Peahat (creature)

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←  #230: Patra
#232: Pegursa  →
Medium plant (peahat), unaligned
Armor Class 19 (natural armor)
Heart Points 19 (3d8 + 6)
Speed 5 ft., fly 40 ft.
13 (+1)
14 (+2)
15 (+2)
2 (-4)
9 (-1)
4 (-3)
Condition Immunities blinded
Senses blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive Perception 9
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2    
Airborne Dependence. If the peahat isn't airborne, it is stunned.

Flyby. While it is flying, the peahat's movement doesn't provoke reactions.

Interim Flight. At the beginning of each of its turns, roll a d6 for the peahat. On a 1 or 2, if the peahat is airborne must spend all its movement to descend to the ground, and it cannot otherwise use its fly speed until the beginning of its next turn. On a 3 or higher, the peahat can use its fly speed normally.


Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (2d6 + 1) piercing damage.

“Plant-or-flower-like enemies that rotate the petals and leaves on their heads to fly. [...] Peahats tend to have trouble staying in the air for very long before needing to land and rest: an opportune time to strike.”

Peahats are bulbous, autonomous, plants that fly with copter-like wings superficially resembling petals or leaves. These creatures come in numerous varieties with many colors, shapes, and sizes, but most behave similarly. A peahat will spend the majority of its time partially submerged in earth, using temporary roots to absorb water and nutrients, while its wing-like leaves remain above ground to collect sunlight. Unlike most plants, a peahat absorbs nutrients from soil so efficiently that the soil runs out of them rather quickly, at which point the peahat begins to spin its wings to fly to a location with richer soil.
     Pacifist. Most forms of peahat are docile, and would prefer to avoid passerby than engage in combat. There are, however, infamous exceptions. If a peahat has young offspring nearby (a peahat larva), it tends to be much more aggressive towards anything that wanders too close—attacking anything that would threaten its precious offspring. Similarly, peahats in the vicinity of dark magic, or a great evil monster like Ganon, tend to behave more aggressively and might even attack on sight. A rare few strains of peahats are simply aggressive by nature.
     Impervious. Regardless of how violent peahats are, virtually all varieties are infamous for their capability of thwarting conventional attacks. Their spinning blades deflect almost any blade or arrow, and what does manage to get through rarely penetrates deep into the dirt and bark that often layers their bodies. It may seem impossible to strike the monster true until it lands.
     Environment: Coastal, Desert, Forest, Grassland, Hills, Sea

Related pages

  • Peahat larva, a Tiny newborn
  • Bombhat, a clever peahat that has learned to carry and drop bombs
  • Giant Peahat, a Large and terrifying version of this creature
  • Seahat, a Huge sea-faring creature with similar combat tactics, but is overtly carnivorous with ship-crushing fangs
  • Zaganaga, a Gargantuan desert plant monster that can seemingly spew peahats at will

The material on this page is based on content found throughout the Legend of Zelda series, which is copyright Nintendo Co., Ltd.