Table of Common Major Magic Items

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The following table predominantly contains common major magic items. Compared to other magic items, common items are easy to buy and sell. They can be found in markets as easily as nonmagical items.

If you find a fair seller, the expected asking price for a magic item like this is around 600 (4d4 × 60) rupees. If you sell this magic item to a honorable and fair buyer, you can expect to accrue in profit around 300 (2d4 × 60) rupees.

Name Type Summary
Adventure Pouch Wondrous item This space-defying pouch can hold up to 10 items, but never weighs more than 1 pound.
Armos Shield Shield A magic deflecting shield which disguises you if you remain immobile.
Banker's Bow Weapon This longbow can spontaneously spawn ammunition at the cost of rupees.
Bee Badge Wondrous item This golden badge wards off from Tiny, weak insects.
Blast Mask Wondrous item This mask enables you to erupt with a fiery explosion that harms yourself and your surroundings.
Blue Candle Wondrous item Cast candle once each minute.
Cheval Rope Wondrous item This 20-foot spool of magic rope is incredibly sturdy, and weighs only 1 pound.
Cobble Crusher Weapon This maul breaks through some damage resistance and immunity. It's easy for gorons to wield.
Dunewalker Duds Armor Endure extreme heat without difficulty, and tread through sand easily.
Energy Ring Ring Cast power beam at will, using either Strength or Dexterity.
Expert's Ring Ring Empower your unarmed strike.
Feathered Weapon Weapon This weapon deals +1 damage if used while falling or flying. This weapon is nonmagical for the purpose of overcoming damage resistance or immunity.
Gale Boomerang Weapon This magic boomerang can pick up small objects in its path, carrying them back to you. This weapon is nonmagical for the purpose of overcoming damage resistance or immunity.
Giant's Knife Weapon This powerful greatsword is fragile, and liable to break apart with any attack. This weapon is nonmagical for the purpose of overcoming damage resistance or immunity.
Iron Boots Wondrous item These heavy boots restrict your movement, but can help you maintain your position or sink in water.
Korok Leaf Wondrous item This fan-like leave can be used to create a powerful gust that can push away creatures.
Minish Weapon Weapon Transform this weapon into a tiny cloth replica of itself, and back again. This weapon is nonmagical for the purpose of overcoming damage resistance or immunity.
Phrenic Bow Weapon This shortbow is easy to hide. It can be used to make exceptionally long range attacks without disadvantage.
Power Gloves Wondrous item Enhance the amount of weight you can push, drag, or lift.
Roc's Ring Ring While wearing this magic ring, you exert one quarter of your normal weight downwards on any surface or body that carries you.
Romani's Mask Wondrous item Appear as an adult version of yourself. Regain some hp when drinking milk during a short rest.
Silver Weapon Weapon This weapon has the amphibious property, doesn't rust, and overcomes some creatures' damage resistance.
Skull Mask Wondrous item Ward off keese and aches.
Zora Flippers Wondrous item You have a swim speed while you wear these flippers, but your land speed is halved.