, other creatures
Magic Item Overview
item list, item gallery

ClassesResearcher→ Twilit

This page or section is incomplete, and will eventually be expanded with more information.

Twilit is one of several possible Schools of Research you can gain at the 2nd level of the researcher class.

Your school affects which spells you can learn as a researcher. Your school also grants features at 2nd, 6th, 10th, 14th, 18th, and 20th levels. See Researcher#Twilit for an integrated list that combines technomancer features with those of the base researcher class.


Magic Points

At 2nd level, and every researcher level you gain after this, your magic points increase by 4.

Twilit Proficiencies

Starting from 2nd level, you can read, write, and speak the Twilight language. If you already knew this language, you can instead learn any other language of your choice.

You gain proficiency in one skill of your choice from Deception, Intimidation, Insight, and Stealth.

Low-Light Vision

The nature of twilight is that of low-light, and your magical practice has already begun to enhance your senses. Beginning at 2nd level, you treat dim light as if it was bright light. This includes darkness enhanced to dim light by a feature like darkvision.


At 6th level, you learn to more flexibly cast spells. You gain the Metamage feat, even if you don't met its prerequisite. If you already have this feat, you can instead gain any other feat for which you qualify.

Fading Step

Starting at 6th level, your mastery over otherworldly magic accents your movements through this world. Whenever you aren't concentrating on a spell, you hover just above the ground. While hovering, you still use your walking speed as normal, but you can choose to be unaffected by ground-based difficult terrain, friction-based hazards like slippery ice, and pressure-based traps.

Hovering doesn't prevent you from falling, but it does prevent you from taking damage and landing prone if you fall.

Fused Power

Starting from 10th level, when you overpower a researcher spell, treat your Magic Limit as being 1 point higher than it otherwise is. This feature doesn't affect what spells you are able to learn, nor any other effect depending on your Magic Limit.

From 14th level onward, you can instead overpower the spell to 2 points higher than your Magic Limit.

Spell Mastery

At 18th level, you have achieved such mastery over certain spells that you can cast them at will. When you gain this feature, you can learn up to two twilit spells of 3-points or fewer (2nd level or lower).

Choose up to two twilit spells you already know, each of which must be 3-points or fewer (2nd level or lower). You can cast these spells without expending magic points (or spell slots). Overpowering them costs extra magic points as normal. Whenever you finish a long rest, you can replace one or both of these spells with other twilit spells you know of 3-points or fewer.

Master of Twilight

This page or section is incomplete, and will eventually be expanded with more information.

At 20th level,

Twilit Spell List

The following spells are available to all twilits.

Cantrips (0-points)

Air Slash You form a blade of air to strike a distant creature. If the target is airborne, you have advantage on the attack roll.
Blast Bolt You detonate volatile energy with a melee spell attack. If your attack misses, you take damage and are pushed back.
Candle Create a five-foot sphere of flame which lingers for a minute, damaging creatures it touches.
Cryonis Upon a relatively flat plane of liquid water at least five by five feet, you create a pillar of magic ice.
Knock Down You force a creature towards the ground, potentially damaging it.
Light You touch one object, causing it to shed bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet
Mending This spell repairs a single break or tear in an object you touch.
Minor Illusion You create a sound or an image of an object (not a creature) within range that lasts for 1 minute.
Necrotic Ray You sling a ray formed from necrotic energy to wither matter and rot the soul. A hit with this ranged spell attack deals 1d8 necrotic damage.
Prestidigitation You create one of several minor magical effects.
Ray of Radiance You hurl a ball of light, dealing radiant damage and briefly illuminating the target.
Razor Tome Razor-sharp parchment flies out to slash one or more nearby creatures.
Sage Hand Conjure a translucent, floating hand that can manipulate objects at range.
Sandcast You hurl a swirling mass of sand at a creature to deal damage. A hit creature is damaged and suffers disadvantage on a Wisdom (Perception) checks or ranged attack roll.
Sever Separate matter at its most fundamental level, dealing 1d12 slashing damage to a creature or object within 10 feet. Damage to an object is doubled.
Shards of Twilight You hurl a glittering, mirror-like shard to shatter against a small group of creatures.
Shocking Grasp Lightning springs from your hand to deliver a shock to a creature you try to touch.
Spook A creature must succeed on a Charisma saving throw or take psychic damage and be unable to take reactions for 1 round.
Thaumaturgy You manifest a minor wonder, a sign of supernatural power, within range.
Touch Wind You seize the air and compel it to create one of several minor effects.


Flying Object A Small nearby object shoots up to 100 feet in a straight line, potentially damaging a creature in its path.
Illusory Script You write a script that appears true to creatures you designate, but illusory to all other creatures.
Jump A creature's jump distance is tripled until the spell ends.
Tremor You cause the ground around you to wildly shake, knocking nearby creatures prone and creating difficult terrain.
Warping Step You teleport to an unoccupied space you can see up to 30 feet away.


Beguile You attempt to charm a creature you can see within range.
Detect Magic Sense the presence of magic within 30 feet of you.
Disguise Self Cause yourself to appear different for the duration.
Feather Fall Your reaction safely slows the descent for up to five creatures within 60 feet of you.
Fog Cloud You create a sphere of fog within range.
Grease Slick grease covers a patch of ground, potentially knocking creatures prone.
Identify You identify what spells are affecting a creature or object, or learn a magic item's properties.
Image Create the image of an object, a creature, or some other visible phenomenon that is no larger than a 20-foot cube.
Mage Armor A creature you touch gains an AC of 13 + its Dexterity modifier.
Perceive Invisibility For at least 1 minute, you see invisible creatures and objects as if they were visible.
Twilit Ray You hurl a crackling black sphere of arcane energy at a creature or object in range to deal two types of damage.
Unseen Servant Create an invisible, Medium object that performs simple tasks at your bonus action command until the spell ends.


Conjure Wolf Spirit
Darkness Create magical darkness out to a radius of 15 feet for 10 minutes or longer.
Darkvision A creature you touch gains darkvision for 8 hours.
Gust of Wind You create a sustained blast of wind in a line at least 60 feet long and 10 feet wide for up to 1 minute.
Illumination Create daylight out to a wide radius for 10 minutes or longer.
Knock You magically open a lock or similar opening, but create a loud knock audible from up to 300 feet away.
Mirror Image You create three illusory duplicates of yourself to distract attacks away from you.
Paralyze You attempt to paralyze a creature you can see within range.
Seizing Bolt A ray of flashing white-and-yellow lightning springs from you to seize the muscles of a creature.
Silence For up to 10 minutes, no sound can be created in a 20-foot-radius sphere within 120 feet.
Spider Climb A creature you touch can climb across vertical surfaces and ceilings while leaving its hands free, for up to an hour.
Spiritual Weapon Use your bonus action to summon and attack with a spectral weapon.
Withering Ray You sling up to three necrotic rays at one target or several. Each deals 2d6 necrotic damage on a hit.


Invisibility A creature you touch becomes invisible until it attacks or casts a spell, for up to 1 hour.
Magic Touch Your touch restores magic points or stamina points to another creature.
Sending You send a short message to any creature with which you are familiar over any possible distance.
Suppress Pain A creature gains temporary heart points at the start of each of its turns, and is immediately revived the first time it drops to 0 heart points.
Water Walk Up to ten willing creatures gain the ability to traverse any liquid surface as if it was solid ground for 1 hour.


Bestow Curse At your touch, you afflict a creature with a debilitating curse.
Counterspell You attempt to interrupt a creature in the process of casting a spell.
Dispel Magic You attempt to end a spell effect in range.
Fear Each creature in a 30-foot cone must succeed on a Wis save or become frightened of you for up to 1 minute.
Floormaster's Grasp You transform part of your body into a giant hand to violently grab hold of a creature.
Fly A willing creature you touch gains a flying speed of 60 feet for the duration.
Haste A willing creature is accelerated in time, improving its speed, actions, and combat capabilities.
Magic Circle You create a 10-foot radius cylinder that prevents certain creature types from entering.
Nondetection For 8 hours, you hide a target that you touch from divination magic.
Remove Curse At your touch, all curses affecting one creature or object end.
Slow Up to six creatures are slowed in time, diminishing their effectiveness in combat.
Sphere of Death A 40-foot radius sphere emerges from a point within 150 feet, dealing 6d6 necrotic damage to creatures that fail a Constitution saving throw.
Stinking Cloud Conjure a 20-foot radius cloud that heavily obscures. A creature that starts its turn in the cloud must succeed a Con save or lose its action.


Blight Necromantic energy washes over a creature of your choice that you can see within range.
Delayed Flying Object
Dimension Door You teleport yourself and up to one other creature up to 500 feet away to a point you specify.
Greater Invisibility A creature you touch becomes invisible for 1 minute.
Locate Creature Sense the direction of a familiar creature you specify if it is within 1,000 feet of you.
Polymorph Transform a creature in range into a beast for up to 1 hour.


Arcane Hand You summon a Large hand to do your bidding for up to 1 minute.
Cloudkill Conjure a 20-foot radius cloud that heavily obscures and deals poison damage to creatures inside of it.
Passwall A passage appears for 1 hour in a surface you specify, and reaches up to 20 feet deep.
Scrying You can see and hear a particular creature you choose that is on the same plane of existence as you.
Seeming Give numerous creatures an illusory disguise that lasts up to 8 hours.
Wizzro's Beam You push both hands forward to blast a searing beam of life-draining energy.


Programmed Illusion You create a potentially complex illusion that activates when a certain criteria is met, and can activate repeatedly until dispelled.
Radiant Weapon A weapon you touch deals an extra 2d10 radiant damage for up to 1 hour.


Disintegrate Deal 10d6 + 40 force damage to a creature, object, or a creation of magical force within 60 feet of you.
Mergewall You transform a creature into a painting, merging it into a nearby wall.
True Seeing A creature you touch gains truesight out to a range of 120 feet for 1 hour.


Project Duplicate For up to 1 day, project a convincing illusory copy of yourself up to 500 miles away.


Antimagic Field A 10-foot radius sphere around you suspends or dispels all magic effects within it.
Conjure Sol Summon a powerful glowing orb that can either damage or empower those touched by the light it emits.


Feeblemind A creature must succeed on an Intelligence saving throw or have its Intelligence and Charisma scores reduced to 1 indefinitely.
Maze You banish a creature that you can see within range into a labyrinthine demirealm.
Mind Blank One creature you touch becomes immune to divination spells, the charmed condition, psychic damage, and any effect that senses its thoughts.
Power Word Stun A creature within 60 feet of you with 150 heart points or fewer is stunned.


True Polymorph Transform any object or creature into any other object or creature, permanently.
Weird Each creature in a 30-foot sphere must make a Wis save or take psychic damage and become frightened of you.
