Table of Legendary Minor Magic Items

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The following table predominantly contains legendary minor magic items. Legendary items are practically priceless, selling for hundreds of thousands of rupees. One would expect only monarchs or legendary creatures to exchange an agreeable amount of rupees for these items.

If you find a fair seller, the expected asking price for a magic item like this is around 125,000 (4d4 × 12,500) rupees. If you sell this magic item to a honorable and fair buyer, you can expect to accrue in profit around 65,000 (2d4 × 12,500) rupees.

Name Type Summary
Armor Seed Wondrous item This seed can be used once to grant you resistance to all damage for 1 hour.
Champion's Elixir Potion This magic elixir adds a bonus die to almost all of your rolls for 10 minutes.
Gohma Bomb Wondrous item The explosion from this bomb reaches out to 60 feet, dealing as much as 20d12 force damage.
Golden Potion Potion Gain temporary heart points that last up to 24 hours.
Hearty Elixir Potion Gain temporary heart points that last up to 24 hours.
Light Arrow Weapon This arrow deals immense radiant damage and can paralyze the target.
Subrosian Soup Potion Regains heart points equal to your Constitution score, then become immune to fire damage for 8 hours.
Yeti Soup Potion Regains heart points equal to your Constitution score, then become immune to cold damage and petrification for 8 hours.

This table is meant to augment or replace the "Magic Items Table E" on page 145 of the Dungeon Master's Guide.