Magic Cape (magic item)

From Legends of Hyrule
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Wondrous item, epic major (requires attunement)

This bright red cloak is known simply as the magic cape. It has 8 charges. While wearing it, you can activate the cape as a bonus action by speaking the command word and consuming 1 charge, which turns you invisible until the start of your next turn. While you are invisible in this way, you are immune to all nonmagical damage.
     At the start of each of your turns, you must either expend 1 charge to maintain this effect for another turn.
     This cape regains 2d4 charges daily at dawn. A creature can use its action to touch the cape and expend 5 magic points, which restores one charge early.

The material on this page is based primarily on content found in A Link to the Past and Four Swords Adventures, both of which are copyright Nintendo Co., Ltd.