Zonai (species)
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Zonai are an ancient people said to be the founders of Hyrule Kingdom, and until a recent resurgence in their population were thought to perhaps be mythical. They were said to descend from the sky, with magic and technology so advanced for the time that the ancient ancestors of hylians regarded them as gods.
Little is known today about the culture zonai had back then, and many modern zonai are trying to find themselves in this strange modern world.
Aethereal Appearance
Their tall and slender bodies are shaped like hylians and gerudo, but covered in fur, and somewhat reminiscent of goats. The fur is of muted tones like gray, white, or occasionally navy blue. By contrast the hair on their scalp always seems to be a light gray with a slight golden tint. Their faces somewhat resemble those of sheep, but feature white eyelashes, a third eye that rarely seems to open, and long keaton-like ears that can stand erect or lay flat.
Legendary Builders & Researchers
Though zonai were once thought to wield the powers of gods, in modern times it is known the ancient zonai wielded technology and canny magic with such tremendous skill that it simply appeared divine to hylians of the time.
Despite the power of these ancient zonai, they were remembered as peaceful and generous. This power was used to aid their contemporaries, rather than lord it over them. True war appeared only once in their time, and only to defend all of Hyrule from a terrible conqueror history would remember as Ganon.
Even in modern times, what few zonai still exist display an exceptional mastery over intricate plans and high-minded concepts like engineering and methodical scientific research. Some even display a seemingly instinctive understanding of blueprints and physical concepts; much like a hylian can intrinsically understand the complex the timing and force needed to throw a ball, a zonai can intrinsically understand other concepts of engineering, physical science, or magic studies. The exact subject understood this way varies between zonai.
Living History
Until recently, the zonai were thought to be extinct from this world. Some say they simply died off. Others suggest that, like the twili, the zonai moved onto another realm. Yet more believe the zonai interwed with other folks, becoming part of other lineages. Some even imply the sky-dwelling oocca somehow descend from the ancient zonai. None can prove these claims.
For millennia little was known about zonai other than the esoteric ruins they left behind. Lingering within those ruins was powerful magic that even the wisest modern scholars couldn’t completely decipher. It wasn’t even known for sure if “zonai” is what they actually called themselves.
This radically shifted a generation ago when one of the world’s many sky-islands hidden by the clouds crashed to the surface. Emerging from it came thousands of zonai, each awakening from deep sleep in resurrection shrines that kept them in undisturbed stasis for millenia. Few memories were retained of the ancient world they came from. Through major efforts by the Hyrule Royal Family, these zonai were introduced and re-integrated in modern society. Some officials saw the zonai as important figures bound to the origins of the Hyrule Kingdom itself, so for a time these zonai were well looked after.
Zonai today might still be so sparse that many Hyruleans don’t even know they exist in the flesh. Many zonai still wield ancient customs foreign to modern folk. In zonai neighborhoods Ancient Hylian is still spoken—with modern Hylian being to them like a second, separate language.
Lineage details
Size. Zonai are on the tall side, often near 7 feet. One typically weigh a bit under 200 pounds. Your size is Medium.
Age. Though zonai are ancient, those who made it to the modern era don’t seem to age at an abnormal rate. They reach maturity by 20 years, and live for about a century.
Alignment. Zonai are known for godlike mastery over magic and machines. Despite their power, zonai were very peaceful, generous, and trusting—too trusting, according to some. They lean towards law and have a strong inclination towards good.
Diet. As a Medium humanoid, each day you prefer to have 1 pound of food and 1 gallon of water.
Names. Zonai names seem to be composed of two or three short syllables each starting with a consonant sound and ending with a vowel. The last syllable is almost always "ru" or a variation. Examples include Hanari, Rauru, Mineru, Senera, and Teru.
Base Height | Height Modifier | Base Weight | Weight Modifier |
6′ 1" | +2d10 | 150 lb. | × (1d8) |
Character traits
As a zonai, you have the following traits:
Ability Score Increase. Choose two ability scores from Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. Increase both chosen scores by 1 each.
Longstrider. Your walk speed increases by 5 feet.
Intrinsic Understanding. You have proficiency in one skill of your choice from Arcana, Engineering, and History. If you prefer, you can instead have proficiency in any one artisan's tool.
Brightbloom Cultivation. You start with 4 brightbloom seeds, each of which is a light item that can’t be sold. A creature can throw a seed as an improvised weapon, with a range of 20/60 feet. This destroys the seed. A hit creature or object isn’t damaged but for 1 phase sheds bright light to a radius of 20 feet, and dim light for 20 more feet—and can’t benefit from being Invisible. When you finish downtime, any unused seeds spoil, and you find a number of new seeds equal to double your PB.
Languages. You can read, write, and speak both Ancient and Hylian.
Heritage. You have one heritage of your choice from builder zonai, hero zonai, and seer zonai.
Builder Zonai
While the legendary legacy of the ancient zonai leave huge shoes to fill, builders are those who decide to chase the zonais’ expertise with engineering and crafting.
Ability Score Increase. Increase your Intelligence or Wisdom by 1.
Masterful Artisan. You are proficient with an artisan's tool of your choice. Choose an artisan’s tool with which you have proficiency. Add a d4 bonus die to all checks you make with that tool. This die increases to d6 when you reach 5th level, and then increases one more step every time your PB increases.
Builder's Instinct. You have advantage on any ability check made to repair, construct, or create items or objects—including any check made to craft an item.
Autobuild. You can cast the spell autobuild without expending magic points. You can do so a number of times equal to your PB, and you regain all uses when you finish downtime.
Hero Zonai
The original name of this heritage has been lost to time, but are titles after the Ancient Hero who was said to slay the predecessor to Calamity Ganon over 10,000 years ago.
Hero zonai are distinguished by their stark red gerudo-like hair upon their heads, distinct from the white hair of most zonai. Their facial features are noticeably more lion-like, and they often grow a mane-like beard to match the hair. Hero zonai are prized as athletes and warriors, but it’s unclear how much of this is due to the expectation placed on them than to any actual physical difference in body.
Ability Score Increase. Increase your Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution score by 1.
Ancient Sword. You know one cantrip of your choice from aegis, power beam, quick spin, and sage hand. Your casting ability is the highest from Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma.
Enhearten. You can tell on sight if a friendly creature is Charmed, Frightened, or Jinxed. As an action, you can remove any one of these conditions from either yourself or a creature you touch who can understand you. A creature can’t gain this benefit from you again until they finish a long rest.
Seer Zonai
A seer zonai taps into the mysterious mystical powers of their ancestors, either through study or natural talent. A seer zonai sometimes develops turquoise runes that grow naturally across their body.
Ability Score Increase. Increase your Wisdom or Charisma by 1.
Magic Adept. Increase your magic point maximum by 2.
Zonai Magic. You know one cantrip of your choice from minor illusion, message, and luminous lure. You also know one 2-point spell of your choice from ascend, feather fall, and sanctuary. Your casting ability for these spells is the highest from Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma.
Swift Prediction. You can use your bonus action to Ready once, and you regain the ability to do this when you finish a long rest. You can’t use this feature to Ready more than one attack, or any spell other than a cantrip.
Lineage feats
The following feats are exclusive to members of this lineage.
Name | Effects |
Zonai creatures
Creature | Challenge | Summary |
The material on this page is based primarily on content found in Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom, both of which are copyright Nintendo Co., Ltd.
- Speed trait
- Skill Proficiency trait
- Brightbloom Cultivation trait
- Masterful Artisan trait
- Builder's Instinct trait
- Autobuild trait
- Ancient Sword trait
- Enhearten trait
- Magic Adept trait
- Zonai Magic trait
- Swift Prediction trait
- Races
- Humanoids
- Zonai
- Uncommon
- Content originating from Breath of the Wild
- Content originating from Tears of the Kingdom