Religious Beliefs
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In Hyrulean terms, a god or deity generally includes any being that is immortal and wields supernatural power far beyond that expected of mere people. Most known gods are worshiped, revered, or feared by at least a portion of the Light World's populace. Often this takes the form of pleading for the god's aid or favor, and may include offering sacrifices both material and spiritual, or performing acts in the same of such a great being.
It believed by most knowledgeable researchers that Hyruleans know of only a small portion of the many gods which exist beyond the scope of the Hyrulean Kingdom.
The Afterlife
In Hyrule, death itself is seen as a product of life, and the existence of souls is more akin to scientific theory than religious belief. Deities are usually not held responsible for what happens to a soul after a creature's death.
What exactly happens to a creature's soul when it dies is an area of curiosity and wonder. Little is known for certain, but it's a presumed fact that the death of the body is not necessarily the death of the soul. Poes and ghini are practically proof of this, as more than a few of these spirits retain personalities and memories from their former lives despite being entirely separate from the bodies they once held. Although most forms of undead are seen as monstrous or evil, benevolent spirits are said to exist. Ghosts are one type of potentially benevolent spirit.
Most Hyruleans believe that reincarnation of one's spirit is possible, but not necessarily assured. Most individuals who revere the Hyrulean Royal Family believe every generation's Zelda is a reincarnation of the same soul, for example, which herself was once the goddess Hylia. It is sometimes believed that reincarnation is a blessing for living a good life, but what constitutes a "good life" varies from one culture to another.
There is otherwise no widespread belief in a distinct place where your soul goes when you die, such as a heaven or hell.
Greater Deities
Greater deities in particular seem capable of having a formless existence, permeating some or perhaps even all of the plane inhabited by mere mortals. They can nonetheless choose to take one or more physical forms to interact with lesser creatures in a more direct fashion.
Golden Goddesses
Before time began, before spirits and life existed, the three Golden Goddesses descended upon chaos, and created the [Light World]] as its current inhabitants know it, as well as the Sacred Realm. After these gods finished their work, they left the world, but not before creating a symbol of their strength, a trio of golden triangles together famously known as the Triforce. A small but powerful portion of the essence of the gods was held in this mighty artifact.
There are disputes over whether other realms—such as the Twilight Realm—were also created at this time by these goddesses. Regardless, they are believed to be the creators and progenitors of everything Hyruleans know, including the other greater deities Ganon and Hylia. Because of this it is presumed together they are the single most powerful entity of any kind in the known universe. However, there are extremely few known instances of these goddesses interacting with the Light World since its creation.
Din. According to legend, "Din cultivated the land and created the red earth with her strong flaming arms." She is the goddess of Power, and the Triforce of Power is attributed to her; rubies and the color red represents her. Din is believed by most to embody flame, stones of the earth, physical strength, justice, war, and violent change. Warriors often revere her in particular, as do most wizzrobes and sages of either fire or earth. Miners and construction workers often count among her devotees. In times of strife, many will plead to Din to ask for strength.
Nayru. According to legend, "Nayru poured her wisdom onto the earth and gave the spirit of law to the world." She is the goddess of Wisdom, and the Triforce of Wisdom is attributed to her; sapphires and the color blue represent her. Nayru is believed by most to embody law, pure water, calm seas, honesty, knowledge, stability, and peaceful resolution. Her devotees include scholars, diplomats, caretakers, technomancers, and sages of water. Often, people will ask Nayru's guidance before making a weighty or difficult decision.
Farore. According to legend, "Farore, with her rich soul, produced all life forms who would uphold the law." She is the goddess of Courage, and the Triforce of Courage is attributed to her; emeralds and the color green represents her.
Farore is believed by most to embody life itself, lively forests, wind, flexibility, secrets, mischief and playfulness, bravery, fertility, harvest, and luck. Those who most revere her include farmers, charlatans, gamblers, travelers, and sages of forest and wind. It is a common practice to ask Farore for courage just before a bold or risky endeavor.
- See The Imprisoned (creature), Demise (creature), Ganondorf (creature), Ganon (creature), and Calamity Ganon (creature).
The Demon King, the King of Evil, and many other titles have fallen upon the most infamous of creatures in all the Light World. The tale of Ganon is entwined with the history of Hyrule itself.
Birth as Demise. The earliest widely-believed origin of this entity was said to be the Demon King, Demise. The oldest records of Demise date back thousands of years. So great and powerful was this single monstrosity that the very continents of the Light World were reshaped by his sheer destructive power, and remain disfigured to this day. In a decades-long conflict between Demise and his demons versus Hylia and—by some accountsd—every denizen of the Light World, Demise was eventually slain, but Hylia herself was vastly weakened. The last words of Demise promised he would reincarnate as a mortal, to plague the world from within, as one final act of spite.
Reincarnation as Ganondorf. The former king of the gerudo, Ganondorfd—or Ganondorf Dragmire by some accountsd—was once upheld as a talented, rightful, and praised prince. As years passed, he gradually subjugated his own people to his personal desires, and betrayed the Hyrulean Royal Family, all for the sole purpose of getting his hands on the two pieces of the legendary Triforce which he did not already possess. Indeed, by some still-unknown fluke, this betrayer was supposedly born holding the third and final piece, the Triforce of Power. Ganondorf's life, his reign, his betrayal, and virtually everything the vile man did was to seize the whole Triforce for himself to gain virtually unlimited power and utter dominance over all that exists. Historians were quick to draw parallels between this King of Evil, and the former Demon King, who in modern times are frequently believed to be the same soul.
Rise of Ganon. The fate of Ganondorf and the Triforce have been lost to history, and shrouded in countless unsubstantiated rumors. Some say the Triforce was destroyed; others say Ganondorf successfully seized the entire artifact for himself; more still say the Hyrulean Royal Family and their forces seized the artifact from Ganondorf, a line pushed by those loyal to the crown. What is known for certain, however, is that Ganondorf used his Triforce of Power to transform into a terrible demon beastd—Ganond—and destroyed an entire city before he was slain, sealed, or otherwise defeated through the combined power of ancient sages, Princess Zelda of Hyrule, and a mysterious youth wielding another artifact, the Master Sword.
Ongoing Blight. Despite the supposed "defeat" of Ganondorf and Ganon once and for all, the soul of Demise has continued to plague Hyrule for centuries. It is unknown if Ganon ever reincarnated, or even if Ganondorf was ever truly sealed away. In every major plight that has faced Hyrule, it is said Ganon was somehow pulling the strings—physically, supernaturally, or metaphorically. Moblins, bokoblins, and many other monstrous races to this day worship the King of Evil as their patron god. Although perhaps no one can prove or disprove his continued influence, Ganon himselfd—or the belief in himd—has become a subtle but widespread force acting across the entire Light World.
Eternal Dichotomy. In the eyes of the faithful, Ganon and Hylia are seen as diametrically and eternally opposed forces; good versus evil, and light versus dark, with their mortal champions clashing throughout history.
Prophesized Cataclysm. According to a popularly believed prophecy, it is said that when the world comes to an end, it will be at the hands of the final incarnation of demised—a cataclysmic evil bestowed with the name calamity ganon.
In the modern era, Hylia is the patron goddess of the Hyrulean Royal Family, most hylians, many gorons, and some other allies of Hyrule. Her influence is often subtle and mysterious, but there is prominent belief of her aiding hylian heroes and royalty. Worship and reverence of her is particularly prevalent.
Ancient Origins. The precise creation of the goddess Hylia are lost to time, but some believe she was created directly by the Golden Goddesses. The earliest definite record of her influence occurred thousands of years ago. At this time she was instrumental in defeating the destructive and overwhelming force that has since become known as Demise or Ganon. It is unknown the exact role Hylia played in this conflict—leader, warrior, or something else entirely—but is often credited as the sole reason Demise was defeated, or the primary reason the Light World was not utterly destroyed by the Demon King. Although she was victorious, this conflict weakened Hylia immensely, and it is currently believed that her power has never returned to what it was before this war.
Reincarnation as Zelda. It is widely believed that after this battle, a portion of Hylia's weakened spirit incarnated in a young hylian girl, an heir to the Hyrulean Family named Princess Zelda. Consequently every firstborn daughter of the Hyrulean family is believed to carry a portion of this spirit, and is named Princess Zelda in honor of their ancestor. This mirrors the belief that the defeated Demise incarnated as the mortal ganondorf, also known as ganon.
Divided Divinity. Although Hylia is a single goddess, it is widely believed her split is in at least two parts. While every Zelda carries part of the spirit, another part of Hylia's spirit has become a formless protector that watches over all of Hyrule. Some have even claimed to hear her voice guiding and protecting them.
Eternal Dichotomy. Despite the mutual near-destruction of Demise and Hylia thousands of years ago, their mortal incarnations—ganondorf and Zelda—remain famous and influential across Hyrule. While Zelda acts overtly, Ganondorf is widely believed to work in the shadows. In the eyes of the faithful, Ganon and Hylia are seen as diametrically and eternally opposed forces; good versus evil, and light versus dark, with their mortal champions clashing throughout history.
Lesser Deities
Regardless of whether or not their power is truly lesser than previously mentioned deities, the influence of these gods is significantly less widespread in the realm of Hyrule. Although they are all effectively immortal and unable to wield the Triforce, each of them lacks anything resembling the omnipresence of greater deities.
A lesser deity always takes the form of a single creature, with which mortals can directly interact. Because lesser deities take these solid forms, they usually have a more direct influence on the world around them. They consequently tend to have a plethora of worshipers in their vicinity, but few beyond the reach of their domain.
- See Bellum (creature).
The mysterious pitch-black deity known as Bellum is said to reside somewhere in the depths of the Great Sea, where it is locked in an eternal battle with the Ocean King. Bellum is a representation of pure chaos, said by some to be a remnant of the chaos left from before the Golden Goddesses gave shape and order to the world. Legends say it is trapped in a solid and consistent form by their influence—resembling a colossal, tentacled creature— but retains a spirit of utter chaos.
As the tales go, Bellum battles endlessly and desperately to destroy all of the Light World so that it can return everything to pure chaos. Despite being a relatively weak deity, it never tires, and according to some beliefs the Light World is destined to end when the monstrosity outlasts all the forces of order and good that would seek to oppose it.
Goddess of Time
This mysterious deity is believed to be an orderly and generally benevolent entity, who may or may not be formless. She governs the flow of time, and is responsible for keeping time consistent. What few legends surround manipulating time or traveling through it often invoke her influence, but usually in only a subtle way. It can be interpreted from these legends that she will only bend time slightly and sparingly, and will only do so for the greater good. The Hyrulean mythos only vaguely mentions her, to the point she is only known by this title instead of a proper name.
The most zealous worshippers of Nayru believe this goddess to either be Nayru herself, or a force directly born from Nayru's hand in creating the Light World. If true, this would mark a stark contrast to the Golden Goddesses' tendency not to interact with their creation.
Great Deku Tree
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Great Fairies
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Fierce Deity
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The controversial split of Jabun & Jabu-Jabu.
Light Spirits
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Mountain Goddess
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Several mountain villages revere a mysterious goddess of the mountains, some of which have a local name. Generally each receives sacrifices or praise for protection of the village and mountain itself, and in many cases the goddess's divine work is the reason the mountain does not volcanically erupt to destroy villages and surrounding life. In a few cases it is believed the goddess is instead causing controlled and modest eruptions which enrich the surrounding soil for more abundant crops.
It is sometimes believed these mountain goddesses are all the same deity, and sometimes believed that each is a different Great Fairy, or some combination thereof. The most zealous worshippers of Din believe this goddess to either be Din herself, or a force directly born from Din's hand in creating the Light World. If true, this would mark a stark contrast to the Golden Goddesses' tendency not to interact with their creation.
Ocean King
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- See Valoo (creature).
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Wind Fish
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- See Minish Vaati (creature) and Vaati (creature).
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Zephos and Cyclos
- See Wind God (creature).
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