Light Arrow (magic item)

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Weapon (arrow), legendary minor

This magic arrow is imbued with the divine radiance of Golden Goddesses. Pale yellow, it glows when touched. You can use your bonus action to grasp and focus on the arrow, causing its tip to glow brightly with golden light.
     A creature hit with this arrow while it is glowing takes an extra 9d12 radiant damage and must make a DC 19 Charisma saving throw. If the target fails this save and has less than 100 heart points remaining, it explodes in a burst of golden light, leaving no corpse. If it the target fails this save but has 100 or more heart points remaining, it is paralyzed for up to 1 minute. A creature paralyzed by this arrow can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success.
     Alternatively, you can use an action to throw or shoot the arrow to create a beam of golden light that is 300 feet long and 5 feet wide. A beam spreads out the effect of the arrow but diminishes its smiting potency against any single target. Every creature in this line must make a DC 19 Dexterity saving throw, talking 9d12 radiant damage on a failure or half as much on a success.
     Whether you make an attack or create a beam, using the light arrow destroys it.
“Spirits of the light! Wielders of the great power that shines far and wide upon the lands of our world... In my hour of need, grant me the light to banish evil!”
— Princess Zelda

The material on this page is based on content found throughout the Legend of Zelda series, which is copyright Nintendo Co., Ltd.