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Water Divinity

At 14th level, you learn to enhance your supernatural gifts with truly divine power from the gods. You gain one of the following benefits:

  • Veil of Jabun. You have a swim speed of 60 feet, have no need to breathe, and cannot be ignited or petrified. All friendly creatures within 60 feet of you enjoy these benefits as well unless you decide otherwise. (If you have the Amphibian Path when you first gain this feature, you can immediately replace it with a new Water Path.)
  • Leviathan's Purge. Your banes wash away the enemy's resilience. Any creature under your bane does not benefit from any damage resistance. If the creature you baned succeeds on a saving throw to halve the damage it takes, you can use your reaction to force that save to fail instead, ending the bane after the damage is dealt.
  • Nayru's Shell. As an action, you can consume one use of your Bless or Bane feature to give an adjacent creature a number of temporary heart points equal to your sage level. While these temporary heart points persist, any damage the creature takes from nonmagical weapons and attacks is reduced by 5. Multiple instances of damage reduction do not stack; only the largest applies.
  • Faron's Divination. You can detect movements in water with supernatural clarity. While you are submerged in water, you have truesight into all contiguous water within 30 feet of you. Any creature adjacent to you is also subject to your truesight if it is soaked.