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Lucent Arts

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At 6th level, you begin to master the supernatural arts that make a lucent so legendary. You learn two lucent arts from the following list, and learn one more of your choice at every three opportunist levels hereafter: 9th, 12th, 15th, and 18th. Whenever you gain the Improvement feature, you can replace one of the lucent arts you've learned with a new one.

You can use any mystic art you have learned as an action, so long as you have one hand free to perform it. Any damage from an art overcomes damage resistance and immunity as if it was a magic weapon.

Some mystic arts call for a saving throw. The DC for this save equals 8 + your Wisdom + your proficiency bonus. If any art calls for your casting ability, it is Wisdom.

Some spells have a level prerequisite as shown in the second column. Your opportunist level must be at least this high before you can learn the chosen art.

Art Level Description
Bouncing Fish You make a single unarmed strike with a reach of 30 feet.
Cat's Grace You expend 1 stamina point to give yourself or a creature you touch advantage on all Dexterity checks for 1 minute. This art only affects ability checks, not attack rolls or saving throws.
Gravity Grenade One creature you can detect within 20 feet of you must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 2d6 force damage and be pulled up to 20 feet straight towards you. When you use this action, before the saving throw is rolled you can expend any number of stamina points to add 1d6 force damage to the damage dealt for each point.
Illusions You either cast minor illusion, or expend 1 stamina point to cast silent image.
Magic Negation You expend 1 stamina point to cast dispel magic. If targeting a spell from the enchantment or illusion schools, you have advantage on the check.
Mask of Truth You expend 1 stamina point to cast speak with animals.
Lightning Chain A whip you are wielding becomes charged with magic electricity. Until the whip leaves your person, it is a magic weapon and you add a d6 bonus die to all damage rolls with it as lightning damage.
Blinding Flash 9th You cast the blinding flash spell by expending 5 stamina points.
Whisper Magic 9th You cast message, expend 3 stamina points to cast magic mouth, or expend 4 stamina points to cast sending.