Primordial Lightning (spell)

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11-point evocation
Casting time:  1 action
Range:  60 feet
Components:  V, S
Duration:  1 minute

Before time began, before spirits and life existed, the world was a storm of chaos. You reach back into this primordial chaos to conjure a single terrifyingly powerful lightning bolt that tears into one creature in range that you can see. You can direct this lighting to empower or devastate the target.
     Empower. If you target a willing friendly creature, you can direct the lightning to fill the target's held weapon with primordial power. For the duration, add a d12 bonus die to attack and damage rolls with that weapon, the extra damage is lightning damage, and the weapon is magical. Whoever wields the weapon has resistance to lightning damage, and any creature which hits it with a melee attack takes 1d12 lightning damage.
     Devastate. The target must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes 8d12 lightning damage and is stunned for the duration. On a success, the target takes half as much damage and isn't stunned. A creature stunned by this spell can make a Constitution saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the spell on a success.
7th-level evocation
Casting time:  1 action
Range:  60 feet
Components:  V, S
Duration:  1 minute

Before time began, before spirits and life existed, the world was a storm of chaos. You reach back into this primordial chaos to conjure a single terrifyingly powerful lightning bolt that tears into one creature in range that you can see. You can direct this lighting to empower or devastate the target.
     Empower. If you target a willing friendly creature, you can direct the lightning to fill the target's held weapon with primordial power. For the duration, add a d12 bonus die to attack and damage rolls with that weapon, the extra damage is lightning damage, and the weapon is magical. Whoever wields the weapon has resistance to lightning damage, and any creature which hits it with a melee attack takes 1d12 lightning damage.
     Devastate. The target must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes 8d12 lightning damage and is stunned for the duration. On a success, the target takes half as much damage and isn't stunned. A creature stunned by this spell can make a Constitution saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the spell on a success.
     Exhausting Spell. If you cast this spell more than once before you finish a long rest, you suffer two levels of exhaustion immediately after casting it.