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The following spells may require a {{cha}} [[saving throw]].
{{Subclass Spell List|Charisma save}}
{{Subclass Spell List|Charisma save}}
[[Category:Spells by defense]]
[[Category:Spells by defense]]

Latest revision as of 01:17, 15 April 2020

The following spells may require a Charisma saving throw.

Name MP Lv School Summary
Baleful Regression 7 5th transmutation Transform a creature into an infantile version of itself.
Beguile 2 1st enchantment You attempt to charm a creature you can see within range.
Calm Emotions 3 2nd enchantment You attempt to suppress strong emotions of a group of creatures.
Conjure Sol 11 8th conjuration Summon a powerful glowing orb that can either damage or empower those touched by the light it emits.
Control Beast 4 2nd enchantment You attempt to control a beast to do your bidding for up to 1 minute.
Dispirit 0 enchantment A creature must succeed on a Charisma save or take 1d6 psychic damage, but instead takes 1d10 damage if it has full heart points.
Jolt Corpse 0 necromancy Compel a dead or undead creature into a sudden, jerking motion.
Luminous Lure 0 enchantment A creature must make a Charisma saving throw or be pulled 10 feet towards you, then take 1d8 radiant damage if it is within 5 feet of you.
Magic Circle 5 3rd abjuration You create a 10-foot radius cylinder that prevents certain creature types from entering.
Marvelous Melody 0 enchantment Your melody damages adjacent creatures, and potentially charms them.
Mergewall 9 6th transmutation You transform a creature into a painting, merging it into a nearby wall.
Nightmare Visage 4 2nd illusion A creature you touch becomes horrifying to its enemies, adding psychic damage and fear to its attacks.
Ray of Radiance 0 evocation You hurl a ball of light, dealing radiant damage and briefly illuminating the target.
Roaring Breath 4 2nd enchantment Your tremendous roar deals thunder damage to creatures in a 15-foot cone, frightening them.
Spook 0 enchantment A creature must succeed on a Charisma saving throw or take psychic damage and be unable to take reactions for 1 round.