Fighting Styles
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A fighting style compliments your martial capabilities in combat. A champion gains a style at 1st level, and can also gain additional styles at 3rd, 7th, and 11th levels. A character of any class can gain one fighting style by taking the Stylist feat, or sometimes through class features. You can never gain the same style multiple times.
Some styles have a prerequisite. You must meet the prerequisite criteria before you can take the style. If you lose the criteria you also lose the benefit of the style until you regain it. Each style is summarized below. Click a style's name for the full effect.
Name | Summary |
Ball and Chain Soldier | Weapon Mastery. Your ball and chain gains reach, grants a +1 shield bonus, and lets you make an attack as a reaction. |
Bomber | Weapon Mastery. You gain free bombs every downtime, and any bombs you wield are more powerful. |
Boxing | Weapon Mastery. Your punch deals d8+Str damage. If both hands are free, it's d12+Str damage and you get an AC bonus. |
Cleaving | General. Reducing a creature to 0 hp lets you take an extra action to Attack, Dash, Dodge, or Help. |
Dual Wielding | General. While wielding two weapons, each time you attack you can make two attacks against the same target. |
Dueling | Weapon Mastery. When you hit with a versatile melee weapon wielded in one hand, add a d4 bonus die to the damage. |
Exploration | Pacifist. You aren't Slowed by climbing or swimming. Plus you get proficiency in Perception, Stealth, or Wilderness. |
Fatal Blows | Technique Mastery. Your Ending Blow instantly defeats a creature if it's left with 30 hp or less. |
Gallery Shooting | General. Your ranged attacks become more powerful versus any target within 30 feet. |
Great Spin | Technique Mastery. The radius of your Spin Attack raises to 10 feet, and you can use it freely at full hp. |
Hawkeye Sniping | General. Your ranged weapon attacks ignore cover, and you become more accurate beyond 30 feet. |
L-Targeting | Technique Mastery. |
Piercing Shots | General. A ranged attack that crits or drops a creature to 0 hp deals automatic damage to a creature directly behind it. |
Power Beams | General. You can cast power beam. When you have full hp, you can cast it with your bonus action. |
Slingin' | Weapon Mastery. You can make rapid attacks with the slingshot or with light thrown weapons. |
Stamina Surge | General. If you have Stamina Dice, your number of Stamina Dice increases by 2. |
Sumo | General. Your unarmed strike can damage and Grapple at the same time. You have advantage against a creature you have Grappled. |
Swift Shield | Weapon Mastery. Add your shield bonus to some saves. Your shield provides half cover to allies. |
Wallop | Weapon Mastery. While wielding a two-handed melee weapon without reach, you score crits easier and smash foes much harder. |
Wild Frenzy | Technique Mastery. Your Frenzy technique lasts for up to a minute instead of until your next turn. |