Gerudo (species)
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“ | “We Gerudo have no tolerance for unfinished business.” |
— Urbosa, Gerudo Champion |
Tall, beautiful, powerful, and brutal; the desert-dwelling lineage of almost entirely women is both coveted and feared. Gerudo (“ghə-ROO-doh”) hail from a legacy of war, ruthless thievery, and strife, but most modern gerudo are widely revered for their strength—both physical and spiritual.
Gerudo are physically very similar to the more abundant and widespread hylian people, but have several distinct characteristics. Virtually all gerudo stand over 6 feet in height, typically with sandy-brown skin darker than that of most hylians and gorons. Most have flowing hair of a vibrant red, though a few brunettes count among them, and like hylians the color of their hair saturates with age. A gerudo's eyes can come in any number of bright hues, from gold to purple, though green is most common. Some gerudo have pointed ears, while others have rounded ears.
The most well-trained of gerudo have enviable muscle yet still move with elegant grace and precision, honoring a tradition of well-trained warriors and acrobatic skirmishers.
Mothers and Daughters
Seemingly all gerudo are born as women, but unlike gorons or deku scrubs they aren't a mono-sexed species. Gerudo have a peculiar inability to reproduce with their own people, it seems, and instead borrow the services of male hylians to create gerudo children. The child is completely gerudo herself, but occasionally takes after the hylian father in a few ways, such as having a hair or skin color closer to his.
Some reproductive unions between gerudo and hylian are romantic, while others are completely business-like. Regardless, the father is often not invited to help raise the child, or not kept directly involved for a large portion of her upbringing. Among gerudo, they say a village raises a daughter.
A History of Strife
This reliance on hylians has strained the gerudo population, at least in modern times. Among most gerudo, becoming a mother usually means leaving home to find a temporary mate far away—in addition to all the struggles a single mother would otherwise face. Few folks other than gerudo could hope to carry on generations through such burdens.
Some believe gerudo were once a people as widespread and prosperous as hylians, if not more so. Ruins of their kingdom are spread widely throughout the Gerudo Desert, named after them. More such ruins can be found across the sea in other lands.
All that remains today are a few small outposts of gerudo, most of whom live traditional gerudo lives in the shadows of their ancestors. Many such outposts survive as thieves or pirates, which other gerudo see as dishonorable. A sparse few gerudo interwove themselves in the societies of other folk. Gerudo Town, a village built on an oasis in the depths of the Gerudo Desert itself, where males are forbidden to enter, is perhaps the greatest remaining bastion of traditional gerudo culture.
Warriors and Nomads

Whether honorable warriors or barbarous pirates, it seems almost universal that canny skill and strength are highly valued among virtually all gerudo. In Hyrule, scimitars in particular are often seen as a distinctly gerudo weapon, though their traditional arms spread to scimitars and shortbow. Survival skills and shrewd cunning are just as valued as athleticism, especially in modern peaceful societies like Gerudo Town itself.
Ancestral Faith
Rather than worship deities, traditionally gerudo pay respect to ancestors. Whether or not the bloodline is direct, any gerudo of old is still generally considered an ancestor. Giant stone statues like the Desert Colossus and Seven Heroines have stood in Gerudo Desert since time immemorial, and are still honored with pilgrimages or other spiritual homages by the most devout of gerudo. Many believe some of these Heroines still provide protection.
The Infamous King of Evil
According to one legend, a male gerudo is born once every century and upheld as a monarch. According to another, a male is born only through evil magic, and seen as an omen. And yet one more rumor says gerudo men are simply no different than gerudo women. In virtually all cases these are stories told by hylians who don't understand gerudo.
Still, one of these stories just might be true; such could be what gave rise to the infamous evil-doer Ganondorf, who claimed to be a gerudo king. Whereas many moblins praise what little connection to Ganondorf they have, this attitude is rare among gerudo. For them, the monster's wanton evil and spreading of chaos is usually seen as shameful. Most modern gerudo prefer to distance themselves from such a beast.
Gerudo Language
- See Languages.
Due in part to their traditional isolation from other people, gerudo are one of the few peoples in Hyrule to have a language unique to their culture. It is written with a script that oddly has the same letters as the Hylian language, but uses different symbols from Hylian for each letter.
Even when speaking other languages, gerudo often use some gerudo words such as greetings, “voe” for man, “vai” for woman, and “sarqso” for thank you.
Lineage details
Size. Gerudo vary widely in height, but on average one stands near 7 or 8 feet, which is a bit over 2 meters. Your size is Medium.
Alignment. Gerudo culture emphasizes honor and traditions, and many gerudo are expected to obey their leaders without question. Some gerudo societies normalize the acts of alienating, manipulating, robbing, ravishing, or even murdering outsiders. Overall, gerudo have a tendency towards law, and a slight leaning towards evil.
Age. Gerudo reach adulthood in their mid-teens, and rarely can live over a century.
Diet. As a Medium humanoid, each day you prefer to have at least 1 pound of food and 1 gallon of water. The hydration and heat tolerance provided by hydromelons make them a popular choice among desert gerudo, and safflina is a classic seasoning.
Names. Examples include Ardin, Aveil, Barta, Dalia, Danda, Deltan, Dorrah, Essa, Fegran, Frelly, Furosa, Isha, Kalani, Lashley, Lorn, Malena, Merina, Nabooru, Nali, Olu, Pearle, Pokki, Risa, Riju, Ripp, Rotana, Saula, Spera, and Urbosa.
Base Height | Height Modifier | Base Weight | Weight Modifier |
5′ 2″ | +3d10 | 120 lb. | × (2d4) |
Character traits
As a gerudo, you have the following traits:
Ability Score Increase. Choose either Strength or Dexterity. Increase the chosen score by 2.
Strider. Your walk speed increases by 5 feet.
Stamina. Add your proficiency bonus to all Constitution checks you make.
Strength of Spirit. Whenever you roll 1 for any ability check or saving throw, you can reroll and use the new result if it is higher. This trait can't be used for attack rolls.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write both Gerudo and Hylian.
Heritage. Gerudo hail from several distinct cultures. Choose one heritage of your choice from coastal gerudo, desert gerudo, shadow gerudo, valley gerudo, and wind tribe.
Coastal Gerudo
Coastal gerudo are those who have historically settled along oceans. They are often considered to be a slew of seafaring pirates, thieves, and other such ne'er do wells. More than a few of them defy such stereotypes as honorable sailors, skilled fishers, and upholders of justice. Aveil and other gerudo encountered in Majora's Mask are coastal gerudo.
Ability Score Increase. Increase your Charisma score by 1.
Swimming. You are not slowed by swimming.
Coastal Heritage. You have advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks made on oceans, seas, or their coasts.
Pirate Legacy. You are proficient in one skill of your choice from Acrobatics, Deception, and Intimidation.
Well-Versed. You are proficient in one of the following of your choice: tinker's tools, any musical instrument, all water vehicles, or the Zoran language.
Desert Gerudo
The most renowned variety of gerudo, these traditional warriors are well-adapted to desert life. They have a reputation as being well-organized, proud, and skilled in the ways of both war and peace. The legendary desert strongholds of these gerudo are rarely challenged and often envied. Urbosa, Nabooru, Riju, and most well-known gerudo are of this heritage.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution or Charisma score increases by 1.
Strife Endurance. You have advantage on any saving throw made to endure any extreme climate.
Desert Dweller. You also have advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks made in desert terrain, and Intelligence checks made about deserts or creatures found in deserts.
Warrior Culture. You are proficient in one skill of your choice from Acrobatics, Athletics, and Intimidation.
Ancestral Arms. You are proficient with the scimitar, the spear, and the shortbow. If you gain proficiency with all martial weapons, all spears you wield have the statistics of tridents.
Some players may prefer traditional spell slot levels over Hyrulean magic points. If this is the case for you, consider using the following traits instead of the normal traits for shadow gerudo. Ability Score Increase. Increase your Intelligence by 1. Cantrip. You know one cantrip of your choice from fire bolt, frost bolt, shocking grasp, and thaumaturgy. Intelligence is your casting ability for this spell. Dark Art. Choose one spell from beguile, death, flame choke, or Ganon's fist. You can cast your chosen spell as a 1st-level spell; you must finish a long rest to cast the spell again using this trait. Forbidden Knowledge. You are proficient in one skill of your choice from Arcana, Religion, and Sleight of Hand. Extra Language. You know your choice of either the Blin or Twilight language. |
Shadow Gerudo
Although they are a small minority of a sparse people, a handful of gerudo belong to cults who practice dark magic introduced to the race by the king of evil, Ganon. Some may still praise him as their patron god. From one generation to the next, these gerudo pass along ancient secrets of magic and villainy. Compared to other gerudo, shadow gerudo have a particularly strong tendency towards evil. Koume, Kotake, and Ganondorf himself are all shadow gerudo.
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 1.
Magic Adept. Your people are uncannily skilled with magic. Your magic point maximum increases by 2.
Dark Arts. You know one cantrip of your choice from fire bolt, frost bolt, shocking grasp, and thaumaturgy. You also know one 2-point spell from beguile, death, flame choke, or Ganon's fist. Your casting ability for these spells is the highest from Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma.
Forbidden Knowledge. You are proficient in one skill of your choice from Arcana, Religion, and Sleight of Hand.
Hidden Tongue. You know your choice of either the Blin or Twilight language.
Valley Gerudo
A few gerudo live far from what most folk would consider to be civilization, living in valleys or caves on the outskirts of Gerudo Desert and Hebra. The cliffs offer relative safety, and some have taken to cultivating the widely sought Rushrooms which only grow on sheer rock faces.
Isolated alone or in small groups, some of these gerudo have chosen to be hermits, while others have been outcast outright by a strict and often ruthless society. Some have even turned to associating with monsters.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1.
Climber. You are not slowed by climbing.
Survivor. You are proficient in the Survival skill.
Rush. Once on your turn, you can summon a momentary burst of sprinting speed to increase your remaining movement for the turn by 30 feet. You can't do so while incapacitated. You can do this a number of times equal to your PB, and you regain all uses when you finish a long rest.
Extra Language. You are proficient in one language of your choice from Blin, Eldish, Hebric, and Lizal.
Some players may prefer traditional spell slot levels over Hyrulean magic points. If this is the case for you, consider using the following traits instead of the normal traits for the wind tribe. Ability Score Increase. Increase your Wisdom by 1. Wind Magic. You know one cantrip and a single 1st-level spell, both chosen from the Sage of Wind spell list. You can cast this 1st-level spell once, and regain the ability to cast it this way when you finish a long rest. Canny Wisdom. You are proficient in the Insight skill. Extra Language. You can speak, read, and write Sky. |
Wind Tribe
This tribe split from most gerudo generations ago. These people ancestrally live in a magically enchanted region of the sky, known as Cloud Tops. While most gerudo are known for athleticism, the wind tribe is known for their ancestral mastery over wind magic. Rather than a sirwal or other gerudo garb, the tribe traditionally wears sky-colored robes.
Ability Score Increase. Increase your Wisdom score by 1.
Magic Adept. Your people are uncannily skilled with magic. Your magic point maximum increases by 2.
Wind Magic. You know one cantrip and a single 2-point spell, both chosen from the Sage of Wind spell list. Your casting ability for these spells is the highest from Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma.
Canny Wisdom. You are proficient in the Insight skill.
Extra Language. You can read, write, and speak Sky.
The material on this page is based on content found throughout the Legend of Zelda series, which is copyright Nintendo Co., Ltd.
- Pages with quotes
- Strider trait
- Stamina trait
- Strength of Spirit trait
- Swim trait
- Niche Ability check trait
- Skill Proficiency trait
- Minor Proficiency trait
- Strife Endurance trait
- Niche Ability Check trait
- Martial Weapon Proficiency trait
- Magic Adept trait
- Dark Arts trait
- Extra Language trait
- Climb trait
- Rush trait
- Far Language trait
- Magic trait
- Wind Magic trait
- Whispers of the Wind trait
- Races
- Humanoids
- Gerudo
- Common
- Content originating from Ocarina of Time
- Content originating from Majora's Mask
- Content originating from Four Swords Adventures
- Content originating from Breath of the Wild
- Content originating from Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity
- Content originating from Tears of the Kingdom
- Content originating from five or more Zelda games