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{{CA|Slam (Costs 2 Actions)|The mothula makes one slam attack.}}
{{CA|Slam (Costs 2 Actions)|The mothula makes one slam attack.}}
|description=As a {{C|Mothula}} grows and adapts over years and years, it grows a sadistic intelligence.  Drawn from sources unknown, it gains mastery over some aspects of magic, and can even sling out bolts of flame.  They say some of them can even teleport at will.{{a}}'''''Cruel Rivalry.''''' If a mothula grows too powerful, it will even lash out at rival mothulas in the area—this might be why they almost universally wield fire magic, to exploit their kind's own weakness to flame.  When left unchecked, this can cause an overpowered mothula to hunt and eventually grow extinct all other mothulas in its area.  The only ones which might be allowed to live, in these cases, are the weak {{C|Moth}}s and {{C|Morth}}s which serve as helpless underlings.{{a}}'''''Labyrinthine Nest.''''' The insect-like intelligence of a mighty mothula often causes it to fasten an incredibly defensed nest, often deep within swamplands or dungeons that almost no creatures can reach.  There are even legends of mothulas so brilliant that they create entire labyrinths filled with traps to guard their next—traps which ensnare or kill prey to be devoured at the mothula's leisure, or shred any would-be adversary which grows too close to the nest.
|description=As a {{C|Mothula}} grows and adapts over years and years, it grows a sadistic intelligence.  Drawn from sources unknown, it gains mastery over some aspects of magic, and can even sling out bolts of flame.  They say some of them can even teleport at will.{{a}}'''''Cruel Rivalry.''''' If a mothula grows too powerful, it will even lash out at rival mothulas in the area—this might be why they almost universally wield fire magic, to exploit their kind's own weakness to flame.  When left unchecked, this can cause an overpowered mothula to hunt and eventually extinct all other mothulas in its area.  The only ones which might be allowed to live, in these cases, are the weak {{C|Moth}}s and {{C|Morth}}s which serve as helpless underlings.{{a}}'''''Labyrinthine Nest.''''' The insect-like intelligence of a great mothula often causes it to fasten an incredibly defensed nest, often deep within swamplands or dungeons that almost no creatures can reach.  There are even legends of mothulas so brilliant that they create entire labyrinths filled with traps to guard their nest—traps which ensnare or kill prey to be devoured at the mothula's leisure, or shred any would-be adversary which grows too close to the nest.
13 CR
13 CR

Revision as of 07:24, 21 July 2022

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←  #216: Moth
#218: Mountain Goat  →
Great Mothula
Huge monstrosity (mothula), chaotic evil
Armor Class 16 (natural armor)
Heart Points 210 (20d12 + 80)
Speed 40 ft., climb 40 ft., fly 60 ft.
16 (+3)
18 (+4)
18 (+4)
11 (+0)
16 (+3)
9 (-1)
Damage Vulnerabilities fire
Damage Immunities falling
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 13
Challenge 13 (10,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +5    
Challenge Alternatives 0, 1/8, 2, 3, 7
Evasion. When the mothula is subjected to an effect that allows a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, it instead takes no damage on a success, and only half damage if it fails.

Flyby. While it is flying, the mothula's movement doesn't provoke reactions.

Legendary Resistance (3/day). If the mothula fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.


Multiattack. The mothula either makes two slams then bites, or make three fire bolt attacks.

Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 22 (3d12 + 3) bludgeoning damage, and if the target is a Large or smaller creature it is either knocked prone or pushed 5 feet away.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 19 (3d10 + 3) piercing damage.

Fire Bolt. Ranged Spell Attack: +8 to hit, range 120 ft., one target. Hit: 22 (4d10) fire damage.

Legendary Actions

The great mothula can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. The great mothula regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.

Shift. The mothula flies up to 20 feet.

Squirm. The mothula uses its action to end the ignited condition or uses an action to attempt to escape a grapple or other effect which normally requires an action.

Spawn (Recharge 5-6). The mothula spews a swarm of morths, a swarm of moths, or a red bubble into any open space within 10 feet of it.

Slam (Costs 2 Actions). The mothula makes one slam attack.

As a mothula grows and adapts over years and years, it grows a sadistic intelligence. Drawn from sources unknown, it gains mastery over some aspects of magic, and can even sling out bolts of flame. They say some of them can even teleport at will.
     Cruel Rivalry. If a mothula grows too powerful, it will even lash out at rival mothulas in the area—this might be why they almost universally wield fire magic, to exploit their kind's own weakness to flame. When left unchecked, this can cause an overpowered mothula to hunt and eventually extinct all other mothulas in its area. The only ones which might be allowed to live, in these cases, are the weak moths and morths which serve as helpless underlings.
     Labyrinthine Nest. The insect-like intelligence of a great mothula often causes it to fasten an incredibly defensed nest, often deep within swamplands or dungeons that almost no creatures can reach. There are even legends of mothulas so brilliant that they create entire labyrinths filled with traps to guard their nest—traps which ensnare or kill prey to be devoured at the mothula's leisure, or shred any would-be adversary which grows too close to the nest.
     Environment: Forest, Ruins

The Legend of Zelda: Boss Fight - Mothula
by BradyGoldsmith of DeviantArt

This artwork is used without the explicit permission of its creator, and will be removed at request.

A Great Mothula's Lair

A great mothula's lair is a disturbing mixture of mystical marshlands and mechanical traps. It nests underground in caves or ruins, and its presence makes nearby weather perpetually foul.

Lair Actions

When fighting inside its lair, the mothula can invoke the ambient magic to take lair actions. On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), the mothula takes one of the following lair actions.:

  • Shift Ground. The floor in the lair rapidly shifts, ground shifting in random directions. Until the next lair action, the ground in a 120-foot radius becomes difficult terrain. Each creature that starts its turn on the ground is pulled 5 feet in a random direction (roll a d8). If pulled away from the mothula, this movement provokes an opportunity attack.
  • Spike Trap. Spike-covered trips fling across the ground. Every creature on the ground within 120 feet of it must succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw or take 5 (2d4) piercing damage. A creature with reduced movement has disadvantage on this save.
  • Morth Rain. Swarms of morths drop from the ceiling or overhanging trees. Every humanoid and beast within 120 feet must succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw or have its speed halved until it either takes damage or uses an action to remove the morth from itself. The morths which fail to latch on die from the fall.

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The material on this page is based primarily on content found in A Link to the Past, which is copyright Nintendo Co., Ltd.