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Bless or Bane

Beginning at 5th level, you can channel your supernatural gifts into a powerful blessing or a debilitating curse. A creature with a blessing or a bane gives off a faint magical aura that can instantly be detected by any sage that can otherwise notice the creature. Any supernatural sense like detect magic can also detect the presence of a bane or blessing.

Regardless of whether you bless or bane, you can only use this feature once and regain the capability to use it when you finish a long rest. You become able to use this feature once more between rests when you reach 10th level (two uses), and 15th level (three uses).

You can only maintain one bless or bane at a time. Starting a new one ends the previous instance.

Any blessing or bane you make otherwise ends when you either fall unconscious or finish a long rest.


As an action, you bless a creature within 5 feet of you, causing it to feel resolute and warding it from harm. This removes any bless or bane already on the creature. You cannot bless yourself. While blessed, the creature adds a d4 bonus die to all attack rolls and saving throws. If different features add bonus dice to your roll, they don't combine. Add only the highest.

If the blessed creature:

  • hit by an attack, you can use your reaction to force the attack to miss instead. Afterward, the blessing ends.
  • ...fails a saving throw, you can use your reaction to allow the creature to re-roll the save and use the new result if it is higher. Afterward, the blessing ends.
  • ...would fail its last death saving throw, the save succeeds instead, and the blessing ends.


As an action, you can curse a creature within 5 feet of you with a bane, causing it to feel weak and unfocused. This removes any bane or blessing already on the creature. While baned, whenever the creature makes an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw it rolls a d4 and subtracts the number rolled from the result.

When a creature you have baned succeeds on a attack roll, you can use your reaction to end the bane and force that roll to fail instead.

A creature's bane ends if it is targeted by an effect like remove curse or if it completes a long rest. A creature with the Legendary Resistance feature can apply one use of this feature to end a bane on itself at any time (no action required).