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Captain is one of several possible subclasses you can undertake as a fighter.
Your subclass yields features when you undertake it at 2nd level, and again at 4th, 7th, 11th, 16th, and 20th levels. See Fighter#Captain for an integrated list that combines captain features with those of the base fighter class.
Starting from 2nd level, all Heart Containers you gain from this class become d12s instead of d10s—including the one you gained at 1st level.
Your heart point maximum increases by 3, and it increases by an additional 1 every time you gain a fighter level after this.
Starting from 2nd level, you have advantage on all saving throws against being charmed or frightened.
Starting from 3rd level, you can use your bonus action to compel a hostile creature within 30 feet of you to focus its aggression on you. To be affected, the target must be able to see you, and it can't already be compelled to duel another creature. A creature that can't be charmed is immune to this effect.
For 1 minute, a compelled creature target has disadvantage on attack rolls against creatures other than you. Additionally, each foot the creature moves away from you costs it 1 extra foot of movement.
If you compel another creature to duel, the previous effect immediately ends. The effect also ends if you are incapacitated.
At 7th level, your convictions can rouse your allies to even greater deeds. Whenever a friendly creature within 30 feet of you makes an attack roll or saving throw, you can expend 1 stamina point to add a d4 bonus die to that roll. The creature must be able to hear and understand you to gain this benefit.
Starting from 7th level, you can impel your allies' will to fight. You can spend 1 minute inspiring up to 10 friendly creatures (optionally including yourself), granting each an amount of temporary heart points equal to your fighter level + your Charisma modifier. The recipients must be able to hear and understand you to gain this benefit.
You have enough moxie to inspire your allies up to three times before you must rest. You regain all uses of this feature when you finish a long rest.
Starting from 11th level, you have resistance to all damage dealt to you by a creature you're compelling to a duel.
Inspired Leader
As an experienced captain, you are galvanized by the aid of your allies. Starting from 15th level, you gain 10 temporary heart points whenever another creature restores your heart points or uses the Help action to benefit you.
Beacon of Hope
Starting from 15th level, while a target is compelled to duel with you, no other creature can be charmed by or frightened of the target. If these conditions exist when your compulsion starts, they immediately end.
Heroic Presence
At 20th level, you can compel a creature to a duel whenever you roll initiative regardless of distance. Whenever you compel a new creature to a duel, doing so does not end the effect on the previous creature.