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Sage Domain

At 1st level, you choose a sage domain. This domain generally describes the landscape or aspect of nature from which your powers are drawn. Your domain usually correlates to your upbringing, background, or race. A sage who grew up near an active volcano, for instance, is most often a Sage of Fire. You usually discover your domain and your supernatural powers when you complete a great task of will or faith, or endure a personal trauma.

Your sage domain grants extra proficiencies ("domain proficiencies") at 1st level. Your choice greatly impacts what sage spells you can cast. Your domain grants you more features at 2nd, 6th, 10th, and 14th levels.

Each domain below is covered in full detail on its own, separate page.

  • As a Sage of Earth, you are more resilient than most sages. The magic you wield deals in large amount with ground, caves, tremors, stone, gems, and to some extent the afterlife.
  • As a Sage of Fire, you can wield fire rods and bombs. The magic you wield often deals with flame and heat.
  • As a Sage of Forest, you are attuned to fauna-laden wilderness and the animal life that dwells within. Your magic often is related to these subjects.
  • As a Sage of Light, your magic often both smite your enemies and protect your allies. Light sages are prolific and renowned for their historical battles against Ganon.
  • As a Sage of Shadow, you likely have a strong belief that unfortunate sacrifices must be made for the greater good. Your spells often manipulate others, set traps, or create illusions.
  • As a Sage of Spirit, your magic often encourages physical vigor and tenacity. Your spells often invoke lightning, sand, and dry desert terrain.
  • As a Sage of Water, your spells often invoke cold, water, and moisture in one of various forms. You are a much more adept swimmer than others of your race, and may even be able to breathe underwater.
  • As a Sage of Wind, you are attuned to air and its flow. Your spells often invoke gas, wind, and the elements of weather. You can even learn to levitate and fly at will.