Category:Constitution save spells

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The following spells may require a Constitution saving throw.

Name MP Lv School Summary
Blight 6 4th necromancy Necromantic energy washes over a creature of your choice that you can see within range.
Blinding Radiance 6 4th evocation You emit a bright flash, damaging and blinding nearby creatures.
Blizzard 11 8th evocation A roar of wind and pelting snow tears through an area 120 feet wide; limit movement, diminish senses, deal cold damage.
Bombos 11 8th evocation You send out a wave of flame that circles out from you in a spiral, followed by a series of thunderous explosions.
Breath of Farosh 7 5th evocation A stroke of lightning-breath tears through a 30-foot line in front of you, potentially causing momentarily paralysis.
Breath of Naydra 6 4th evocation A blast of freezing breath assails a 10-foot cone in front of you, potentially freezing your enemies solid.
Cloudkill 7 5th conjuration Conjure a 20-foot radius cloud that heavily obscures and deals poison damage to creatures inside of it.
Contagion 7 5th necromancy You poison and then disease a creature you touch.
Drain Vitality 0 necromancy You drain the life from a creature to bolster your own vitality.
Earthquake 11 8th evocation For the duration, an intense tremor rips through a region of ground you specify, shaking creatures and structures atop it.
Eldin Smog 9 6th conjuration Conjure a cloud of fiery smoke that deals damage and blinds creatures.
Electrified Terrain 6 4th evocation A 20-foot square of ground becomes electrified, becoming difficult terrain and dealing lightning damage.
Ember 0 evocation A grounded creature within 20 feet of you must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or take 1d6 fire damage and be ignited for 1 minute.
Ether 12 8th evocation The sky's power sweeps down to strike all creatures in a 60-foot radius cylinder centered on you.
Flash Freeze 8 5th evocation Creatures in a 20-foot cube take cold damage and may be petrified for up to 1 minute.
Freezing Sphere 9 6th evocation A 60-foot-radius sphere explodes with cold energy, dealing immense cold damage and freez
Frostnip 0 transmutation A creature within 30 feet must succeed on a Constitution save or take 1d8 cold damage, or 1d12 cold damage if it is missing heart points.
Hand of Nayru 13 9th evocation
Heat Metal 3 2nd transmutation A manufactured metal object in range intensely heats, damaging any creature on contact with it.
Holy Aura 11 8th abjuration Nearby creatures of your choice gain advantage on all saving throws, while all attack rolls against them have disadvantage.
Ice Cube 5 3rd evocation At a point you choose in range, air cools so rapidly it momentarily freezes into a solid cube before shattering apart.
Igniting Impact 1 1st evocation Use your bonus action to ignite a creature you've already hit with a melee attack this turn.
Incinerate 8 5th evocation The target takes up to 9d6 fire damage, and is ignited for 4d6 damage by persistant fire.
Knock-Out Brew 4 2nd enchantment The stench of your special brew renders a creature unconscious if it fails a Constitution save.
Poison Spray 0 Conjuration Fling poisonous gas or fluid at a creature within 10 feet, which must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or take poison damage.
Primordial Lightning 11 7th evocation Either devastate a creature with an almighty bolt of lightning, or empower a creature with primordial energy.
Prismatic Spray 10 7th evocation Eight multicolored rays of light flash into a 60-foot cone originating from you, causing an array of harm to those caught in the blast.
Ray of Enfeeblement 3 2nd necromancy The target deals only half damage with weapon attacks that use Strength for up to 1 minute.
Singe 0 evocation A creature within 30 feet must succeed on a Constitution save or take 1d8 fire damage; 1d12 fire damage if it's unarmored.
Sphere of Death 5 3rd necromancy A 40-foot radius sphere emerges from a point within 150 feet, dealing 6d6 necrotic damage to creatures that fail a Constitution saving throw.
Static 0 evocation A sudden charge of electricity arcs through a creature in range, dealing damage that will spread to an adjacent creature.
Stinking Cloud 5 3rd conjuration Conjure a 20-foot radius cloud that heavily obscures. A creature that starts its turn in the cloud must succeed a Con save or lose its action.
Storm of Vengeance 13 9th conjuration You create a powerful storm cloud up to a radius of 360 feet, which assails the area underneath for 1 minute.
Sunburst 12 8th evocation A brilliant flash of sunlight deals radiant damage and blinds several creatures.
Thunder 10 7th evocation Lightning storms all around you. Creatures in a 60-foot radius take 14d6 damage on a failed save, or have as much on a success.
Voice of Farore 13 9th evocation For the duration, each turn you can call down a thunderous bolt of lightning that deals immense damage and can paralyze.