Golden Plate (magic item)

From Legends of Hyrule
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Armor (plate), legendary major (requires attunement)

Although not made of literal gold, this magic plate armor incorporates spoils from rare and powerful golden monsters. While wearing it, you have an extra +1 bonus to your Armor Class, and your speed increases by 10 feet.

This armor has 5 charges. It regains 1d4 + 1 charges daily at dawn. These charges can be used for three different effects:

  • When you roll a Dexterity saving throw or you roll for initiative, you can expend 1 charge to gain advantage on that roll before you make it.
  • When you are hit by an attack, you can use your reaction to expend 2 charges and halve the damage you take from that attack unless the damage is necrotic.
  • If you fail a saving throw, you can expend 4 charges to succeed instead.