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Player's Guide

Character Creation
the next level
champ, opportunist, researcher, sage, scion
gerudo, goron, hylian, rito, zora
anouki, deku, korok, twili, zonai
armor, weapons, gear, tools, goods, services

System Reference

Hyrulean Guidelines
Using Ability Scores
str, dex, con, int, wis, cha
Time & Movement
Dungeon Mastering
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Fighting Styles
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Creature Overview
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Magic Item Overview
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Your race indicates the languages your character can speak by default. You might learn additional languages through your class or other features. The following table lists the languages you are most likely to encounter in Hyrule.

Language  Other Names Typical Speakers Script  Equivalent d10
 Ancient  Ancient Hylian, Sheikah Gods, sheikah, researchers, some undead Ancient  Abyssal, Celestial 1
 Blin  Beastspeak, Demise, Moblin Blins and allies of Ganon Blin  Goblin, Infernal, Undercommon 2
 Deku  Treetongue, Sylvan Deku scrubs, koroks, kokiri, fairies Ancient  Elvish and Sylvan 3
 Eldish  Goro, Subrosian Gorons, mogma, subrosians Common  Dwarvish, Ignan, and Terran 4
 Gerudo  — Gerudo, zuna, desert-dwellers Gerudo  Orc 5
 Hebric  Anouki, Tundran, Yook Anouki, yeti, ice or wind elementals Common  Giant and Auran 6
 Hylian  Common, Hyrulean races of light, especially hylians Common  Common
 Lizal  Draconic, Saurian Lizalfos and most intelligent reptiles Lizal  Draconic 7
 Minish  Picoran Minish and other diminutive creatures Minish  Gnomish 8
 Twilight  — Twili, twilit, Twilight denizens Ancient  Deep Speech 9
 Zoran  Aquan Zora, parella, aquatic creatures Common  Elvish and Aquan 10

If a DM would prefer to use Hyrulean content in a more traditional Dungeons & Dragons setting, it is best if the Hyrulean languages above are replaced with their listed equivalent.


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Ancient—formally "Ancient Hylian" and sometimes "Sheikah"—is the progenitor of most modern languages, but its use has been forgotten among most people. Among hylians and their allies, it is sometimes spoken by sects of Sheikah, and is sometimes learned by those who research ancient history or magic. The rare creature who remembers events of millenia ago—guardian spirits and some undead—may still be able to understand and speak it. Some say it is still spoken by the gods in the Sacred Realm.
     Ancient script parallels modern Common or "Hylian" script in that it reads from left to right and its characters have similar, often overlapping meaning. Ancient has noticeably fewer characters.
     Ancient is not spoken consistently. It is clear that those who remember Ancient—gods and spirits—speak it with a slower and bolder cadence than the choppier pace spoken by those who have only learned it with modern education.


Blin is perhaps the most widely spoken language across the known realms, but it is closely associated with monsters and Ganon himself. As this language's most populous speakers appear to be blins, the language itself has become known as blin. Indeed, Blin is spoken by various monsters from lynel to taros, and is even commonly spoken in the Dark World. Races of Light usually only learn it for espionage purposes, or to study monsters, as even speaking it is viewed with suspicion. Veterans don't easily forget achemen and other spies of Ganon.
     Because it is so widespread among otherwise isolated groups, Blin has a wide variety of accents and dialects. Blin-speakers often have a very difficult time understanding those from far realms, or with fundamentally different physiology.
     Blin script is unique to itself. As with spoken Blin, written Blin comes in extremely diverse forms—it isn't even consistently written right to left, left to right, or top to bottom. There are very few scrolls or any long written works of Blin, leaving even less room for scholars to agree on any kind of standardization. It doesn't help that when a moblin is struggling to read "its own language" because of the language's inconsistencies, hylians and even lizal are quick to dismiss this as merely the renowned stupidity of moblins.


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In the common language of Hylian, Deku is named after the Great Deku Tree and deku scrubs, and the language as a whole is widely associated with forests and plants. The roots of this language seem to lie in Ancient, as many languages do.


In the common language of Hylian, Eldish is named after the Eldin region where its speakers are abundant. When spoken, it incorporates many short but sharp consonants such as "k" and "g"; there is a a noticeable emphasis on vowel sounds, particularly "ah," "oh" and "oo."
     Subrosians speak it universally, but among Light Worlders it is most closely associated with gorons and sometimes mogma. In truth, it is a very common language among races that live underground, in tunnels, in mountains, or among active volcanoes. It is closely associated with earth and fire, and elementals such as magmanos or podoboos will innately understand it.
     The roots of this language may lie underground, as it commonly spoken even in the subterranean continent of Subrosia. In modern use it shares a nearly identical script to Hylian, but this practice has only been around a few centuries—in days long past it used a script that more closely resembled Ancient.


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The Gerudo language finds its roots in Ancient and shares structural similarities with Hylian. Compared to Hylian, when spoken has a noticeably greater use of consonants which use teeth in the pronunciation, such as "f" or "s" but especially "v."
     It is believed that Hylian and Gerudo languages branched in a manner similar to how hylians and gerudo may have branched from what was once one race, many millenia ago.
     Unlike the commonly spoken Hylian language, today Gerudo is rarely spoken except by gerudo themselves and a few other desert-dwellers such as zuna and some lizal. It is rarely if ever the only language a creature knows.

Literal translations

Sarqso. "Thank you."
Vasaaq. "Greetings."
Sav'otta. "Good morning." Typically used when the sun is rising, especially at amicable temperatures.
Sav'aaq. "Good day" or "good afternoon." A greeting typically used when the sun is high, especially when the day is hot.
Sav'saaba. "Good evening." Typically used when the sun is setting, especially at amicable temperatures.
Sav'orr. or "good night." A greeting typically used when the sun is setting or has set, especially on a cold night.
Sav'orq. "Goodbye."
Vai. "Woman" or "female adult."
Voe. "Man" or "male adult." In modern usage it almost always refers to a hylian man.
Vehvi. "Daughter." Sometimes used to refer to children with a maternal disposition, similar to "niece" or "little one."
Vaba.' "Grandmother." Sometimes used to refer to an elderly person with a personal familiarity.
Vure. "Bird" or sometimes "rito." Sometimes paired with "vure voe" or "vure vai" to more distinctly or respectfully refer to a rito adult.
Sa'oten.' An exclamation. Sometimes erroneously translated to be vulgar.


In the common language of Hylian, Hebric is named after the Hebra region where its speakers are abundant, though the roots of this language originate from much further away. When heard aloud, there is a distinctly greater emphasis on consonants than vowels. In modern use Hebric shares the same script as Hylian, but this practice has only been around a few centuries—in days long past it used a script that more closely resembled Ancient.
     Hebric is spoken almost universally among anouki and yeti, but many other people living in the far north speak it as well. Creatures born of cold or ice magic, such as chilfos, can understand it innately.


The Hylian language—also known as Hyrulean, Common, or the common tongue—is one of the most abundantly spoken languages in the Light World, and is understood by virtually all hylians and allies of hylians. It is sometimes regarded as "everyone's second language." Many races such as gorons and gerudo are typically fluent in it, but prefer their own regional or cultural language except when dealing with hylians.
     Like the hylian race themselves, the Hylian language may have originated in some form from the goddess Hylia. She is known to primarily speak Hylian, while other deities of her status typically speak Ancient or other more esoteric languages.

Literal translations

Chu. [choo]. An onomatopoeia for "squeak" sounds. Often used in words related to mice and certain oozes. Examples include bombchu and chuchu.

Geldo. [geldoh]. (Archaic, Vulgar). A mistranslation of gerudo, which is now seen as an ignorant or disrespectful name for the race. "Geldo" has a connotation with sand and deserts, much like the most renowned gerudo. Geldo is still used in the names of monsters such as geldarm and geldman.

-fos. [dohs] or [fohz]. The suffix "fos" is often applied to the names of anthropomorphic monster species. Examples include chilfos, lizalfos, stalfos, and wolfos.


This language is commonly named for its most abundant speakers, lizal themselves. Its distinctive sound includes many consonants which rely on the tongue and teeth (ss, t, th, l, etc) and few if any which rely on lip movement (p, b, m, etc). It is most commonly associated with dragons, reptiles, and amphibians. Reptilian races often take a certain pride in speaking and writing it. Mammalian races who attempt to use it—such as hylians or blins—are often regarded with ire for doing so.
     Lizal uses a seemingly unique script, though it seems to be distantly related to Ancient script.


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The Twilight language is the most abundant language spoken in the Twilight Realm, and is infrequently spoken in the Light World. Usually only those with ties to the realm speak it, including twilits and twili themselves. Indeed, it is the language of the twili, and its etymological roots overlap with the Hylian language. Both Twilight and Hylian are rooted in a common ancestral tongue which itself is derivative of Ancient.
     To Light Worlders, when Twilight is spoken spoken it often sounds like scrambled Hylian, but there is too little in common to clearly communicate messages. Those unaccustomed to hearing Twilight often claim it sounds as though it echoes.
     The script used in Twilight is nearly identical to that used by ancient.


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In the common language of Hylian, Zoran is of course titled after the aquatic race of the same name. Though most renowned through zora themselves, Zoran is by far the most recurring tongue used among aquatic and amphibious people. The roots of this language may lie underwater, as it commonly spoken even at the bottom of the ocean by parella. The language is clearly designed for aquatic use, as it lacks any sounds which cannot be easily pronounced and understood underwater.
     In modern use, Zoran adopts the Hylian script, with some accents to annotate different pronounciations. This but this practice is relatively recent and may be a result of alliances between hylian and zora royalty. For many millennia Zoran had no lasting script. Unlike most languages, Zoran was made to be spoken underwater. Erosion occurs much faster underwater. Modern historians often believe that if any previous script existed, it would have been used less frequently than dry scripts, and any instances of it would be easily lost and difficult to rediscover.

The material on this page is based on content found throughout the Legend of Zelda series, which is copyright Nintendo Co., Ltd.