Table of Master Major Magic Items
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The following table predominantly contains master major magic items. Master items are so rare, so valuable, and so powerful that studied scholars may doubt their existence. There may only be a few master items throughout the entirety of the Light World.
If you find a fair seller, the expected asking price for a magic item like this is around 2,000,000 (4d4 × 200,000) rupees. If you sell this magic item to a honorable and fair buyer, you can expect to accrue in profit around 1,000,000 (2d4 × 200,000) rupees.
Name | Type | Summary |
Bow of Light | Weapon | This bow has large bonuses to attack and damage rolls. It can be used to periodically shoot light arrows. |
Champion's Cloth | Wondrous item | This magic garment grants a +3 bonus to AC and grants advantage on all Str, Dex, and Con saves. |
Double-Edged Ring | Ring | Add 2d12 to the first damage roll you make during each of your turns. |
Double Helix Blade | Weapon | This devastating greatsword shoots cutting waves of energy with every attack. |
Four Sword | Weapon | This magic shortsword has bonuses to attack and damage rolls. You can cast mirror image, power beam, and remove curse. |
Golden Plate | Armor | This magic plate grants a +1 bonus to AC, a 10-foot increase to speed, and several other benefits. |
Golden Sword | Weapon | A hit from this epic sword deals an extra 4d10 radiant damage. |
Lynel Spear | Weapon | This lynel-made glaive deals extra damage based on its rarity. |
Lynel Sword | Weapon | This lynel-made longsword deals extra damage based on its rarity. |
Magic Cape | Wondrous item | Briefly become invisible and immune to nonmagical damage. |
One-Hit Obliterator | Weapon | This magic club can instantly slay any creature with less than 100 heart points. |
Phantom Armor | Armor | Gain resistance and temporary immunity to nonmagical damage. |
Power Ring | Ring | Add a bonus die to damage rolls with melee or thrown weapons. |
Red Mail | Armor | Any bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage you take is reduced by 75%. |
Red Ring | Ring | Any bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage you take is reduced by 75%. |
Rod of Din | Rod | Expend charges from this rod to cast spells so mighty they may invoke the Golden Goddess of Power. |