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Spirit Divinity

At 14th level, you learn to augment your banes or blessings with truly divine power from the gods. You gain one of the following benefits:

  • Gales of Cyclos. Any creature you've baned can't use the Dash action, while any creature you've blessed can Dash using its bonus action. During the turn of a creature you've blessed or baned, you can use your reaction to end the bless or bane to teleport the creature back to the space in which it started if that space is otherwise unoccupied.
  • Riju's Heirloom. You gain resistance to both lightning and thunder damage, as does any creature you've blessed. Any creature you've baned does not benefit from these resistances if it otherwise would.
  • Lanaryu's Immortality. You and any creature you've blessed cannot be put to sleep by magic, is immune to poison damage, and can't be poisoned. You have no need to sleep, but must still rest to gain the benefits of rest.
  • Gohdan's Force. Once per turn, when you damage a a creature under your bane with a sage spell or a weapon attack, you can move that creature 5 feet to an adjacent unoccupied space on solid ground.