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Player's Guide

Character Creation
the next level
champ, opportunist, researcher, sage, scion
gerudo, goron, hylian, rito, zora
anouki, deku, korok, twili, zonai
armor, weapons, gear, tools, goods, services

System Reference

Hyrulean Guidelines
Using Ability Scores
str, dex, con, int, wis, cha
Time & Movement
Dungeon Mastering
encounters, progression, treasure, variant rules


Fighting Styles
spell list, spell gallery
Creature Overview
monsters, NPCs, other creatures
Magic Item Overview
item list, item gallery


This page or section is incomplete, and will eventually be expanded with more information.

Garo is one of several possible subclasses you can undertake as an opportunist.

Your subclass enacts features at 3rd level and every three levels thereafter: 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, and 18th. See Opportunist#Garo for an integrated list that combines garo features with those of the base opportunist class.

Bomb Proficiency

At 3rd level, you gain proficiency with bombs, an ancient weapon favored by garo of ages past.

Studied Strike

From 3rd level onward, you can add your Intelligence modifier to the damage of your Sneakstrike.

Garo Magic

Garo wield a blend of fantastical techniques and tricky spells. At 6th level, you learn any two martial techniques which require an action to use, and any two spells of 3-points or fewer from the garo spell list. Intelligence is your casting ability for these spells, since you learn them through study and memorization.

You can use either of these techniques or cast either of these spells once. Once you do so, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use any of them again. Starting from 12th level you can use two between rests, and from 18th level you can use three between rests. You cannot use these techniques or spells with stamina points, nor magic points if you have them.

Whenever you use this feature to cast a spell, it is overpowered if possible to be cast with 5-points. This increases every three garo levels hereafter: 6-points at 9th level, 7-points at 12th level, 8-points at 15th level, and 9-points at 18th level.

Masterful Magic

At 9th, 12th, 15th, and 18th levels you can replace one spell you've learned with your Garo Magic feature with a new spell. The new spell can be up to 6-points at 9th level, 7-points at 12th level, 8-points at 15th level, and 9-points at 18th level.

Masterful Techniques

At 15th level, you can replace one technique you learned through garo magic with a heroic technique. At 18th level, you can replace the other technique in the same manner.

Garo Spell List

Name MP Lv School Summary
Blade Barrier 9 6th evocation Create a wall energy-blades up to 100 feet long and 20 feet wall which slashes creatures that are inside it or pass through it.
Circle of Invisibility 4 2nd illusion You create a 20-foot cylinder that turns creature inside of it invisible for up to 10 minutes.
Cloudkill 7 5th conjuration Conjure a 20-foot radius cloud that heavily obscures and deals poison damage to creatures inside of it.
Counterspell 5 3rd abjuration You attempt to interrupt a creature in the process of casting a spell.
Dark Dive 2 1st necromancy Grab hold of a creature with an electrocuting, life-draining palm.
Darkness 3 2nd evocation Create magical darkness out to a radius of 15 feet for 10 minutes or longer.
Dimension Door 6 4th conjuration You teleport yourself and up to one other creature up to 500 feet away to a point you specify.
Disguise Self 2 1st illusion Cause yourself to appear different for the duration.
Disintegrate 9 6th transmutation Deal 10d6 + 40 force damage to a creature, object, or a creation of magical force within 60 feet of you.
Dispel Magic 5 3rd abjuration You attempt to end a spell effect in range.
Fear 5 3rd illusion Each creature in a 30-foot cone must succeed on a Wis save or become frightened of you for up to 1 minute.
Feather Fall 2 1st transmutation Your reaction safely slows the descent for up to five creatures within 60 feet of you.
Flame Choke 2 1st evocation Your touch engulfs a creature in a burst of flames and knocks it prone.
Flaming Sphere 3 2nd conjuration You conjure a flaming sphere for up to 1 minute, which rolls through and damages creatures.
Fog Cloud 2 1st conjuration You create a sphere of fog within range.
Freedom of Movement 6 4th abjuration A willing creature you touch can't have its speed reduced or its movement restricted by most means for 1 hour.
Grease 2 1st conjuration Slick grease covers a patch of ground, potentially knocking creatures prone.
Greater Invisibility 6 4th illusion A creature you touch becomes invisible for 1 minute.
Haste 5 3rd transmutation A willing creature is accelerated in time, improving its speed, actions, and combat capabilities.
Heat Metal 3 2nd transmutation A manufactured metal object in range intensely heats, damaging any creature on contact with it.
Hideous Laughter 2 1st enchantment A creature in range falls into fits of uncontrollable laughter, becoming prone and incapacitated for the duration.
Image 2 1st illusion Create the image of an object, a creature, or some other visible phenomenon that is no larger than a 20-foot cube.
Invisibility 4 2nd illusion A creature you touch becomes invisible until it attacks or casts a spell, for up to 1 hour.
Jump 1 1st transmutation A creature's jump distance is tripled until the spell ends.
Knock 3 2nd transmutation You magically open a lock or similar opening, but create a loud knock audible from up to 300 feet away.
Longstrider 2 1st transmutation A creature you touch has its speed increases by 10 feet for 1 hour.
Magic Lock 3 2nd abjuration You seal a door, window, chest, or other entrywat with a magic lock that is particularly difficult to break or force open.
Mirror Image 3 2nd illusion You create three illusory duplicates of yourself to distract attacks away from you.
Nondetection 5 3rd abjuration For 8 hours, you hide a target that you touch from divination magic.
Paralyze 3 2nd enchantment You attempt to paralyze a creature you can see within range.
Seeming 7 5th illusion Give numerous creatures an illusory disguise that lasts up to 8 hours.
Seizing Bolt 3 2nd evocation A ray of flashing white-and-yellow lightning springs from you to seize the muscles of a creature.
Silence 3 2nd illusion For up to 10 minutes, no sound can be created in a 20-foot-radius sphere within 120 feet.
Slow 5 3rd transmutation Up to six creatures are slowed in time, diminishing their effectiveness in combat.
Spider Climb 3 2nd transmutation A creature you touch can climb across vertical surfaces and ceilings while leaving its hands free, for up to an hour.
Spike Growth 3 2nd transmutation A 20-foot radius of ground grows spikes, dealing 2d4 piercing damage for every 5 feet of movement a creature travels through it.
Spiritual Weapon 3 2nd evocation Use your bonus action to summon and attack with a spectral weapon.
Stinking Cloud 5 3rd conjuration Conjure a 20-foot radius cloud that heavily obscures. A creature that starts its turn in the cloud must succeed a Con save or lose its action.
Wall of Fire 6 4th evocation Flames extend in a wall up to 60 feet long and 20 feet wide. One side of the wall incinerates creatures within 10 feet of it.
Warping Step 1 1st conjuration You teleport to an unoccupied space you can see up to 30 feet away.
Water Walk 4 3rd transmutation Up to ten willing creatures gain the ability to traverse any liquid surface as if it was solid ground for 1 hour.
Waver 2 1st illusion Your reaction imposes disadvantage on attack rolls targeting you.

Garo Technique List

This page or section is incomplete, and will eventually be expanded with more information.