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'''Darknut''' is one of several possible subclasses you can undertake as a [[fighter]].
'''Darknut''' is one of several possible subclasses you can undertake as a [[fighter]].

Revision as of 20:08, 25 November 2020

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Darknut is one of several possible subclasses you can undertake as a fighter.

Your subclass yields features when you undertake it at 2nd level, and again at 4th, 7th, 11th, 16th, and 20th levels. See Fighter#Darknut for an integrated list that combines darknut features with those of the base fighter class.


Starting from 2nd level, all Heart Containers you gain from this class become d12s instead of d10s—including the one you gained at 1st level.

Your heart point maximum increases by 3, and it increases by an additional 1 every time you gain a fighter level after this.

Armor Expertise

A darknut is often defined by the ability to forge and improve its own armor. Starting from 2nd level, you have proficiency with smith's tools, and are an expert on any ability check made with them to create, modify, or repair armor. If you are already proficient with these tools, you can either gain 1 proficiency point or become proficient in any other artisan's tool of your choice.

Stalwart Defense

At 3rd level, you gain the Armored Defense and Knuckle Defense fighting styles. If you already have either fighting style, in its place you gain an additional fighting style of your choice.

If you are wearing medium armor, you can add your Constitution modifier to your AC in place of your Dexterity modifier.

Darknut Armor

Starting at 7th level, you become able to enhance medium or heavy armor you can wear. You can do so over the course of a long rest if you have access to smith's tools. Armor you have enhanced is called “darknut armor.” While you wear your darknut armor, you gain two benefits:

  • Whenever you take damage other than poison or psychic, you can lose stamina points instead of heart points. For each stamina point lost, you lose 5 fewer heart points.
  • If a spell or magic effect specifically targets your armor (as opposed to you), you have advantage on any saving throw against that spell. If the spell does not allow a saving throw, you are afforded a Constitution saving throw to ignore the effect of the spell on your armor.

Your darknut armor is designed for your body and combat style. No one else gains these benefits if they wear the armor.

Body Blow

At 11th level, you learn to put the weight of your body and armor into your strikes. Whenever you hit with a target strike, you can add your Constitution modifier to the damage dealt. Objects and structures are vulnerable to the damage from your target strikes.


At 11th level, you learn to stand your ground with superhuman moxie. While you are wearing your darknut armor, you have advantage on any Strength ability check or saving throw made to avoid being moved or knocked prone.

Truly Indomitable

Starting at 15th level, whenever you use your Indomitable feature and your new saving throw fails, you can expend 5 stamina points to succeed instead.

Snap Throw

At 15th level, you learn to put your momentum and strength into a forceful weapon throw. When a creature moves within 30 feet of you, you can use your reaction to throw a melee weapon you're wielding at that creature. Make a ranged weapon attack roll using Strength, including your proficiency bonus. A hit deals the weapon's normal damage using Strength, and reduces the target's speed to 0 until the start of your next turn.

Once you make a snap throw, you can't attempt another one until you finish a short or long rest.


At 20th level, your armor is honed into an unbelievably extraordinary barrier against all forms of damage, even those which aren't physical. While you wear your darknut armor, all attack rolls against you have disadvantage, and you have advantage on all saving throws made to reduce or avoid damage.