Life Tree Fruit (spell)

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9-point conjuration
Casting time:  1 action
Range:  Self
Components:  V, S
Duration:  8 hours

You create up to three brightly-colored peach-like fruits in your hand, which last for the duration. A creature holding one of these fruits can use its action to ingest it or administer it to an unconscious creature. The affected creature is bolstered with several benefits:
  • Regain heart points equal to 3d12 + your spellcasting ability modifier
  • Gain 10 temporary heart points
  • Be alleviated of blinded, deafened, and poisoned conditions
  • Be cured of all diseases and curses
  • Be provided enough nourishment, food, and water for the day
  • End all harmful spells affecting itself of 9-points or fewer
7th-level conjuration
Casting time:  1 action
Range:  Touch
Components:  V, S
Duration:  8 hours

You create up to three brightly-colored peach-like fruits in your hand, which last for the duration. A creature holding one of these fruits can use its action to ingest it or administer it to an unconscious creature. The affected creature is bolstered with several benefits:
  • Regain heart points equal to 3d12 + your spellcasting ability modifier
  • Gain 10 temporary heart points
  • Be alleviated of blinded, deafened, and poisoned conditions
  • Be cured of all diseases and curses
  • Be provided enough nourishment, food, and water for the day
  • End all harmful spells affecting itself of 6th level or lower

The material on this page is based primarily on content found in Skyward Sword, which is copyright Nintendo Co., Ltd.