Opportunist (archived)

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Table: The Opportunist

Level Proficiency
1st +2 Hearts, Proficiencies, Proficiency Points, Sneakstrike, Stamina Meter
2nd +2 Cunning Action, Talent
3rd +2 Subclass
4th +2 Improvement
5th +3 Uncanny Dodge
6th +3 Agile Initiative
7th +3 Subclass feature
8th +3 Improvement
9th +4 Evasion
10th +4 Reliable Skills
11th +4 Subclass feature
12th +4 Improvement
13th +5 Blindsight
14th +5 Subclass feature
15th +5 Elusive
16th +5 Improvement
17th +6 Subclass feature
18th +6 Supreme Luck
19th +6 Talent(extra), Improvement
20th +6 Subclass feature

Starting equipment



Each level you gain in this class grants you a Heart Container (or a "Hit Die"), which is a d8. Heart Containers are used primarily during short rests to recover heart points.

If your first class level is gained as an opportunist, your maximum heart points increases by 8 + your Constitution modifier.

Anytime you otherwise gain a level in this class, you roll d8 (or take the median of 5), then add your Constitution modifier to that number. Your maximimum heart points increases by an amount equal to the result.

If your Constitution modifier later increases, your maximum heart points will retroactively increase.


If your first class level is gained as an opportunist, you have proficiency with the following.

Multiclass Proficiencies

If you gain a level in opportunist as a secondary class (see multiclassing), you instead gain proficiency with either one professional tool of your choice or three musical instruments of your choice.

Proficiency Points

If your first class level is gained as an opportunist, you have a number of proficiency points equal to 9 + your Intelligence modifier. If your Intelligence modifier permanently increases, so too do your number of proficiency points.
     During character creation or during downtime, you can expend proficiency points to gain proficiencies.

This feature assumes you do not have a background. If you do have a background, your number of proficiency points is reduced by 6.


You can cunningly strike your foes' weakest points. Once per turn when you hit with an attack that adds your ability modifier to the damage roll, you can make a Sneakstrike. The attack must be made as a called shot, you must have had advantage on the attack roll, or you must hit a surprised creature.

A Sneakstrike deals 5 extra damage. The subclass you gain at 3rd level may augment your Sneakstrike.

Stamina Gauge

You gain a number of stamina points equal to your levels in this class plus your Dexterity modifier. If your Dexterity later increases, so too does your number of stamina points.

You can use your stamina points to perform called shots or to use other class features. Normally all of your stamina points are replenished when you complete a short or long rest.

Called Shot

Just before making an attack roll with a weapon or an unarmed strike, you can make a target strike either by expending 2 stamina points, or by taking disadvantage on the attack roll. You cannot make a target strike if the attack roll would have disadvantage anyway, nor if any effect imposes a -5 penalty to the attack roll.

A target strike generally aims for wherever the target is most vulnerable, such as gaps in a warrior's armor, or the exposed eye of a huge monster. This kind of target strike maximizes the damage dice rolled on a hit (e.g., treat 1d8 as simply 8), including any extra dice rolled as part of a critical hit or from other sources. Your narrator may enable alternate or additional effects for a target strike.

Cunning Action

Starting at 2nd level, your quick thinking and agility let you move and act quickly. Each turn in combat, you can use your bonus action to Dash, Disengage, or Hide. This feature does not alter the circumstances under which you can Hide.


At 2nd level and 19th level, you hone your abilities into a new talent. At these levels, choose one of the following talents to master. You can also master another talent as an Improvement. Unless stated otherwise, you cannot gain the same talent multiple times.

Expertise Choose one skill or tool in which you are proficient. You gain expertise in the chosen skill or tool. If you gain this talent a second time, you gain expertise in another skill or tool, but you cannot gain this talent more than twice.
Jack of All Trades You add a +1 bonus to any ability check you make that doesn't already include your proficiency bonus nor any other bonus. This doesn't benefit attack rolls or saving throws. If you gain this talent a second time at 19th level, the bonus increases to +2.
Spell Adept You learn two cantrips of your choice from the researcher or sage spell list. Both cantrips must be usable by the same subclass. If you chose researcher cantrips, your casting ability for these cantrips is Intelligence. Otherwise your casting ability is Wisdom. You can gain this talent twice.
Unarmed Fighting
  • When you make an unarmed strike, you can roll a d6 instead of the normal damage die, and you can choose to use your Dexterity modifier for attack and damage rolls in place of your Strength modifier.
  • You can use your Cunning Action to make an unarmed strike if you already took the Attack action this turn, but you don't add your ability modifier to the damage roll of this attack.
  • If you are unarmored, your AC is never lower than 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Wisdom modifier. A shield's bonus does not add to this AC.
  • If both of your hands are free and you are not benefiting from a shield, you can add 1 to your Armor Class.
Weapon Training You gain proficiency with all martial weapons and with shields (but not heavy shields).


At 3rd level, you choose an subclass that you exercise in your opportunist abilities. The subclass you choose grants you features at 3rd level and again at 7th, 11th, 14th, 17th, and 20th level.

Each subclass is summarized immediately below, and covered in more detail later on this page.

  • An assassin specializes in delivering a devastating, killing blow to an unsuspecting foe.
  • A bard specializes in social interaction, supporting allies, and learning or reciting legends.
  • A garo practices an an art which blends the cunning and agility of an opportunist with evocation and illusion magic.
  • A mystic specializes in unarmed combat and mobility, and employs a variety of flashy spells to accomplish its goals.
  • A skirmisher works with allies to achieve the upper hand in combat.


When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, your capabilities improve in a fundamental but powerful way. At these levels, choose one of the following improvements:

  • Increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or two ability scores by 1 each. You cannot increase any ability score above its maximum (initially 20) using this feature.
  • Gain a feat of your choice.
  • Master another Talent of your choice.
  • Acquire 5 more proficiency points.

Uncanny Dodge

Beginning at 5th level, when an attacker that you can see hits you with an attack, you can use your reaction to expend 1 stamina point and halve the attack's damage against you.

Agile Initiative

Starting from 6th level, you can add both your Dexterity modifier and your Wisdom modifier to your initiative checks.


At 9th level, you learn to nimbly dodge from area damage and abnormal hazards like a dragon's fiery breath or a bomb. When you make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage from an effect, you instead take no damage on a successful saving throw, and only half damage on a failure.

Reliable Skills

By 10th level, you have refined your chosen skills to near perfection. Whenever you make an ability check with your proficiency bonus, you can treat a d20 roll of 9 or lower as a 10.


At 13th level, you gain blindsight out to a range of 10 feet. As long as you can hear, you can perceive any creature within this range even if it is hidden or invisible, and your inability to see it doesn’t impose disadvantage on your attack rolls against it


Starting at 15th level, no attack roll can have advantage against you while you aren't incapacitated.

Supreme Luck

At 18th level, you learn to pull off incredible stunts that appear to be extreme luck. You can expend 10 stamina points to do either of the following:

  • Immediately after you roll any ability check, you can choose to roll again and can use either the second result or the initial one.
  • When you miss an attack roll, you can choose to hit instead.