Anouki (species)
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“ | “Anouki reside in cold climes and have antlers similar to a reindeer's. They tend to be frivolous, prickly, and hard to please. They are not aggressive, but do not have much interest in other groups, preferring an isolated life.” |
— Encyclopedia |
Anouki hail from the frigid north of the world, primarily from the far-off Isle of Frost. Their blubbery bodies are well-suited to such cold. Almost universally they wear thick winter coats of bright colors that stand out in the snow, though some folk confuse these iconic coats for their natural fur.
These folks have a reputation of being frivolous, prickly, and hard to please. Despite this they generally follow the rules and are never violently aggressive. These folk are as peaceful as any could hope to be.
Antlered Rotund Waddlers
An average anouki stands at a height of 5 feet, but has a bulbous body much stouter than that of a hylian or gerudo, somewhat similar in this regard to a goron. A typical anouki's face is particularly round, almost spherical. Facial features include flat noses, pink cheeks, and beady eyes that altogether make them seem doll-like.
Small deer-like antlers sprout from their heads, but these horns are mostly vestigial. Few anouki take to the life of adventuring or fighting, but those who do make use of these antlers as surprisingly effective weapons.
Cozy in the Cold
The bodies of anouki are well-adapted to the sub-zero environments in which they live. Compared to most races, a typical anouki has a large amount of dense fat in its body to provide warmth. Consequently, an anouki has a wide and squat form, with short legs that appear to waddle whenever it walks. Despite their bulbous size, anouki are excellent swimmers, and their short legs end in webbed feet that are useful for both pushing water and gripping tightly to ice or other terrains.
Males of adult age frequently grow white-colored facial hair, but there are otherwise minimal differences between male and female anouki. The race reproduces and raises children in a manner similar to hylians.
Frank to a Fault
It is said anouki never lie, which in many cases might be true. That isn't to say they are kind—anouki don't sugarcoat the truth. Their honesty can come off as rude to those unaccustomed to their norms. As they are not accustomed to deception, anouki are often easily deceived.
Anouki are very prone to acting like others to fit in. They are quick to alienate outsiders, even other anouki. Despite their cliquish nature, these people are not inherently cruel and are particularly averse to violence.
Ancestral Frost, New Warmth
These arctic-dwellers usually have an easy time surviving in the ice-covered lands they call home. Few monsters are native to their frigid islands, yet fishing yields plentiful food for their lazy lifestyles. As such, anouki rarely engage in more active hunting or athletic sport and instead occupy themselves with intellectual pursuits. Their cultured villages usually have a significant emphasis on trends, fashion, and education—including the practice of minor magical spells learned through study and practice.
While most anouki live on the Isle Frost or in the frigid Hebric region, new generations have ventured south where their storied fishing skills are put to great use in Hateno and other areas of the Hyrule mainland.
Lineage details

Size. Anouki have wide bodies that typically stand around 5 feet tall. Your size is Medium.
Age.Anouki age similarly to hylians, reaching adulthood around 20 years. The oldest among them have lived to see a full century.
Alignment. Organized and often isolated, anouki can barely imagine any among them breaking convention—but are quick to ridicule those who do. Despite their chill attitudes, most anouki are lawful neutral.
Diet. As a Medium humanoid, each day you prefer at least 1 pound of food and 1 gallon of watern. Anouki tend to be particularly fond of warm, savory foods that go down easily—like soups and stews. They're most accustomed to seafood.
Names. Anouki names are usually not specific to males or females. A typical anouki name is two syllables, and one almost always ends in either an "oo" or "oh" vowel sound. Examples include Aroo, Bulu, Dobo, Fofo, Gumo, Honcho, Kofu, Kumu, Mazo, Nobodo, Noko, Yefu, and Yeko.
Base Height | Height Modifier | Base Weight | Weight Modifier |
4′ 6" | +2d10 | 120 lb. | × (2d6) |
Character traits
As an anouki, you have the following traits:
Ability Score Increase. Increase your Constitution or Intelligence score by 2.
Penguin Speed. Your walk speed is decreased by 5 feet. You aren't Slowed by swimming.
Cold Resistance. You have resistance to cold damage, and you can't be Frozen.
Traction. Your webbed feet secure you firmly to the ground. You are not Slowed by difficult terrain, and you treat slippery ice as normal terrain.
Horn Attack. When you hit with an unarmed strike using your head, you can deal pierce damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength modifier, instead of the normal damage for an unarmed strike. You can attack this way without your hands.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write both Hebric and Hylian.
Heritage. Anouki are all pretty similar to each other, but those in different regions have adapted different specialties. You have one heritage of your choice from snow anouki, frost anouki, and arboreal anouki.
Arboreal Anouki
All anouki once lived in northern icelands, but according to legend someone once told many anouki that they couldn't "crash there forever." A surprising amount heeded this advice and set sail to settle in other regions. A minority made homes in arboreal forests in lands that—shocking to some anouki—aren't covered in snow and ice all year round. In time, these generations of anouki adapted the woodlands to their own preferences.
Like their colder cousins, arboreal anouki still survive mostly through fishing. Whereas hylians might have cleared pastures for farming, anouki prefer the protection of many trees and shrubs all around the rivers and lakes where they fish. It's even common for these anouki to build impressive-looking treehouses, and many of them climb trees to get better vantage points for fishing or lookouts.
Ability Score Increase. Increase Strength score by 1.
Climber. You aren't Slowed by climbing.
Hauler. When determining how many items you can carry, treat your Strength score as being 5 points higher.
Honest Work. In monster-filled woodlands, all anouki contribute in an organized way to protect their group. You have proficiency in tool of your choice from land vehicles, or any artisan's tool.
Forager. You have advantage on any Wisdom (Survival) check made to procure food and water.
Frost Anouki
These anouki hail primarily from the eponymous Isle of Frost. In such inhospitable climates, it's so cold and dry that even snow rarely falls, and some folk struggle to even breathe. They were raised in possibly the most brutal places folk can live, but you could never guess from how casually they talk about the latest gossip.
Ability Score Increase. Increase your Wisdom score by 1.
Survivor. They may not look like much, but frost anouki comfortably endure conditions other races couldn't even survive. You have proficiency in the Survival skill.
Icelander. You have advantage on all Wisdom (Survival) checks made in arctic environment, and Intelligence checks made about the arctics or creatures found in such an environment.
Stamina. Add your PB to all Constitution checks you make.
Honest Work. In the harsh terrain of frost, all anouki contribute in an organized way to the benefit of their group. You have proficiency in tool of your choice from navigator's tools, water vehicles, or any artisan's tool.
Snow Anouki
To most anouki, gentle snowfall is the most pleasant of weather. Not too hot, not too windy, not too dry—it's just right. Perhaps unsurprisingly anouki are drawn to the snow-filled region of Hebra, which hosts by far the largest anouki population in Hyrule proper.
While most anouki live far from other people, this variety lives in Hyrule among many other folks like rito and hylians. Perhaps the contrast with other people is why these anouki often come across as even more finicky than most.
Ability Score Increase. Increase your Charisma score by 1.
Magic Adept. Increase your magic point maximum by 2.
Snow Magic. Snow anouki study arts that originate from the natural magic of their winter wonderlands. You know one cantrip of your choice from cryonis, frost bolt, and prestidigitation. You also know one spell from icy gale, illusory script, and yeti snowballs. Your casting ability for these spells is the highest from Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma.
Pedantry. Some may call anouki frivolous, but your people find it useful to sharply discern between what is and isn't beneficial. You have proficiency in one skill of your choice between Insight and Persuasion.
The material on this page is based primarily on content found in Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks, both of which are copyright Nintendo Co., Ltd.
- Pages with quotes
- Penguin Speed trait
- Cold Damage Resistance trait
- Traction trait
- Unarmed Strike trait
- Climb trait
- Hauler trait
- Minor Proficiency trait
- Forager trait
- Skill Proficiency trait
- Icelander trait
- Stamina trait
- Magic Adept trait
- Snow Magic trait
- Races
- Humanoids
- Anouki
- Uncommon
- Content originating from Phantom Hourglass
- Content originating from Spirit Tracks