Goron (species)
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Player's Guide |
System Reference |
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“ | “There's a tribe of rock folk called Gorons living on Death Mountain. Like you, they're working to protect their home.” |
— Yellow Maiden |
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The rock-eating, rock-like goron (“GOAR-on”) people have existed almost unchanged since time immemorial. Built like mountains and capable of wading through lava, gorons are indomitable both as warriors and as friends.
Everyone knows not to cross a goron—at least not on first meeting. While many gorons are slow to trust, the bonds they form can last generations.
Their raw physical force and endurance is unmatched. A goron's stony body is so tough that clothing and even armor serves them little purpose, and many are just as comfortable sleeping on the dirt as on beds. Their rock-hard punches are so powerful that they often fight unarmed. Even when gorons wield weapons, they often prefer smashing weapons like hammers.
Rock-Sinned & Rotund
Gorons stand taller and wider than hylians, with long arms but short legs. Their tough-as-rock skin is typically an orange-brown color. What little brown-or-gray "hair" a goron possesses is so stiff and thick it often resembles solid stone, and usually grows on the eyebrows, chin, scalp, and back. Some gorons are also able to grow beards or other ornate facial hair, especially if they are of advanced age.
A goron's eyes are wide set, perfectly circular, and completely dark—possessing no whites like eye eyes of a hylian or gerudo. Goron noses are flat. Jaws are very wide, powerful, and composed entirely of molars—used to crush and pulverize the rocks which make up goron diets
Boulder Brothers
Gorons don't have distinct sexes, but assume male pronouns when speaking in languages with gender. "Brother" is a very common term of endearment among them. Any friend of a goron tribe is often referred to as brother, regardless of whether or not the friend is actually male.
The exact means of goron reproduction is widely unknown outside of gorons. They are born “from the earth,” and consider gorons nearby to be their siblings. They have parental father-son relationships, though this may not be a biological relationship.
Stone Stomachs
“ | “Us Gorons make a living by mining ore. We eat the rocks we dig up as we mine, so we get to snack all day!” |
Although they might function more like elementals than mammals, gorons still need to eat, breath, and sleep as much as any other folk. However, drinking serves no purpose for them. A rare few can even persist for an hour or longer without breathing.
Mysteriously but famously, gorons dine on rocks and gemstones. Tastes vary between tribes, but universally there is a fondness for rarer stones, and a distaste for coarse or common minerals like sand. They can't survive on most common rocks any better than a hylian can survive on grass. A few gorons dine on more traditional foods such as meat or mushrooms, but this might be for pleasure rather than sustenance.
Will Mine for Food
Goron cities and villages are almost universally built into caves or the sides of mountains, where the tastiest and most nutritious rocks are abundant. These settlements are typically dry and devoid of plant-life, far away from the rich fields where other folk might hunt or grow their food. Gorons' reliance on eating rocks makes their cultures particularly dependent on mining to survive. Most gorons are experienced prospectors.
Due to their mining dependency, goron culture heavily involves stonework and the working of metals. Blacksmiths are abundant among them, and their towns are constructed almost entirely of stone and metal. They're also one of few peoples that have widely adopted the use of bombs.
Strong and Dependable
Gorons almost always place a high degree of value on physical strength, stamina, pride, honesty, and trustworthiness. Gorons as a whole most readily get along with people who share these values, usually including the likes of rito, zora, and some hylians. A friend is rarely lost on a goron, unless that friend is caught in a bold-faced lie.
Unsurprisingly, gorons often have a difficult time with people from less prideful cultures, and they’re the last folk to associate with monsters or Ganon’s followers.
Rolling Racers
Due to their short legs and dense weight, gorons are generally unable to run like other folks.
When traveling any considerable distance, a goron instead tucks itself into a ball and rolls like a wheel, enabling him to traverse the ground at quite a clip. The speed of this "goron roll" plus a goron's weight make it a powerful charging attack for chasing down foes. Among gorons, high-speed violent rolling races are a popular spectator sport.
Body Paint
Most gorons find little benefit in armor, and infrequently see much value in clothing. Wearing attire makes rolling around less comfortable, anyway. Instead, the majority of them paint their hard bodies in earthy hues. These designs might honor ancestors, and sometimes reference specific events, but usually are just fashionable designs the wearer likes.
The traditional crest of the gorons, seen just below this paragraph, is perhaps the most widely-adopted body paint. The majority of gorons depict it on their upper arms much of the time.
Lineage details
Hybrid Type. Your creature type is both humanoid and elemental. If an effect refers to either of your creature types, it affects you.
Size. Gorons are usually between 6 and 8 feet in height, and often weigh well over 300 pounds. Your size is Medium.
Alignment. Although gorons can easily alienate those outside their kin group, with those they trust they quickly form strong bonds that can last generations. As a whole, gorons have a tendency towards lawful good.
Age. Gorons can reach adulthood in as little as 10 years. The oldest among them have lived for a little more than a century.
Diet. Gorons subsist entirely by consuming rare rocks and precious gems. Most common stones aren't nutritious to them, any more than raw grass is nutritious to hylians. You can make a meal out of 10 rupees, 10 rupees worth of gemstones, or a serving of special goron rations. You have no need for water.
Names. Traditional goron names usually include a "go" or "dar" syllable, particularly at the start. Deep vowel sounds such as "ah," "oh," and "oo" are prominent. "R" consonants are also very common, especially in the name's center. Examples of some famous goron names include Biggoron, Darbus, Dargo, Daruk, Darmani, Darunia, Gongoron, Goroko, Gortram, Kabetta, Kagoron, Lyndae, Medigoron, Reagah, Rohan, Strade, Tanko, Volcon, and Yunobo.
Subrace | Base Height | Height Modifier | Base Weight | Weight Modifier |
Cave or Steel | 5' 5" | +3d10 | 450 lb. | × (2d8) |
Mountain or Nomadic | 6' 0" | +2d12 | 400 lb. | × (2d10) |
Character traits
As a goron, you have the following traits:
Ability Score Increase. Increase your Strength and Constitution scores by 1 each.
Stomper. Your walking speed decreases by 5 feet.
Natural Armor. While you aren't wearing attire, your AC equals 10 + your PB + your Constitution modifier. You can't benefit from a shield in addition to this AC.
Fire Resistance. You have resistance to fire damage, and you can't be Ignited.
Goron Punch. When you make an unarmed strike, instead of the normal effect you can deal bludgeoning damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength modifier. If both hands are free, a hit instead deals 1d8 + your Strength modifier.
Boulder Roll. When you use your action to Dash, for the extra move your walk speed is 50 feet if it would otherwise be lower. On a turn you use this action, you can use your bonus action to make an unarmed strike.
Unbalanced. You have disadvantage on any check or save made to swim, or to avoid being knocked Prone.
Languages. You can read, write, and speak both Eldish and Hylian.
Heritages. Gorons that hail from different landscapes often have differing abilities. You have one heritage of your choice from cave goron, mountain goron, nomadic goron, and steel goron.
Cave goron
Living underground and among cavernous hills, these gorons are well adapted to subterranean life. Rather than gamble with economics or volcanic eruptions, these gorons mine their own gemstones so survive. Typically their settlements revolve around feasting upon a vein of precious minerals which their entire town feasts upon for generations. Darunia, Darmani, and Gongoron are cave gorons.
Ability Score Increase. Increase Constitution score by 1.
Darkvision. A cave goron's beady black eyes are adapted to the dim depths of seldom-lit caverns. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. As cave gorons appreciate color, especially for identifying gemstones from less tasty rocks, they often make use of torches anyway.
Fortitude. If you fail a Constitution save, you can use your reaction to reroll the d20, and use the new result for the it's higher. You must finish a rest before you can do so again.
Goron Vocation. You are proficient in your choice of the drums, mason's tools, jeweler's tools, or potter's tools.
Mountain goron
Living atop mountains and hills, these gorons tend to be the tallest and most athletic of their kind. Traditionally they settle around active volcanoes, where they can live off the rich minerals volcanic eruptions can provide. Several of them revere a mountain goddess who they rely on to provide these life-giving eruptions. Darbus and Dangoro are mountain gorons.
Ability Score Increase. Increase your Strength score by 1.
Climber. You are not Slowed by climbing.
Natural Athlete. Mountain gorons compete from a young age. You are proficient in the Athletics skill.
Insurmountable Strength. As a bonus action, you can brace yourself to gain advantage on the first Strength check or save you make before the end of your next turn. (Attack rolls are not checks or saves.) You must finish a rest before you can do so again.
Iron Lungs. You can hold your breath for up to 1 hour.
Nomadic goron
Rare but renowned are the gorons who travel the seas and plains, far beyond where most gorons dwell. These gorons are usually drawn by the riches, gemstones, and experiences that can be earned in the company of foreign folk. Many are merchants, some are diplomats, and a few are adventurers. Daruk, Gorko, Golo, and the renowned goron merchants of the Great Sea are all of this heritage.
Ability Score Increase. Increase your Charisma score by 1.
Bold Stomper. Increase your walk speed by 5 feet, reverting the drop from Stomper.
Hauler. When determining how many items you can carry, treat your Strength score as being 5 points higher.
Social Skills. More accustomed to dealing with outsiders than a typical goron, you have proficiency in one skill of your choice from Intimidation, Insight, and Persuasion.
Extra Language. You can read, write, and speak one more language of your choice.
Steel goron
While most gorons are content with a lazy or recreational lifestyle, a few make a name for themselves as legendary artisans who excel at their craft. After all, who could work metal better than someone who appreciates its taste?
Ability Score Increase. Increase your Intelligence or Wisdom score by 1.
Stamina. Add your PB to any Constitution check you make.
Hard Worker. You have advantage on any ability check you make as part of a downtime activity.
Appraisal. You have proficiency in your choice of either the Engineering or History skill.
Tools of the Trade. You have proficiency in smith's tools, or any other artisan's tool of your choice.
Lineage feats
The following feats are exclusive to members of this lineage.
Name | Effects |
Invincible Goron | Among the incredibly stalwart gorons, there some even more resilient than their peers. Whether the result of intense training or natural aptitude, you gain the following benefits:
Rolling Racer | Through arduous training you have learned to roll effortlessly, switching between walking and rolling in the blink of an eye. Your speed has become the envy of any racing goron. You gain the following benefits:
Goron creatures
Creature | Challenge | Summary |
The material on this page is based on content found throughout the Legend of Zelda series, which is copyright Nintendo Co., Ltd.
- Pages with quotes
- Hybrid Type trait
- Slow trait
- Natural Armor trait
- Fire Resistance trait
- Unarmed Strike 1d4 trait
- Boulder Roll trait
- Unbalanced trait
- Darkvision trait
- Fortitude trait
- Minor Proficiency trait
- Climber trait
- Skill Proficiency trait
- Insurmountable Strength trait
- Hold Breath trait
- Bold Stomper trait
- Hauler trait
- Extra Language trait
- Stamina trait
- Hard Worker trait
- Races
- Humanoids
- Goron
- Common
- Content originating from Ocarina of Time
- Content originating from Majora's Mask
- Content originating from Oracle of Ages
- Content originating from Oracle of Seasons
- Content originating from Twilight Princess
- Content originating from The Wind Waker
- Content originating from Four Swords Adventures
- Content originating from The Minish Cap
- Content originating from Phantom Hourglass
- Content originating from Spirit Tracks
- Content originating from Skyward Sword
- Content originating from Breath of the Wild
- Content originating from Tears of the Kingdom
- Content originating from five or more Zelda games