Gale Boomerang (magic item)

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Weapon (boomerang), common major

This magic boomerang is said to be inhabited with the spirit of a wind fairy. When it is thrown, it is surrounded with a small vortex of wind as it flies. If a small unattended object weighting no more than 1 pound and occupying space no more than 1 cubic foot enters this vortex, the boomerang will magically carry that object back with it to your space. The flight of this weapon will also disturb areas in its path with harmless wind, such as kicking up a pile of leaves.
     This weapon is nonmagical for the purpose of overcoming damage resistance or immunity.
“I am the Fairy of Winds who resides in this boomerang. You have freed me from evil, and I now have my true power back. Please... Take it with you, use it to aid your quest, and may both my power and my blessing go with you.”

The material on this page is based primarily on content found in Twilight Princess, which is copyright Nintendo Co., Ltd.