Researcher/Spell List

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Researcher Spell List

The following spells are available to all researchers. The School of Research you choose at 2nd level expands your spell list. See technomancer, twilit, witch, or wizzrobe for the respective school's expanded spell list.


Template:Subclass Cantrip List

1-point spells

Name MP Lv School Summary
Flying Object 1 1st transmutation A Small nearby object shoots up to 100 feet in a straight line, potentially damaging a creature in its path.
Illusory Script 1 1st illusion You write a script that appears true to creatures you designate, but illusory to all other creatures.
Tremor 1 1st evocation You cause the ground around you to wildly shake, knocking nearby creatures prone and creating difficult terrain.
Warping Step 1 1st conjuration You teleport to an unoccupied space you can see up to 30 feet away.

2-point spells

Name MP Lv School Summary
Detect Magic 2 1st divination Sense the presence of magic within 30 feet of you.
Disguise Self 2 1st illusion Cause yourself to appear different for the duration.
Feather Fall 2 1st transmutation Your reaction safely slows the descent for up to five creatures within 60 feet of you.
Fog Cloud 2 1st conjuration You create a sphere of fog within range.
Grease 2 1st conjuration Slick grease covers a patch of ground, potentially knocking creatures prone.
Identify 2 1st divination You identify what spells are affecting a creature or object, or learn a magic item's properties.
Image 2 1st illusion Create the image of an object, a creature, or some other visible phenomenon that is no larger than a 20-foot cube.
Mage Armor 2 1st abjuration A creature you touch gains an AC of 13 + its Dexterity modifier.
Perceive Invisibility 2 1st divination For at least 1 minute, you see invisible creatures and objects as if they were visible.
Unseen Servant 2 1st conjuration Create an invisible, Medium object that performs simple tasks at your bonus action command until the spell ends.

3-point spells

Name MP Lv School Summary
Darkness 3 2nd evocation Create magical darkness out to a radius of 15 feet for 10 minutes or longer.
Gust of Wind 3 2nd evocation You create a sustained blast of wind in a line at least 60 feet long and 10 feet wide for up to 1 minute.
Illumination 3 2nd evocation Create daylight out to a wide radius for 10 minutes or longer.
Knock 3 2nd transmutation You magically open a lock or similar opening, but create a loud knock audible from up to 300 feet away.
Mirror Image 3 2nd illusion You create three illusory duplicates of yourself to distract attacks away from you.
Seizing Bolt 3 2nd evocation A ray of flashing white-and-yellow lightning springs from you to seize the muscles of a creature.
Spider Climb 3 2nd transmutation A creature you touch can climb across vertical surfaces and ceilings while leaving its hands free, for up to an hour.

4-point spells

Name MP Lv School Summary
Invisibility 4 2nd illusion A creature you touch becomes invisible until it attacks or casts a spell, for up to 1 hour.
Sending 4 3rd evocation You send a short message to any creature with which you are familiar over any possible distance.

5-point spells

Name MP Lv School Summary
Counterspell 5 3rd abjuration You attempt to interrupt a creature in the process of casting a spell.
Dispel Magic 5 3rd abjuration You attempt to end a spell effect in range.
Fly 5 3rd transmutation A willing creature you touch gains a flying speed of 60 feet for the duration.
Magic Circle 5 3rd abjuration You create a 10-foot radius cylinder that prevents certain creature types from entering.
Nondetection 5 3rd abjuration For 8 hours, you hide a target that you touch from divination magic.
Slow 5 3rd transmutation Up to six creatures are slowed in time, diminishing their effectiveness in combat.
Stinking Cloud 5 3rd conjuration Conjure a 20-foot radius cloud that heavily obscures. A creature that starts its turn in the cloud must succeed a Con save or lose its action.

6-point spells

Name MP Lv School Summary
Delayed Flying Object 6 4th transmutation
Dimension Door 6 4th conjuration You teleport yourself and up to one other creature up to 500 feet away to a point you specify.
Greater Invisibility 6 4th illusion A creature you touch becomes invisible for 1 minute.
Locate Creature 6 4th divination Sense the direction of a familiar creature you specify if it is within 1,000 feet of you.

7-point spells

Name MP Lv School Summary
Cloudkill 7 5th conjuration Conjure a 20-foot radius cloud that heavily obscures and deals poison damage to creatures inside of it.
Passwall 7 5th transmutation A passage appears for 1 hour in a surface you specify, and reaches up to 20 feet deep.
Scrying 7 5th divination You can see and hear a particular creature you choose that is on the same plane of existence as you.
Seeming 7 5th illusion Give numerous creatures an illusory disguise that lasts up to 8 hours.

8-point spells

Name MP Lv School Summary
Programmed Illusion 8 6th illusion You create a potentially complex illusion that activates when a certain criteria is met, and can activate repeatedly until dispelled.

9-point spells

Name MP Lv School Summary
True Seeing 9 6th divination A creature you touch gains truesight out to a range of 120 feet for 1 hour.

10-point spells

Name MP Lv School Summary
Project Duplicate 10 7th illusion For up to 1 day, project a convincing illusory copy of yourself up to 500 miles away.

11-point spells

Name MP Lv School Summary
Antimagic Field 11 8th abjuration A 10-foot radius sphere around you suspends or dispels all magic effects within it.

12-point spells

Name MP Lv School Summary

13-point spells

Name MP Lv School Summary

14-point spells

Name MP Lv School Summary