Table of Very Rare Major Magic Items
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The following table predominantly contains very rare major magic items. Very rare items are so valuable that if you want to sell one you've found, the task of finding someone willing and able to buy one at full price may be very difficult. It's very rare for even one of these items to be available for purchase in a town.
If you find a fair seller, the expected asking price for a magic item like this is around 75,000 (4d4 × 7,500) rupees. If you sell this magic item to a honorable and fair buyer, you can expect to accrue in profit around 37,500 (2d4 × 7,500) rupees.
Name | Type | Summary |
Amber Earrings | Wondrous item | You gain a bonus to AC based on the earrings' rarity. |
Ancient Shield | Shield | This +1 iron shield grants resistance to radiant damage, and can reflect certain spells back at their origin. |
Armor Ring | Ring | You gain a bonus to AC based on the ring's rarity. |
Barbarian Armor | Armor | This hide armor grants you a bonus to Str-based damage rolls and to Str (Athletics) checks. |
Biggoron's Sword | Weapon | Any hit with this +1 greatsword deals an extra 2d6 slashing damage. |
Blizzga Mail | Armor | This armor grants resistance to cold damage, plus a few other momentary benefits. |
Blue Mail | Armor | This armor grants resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage but has a lower AC than plate or half-plate. |
Bomb Bag | Wondrous item | This magic bag can spontaneously produce bombs. |
Bombchu Bag | Wondrous item | This magic bag can spontaneously produce bombchu. |
Bremen Mask | Wondrous item | This magic mask grants advantage on Wis (Animal Handling) checks and any Cha checks made to lead or inspire. |
Cane of Somaria | Rod | This magic rod lets you cast somaria indefinitely. |
Daybreaker | Shield | This +2 iron shield grants climate endurance, and resistance to lightning damage. |
Fairy's Hammer | Weapon | This +2 hammer or warhammer can be telepathically levitated and controlled. |
Flamebreaker Armor | Armor | Gain resistance to fire damage and gain a +1 bonus to AC. |
Frostblade | Weapon | Attacks with this magic sword can freeze your foes. |
Frostspear | Weapon | Attacks with this magic spear can freeze your foes. |
Gilded Sword | Weapon | This magic sword deals an extra 1d12 slashing damage on every hit. |
Great Frostblade | Weapon | Attacks with this magic greatsword can freeze your foes. |
Guardian Weapon | Weapon | This magic weapon deals extra force damage. |
Hero's Bow | Weapon | You have a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls with this magic shortbow. |
Hero's Shield | Shield | This magic iron shield increases your AC by 5 instead of 2. |
Kokiri Spear | Weapon | You can wield this +1 weapon as a greatclub, spear, glaive, or lance. Any hit with it deals an extra 1d8 radiant damage. It can cast gust, air slash, or feather fall. |
Lucky Cap | Wondrous item | If you are subjected to a saving throw that halves the damage you take on a success, you instead take no damage on a success. |
Lynel Bow | Weapon | This lynel-made shortbow deals extra damage based on its rarity. |
Lynel Crusher | Weapon | This lynel-made crusher deals extra damage based on its rarity. |
Lynel Fur | Armor | Gain resistance to cold, fire, and lightning damage and a bonus to Cha (Intimidation). |
Lynel Shield | Shield | Gain a bonus to your AC based on this shield's rarity. You can also use it as a quick, effective melee weapon. |
Lynel Spear | Weapon | This lynel-made glaive deals extra damage based on its rarity. |
Lynel Sword | Weapon | This lynel-made longsword deals extra damage based on its rarity. |
Magical Shield | Shield | |
Megaton hammer | Weapon | This magic maul deals an extra 2d6 force damage on a hit. |
Meteor Rod | Rod | |
Nayru's Love | Wondrous item | Become immune to all damage for at least one round. |
Pendant of Courage | Wondrous item | Your Dex and Cha can't be lower than 19. You have advantage on any save against being frightened. |
Pendant of Memories | Wondrous item | Gain advantage on all Int, Wis, and Cha saving throws. |
Pendant of Power | Wondrous item | Your Str and Con can't be lower than 19. You have advantage on any save against being poisoned. |
Pendant of Wisdom | Wondrous item | Your Int and Wis can't be lower than 19. You have advantage on any save against being charmed. |
Power Ring | Ring | Add a bonus die to damage rolls with melee or thrown weapons. |
Protection Ring | Ring | Reduce damage you take by 5, with some caveats. |
Rang Ring | Ring | Gain a bonus to attack and damage rolls with returning thrown weapons. |
Scattershot | Weapon | Add a bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic slingshot. A swarm does not resist this weapon's damage. |
Sea-Breeze Boomerang | Weapon | Once per turn, when you take the Attack action on your turn to attack a creature with this boomerang, you can make an extra attack against a different creature. |
Thrower's Mitt | Wondrous item | Add a bonus to attack and damage rolls you make with thrown weapons. |
Tiger Scroll | Wondrous item | |
Volga Mail | Armor | Gain resistance to fire damage. Temporarily gain a fly speed or immunity to fire damage. |
Wing Tunic | Armor | Gain a fly speed of 50 feet. |
This table is meant to augment or replace the "Magic Items Table H" on page 148 of the Dungeon Master's Guide.