From Legends of Hyrule
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Player's Guide |
System Reference |
Compendium |
The following table summarizes all creatures in Legends of Hyrule. Click any of the names below for full details for that creature.
See creature overview for a general explanation of creatures, creature stat blocks, and how they work.
Name | Size | Type | Subtype | Challenge |
%PAGE% | Medium | humanoid | lizal | 2 |
%PAGE% | Large | dragon | 3 | |
%PAGE% | Small | construct | armos | 0.5 |
%PAGE% | Medium | construct | armos | 2 |
%PAGE% | Small | beast | critter | 1 |
%PAGE% | Small | dragon | dodongo | 1/8 |
%PAGE% | Small | fiend | keese | 1/2 |
%PAGE% | Tiny | beast | 0 | |
%PAGE% | Tiny | beast | 1/8 | |
%PAGE% | Large | beast | 1/2 | |
%PAGE% | Tiny | beast | critter | 0 |
%PAGE% | Large | beast | octo | 3 |
%PAGE% | Large | beast | skulltula | 2 |
%PAGE% | Large | giant | lynel | 18 |
%PAGE% | Large | giant | lynel | 13 |
%PAGE% | Medium | beast | tektite | 1 |
%PAGE% | Tiny | aberration | 0 | |
%PAGE% | Medium | humanoid | blin | 0.125 |
%PAGE% | Small | ooze | 0 | |
%PAGE% | Medium | humanoid | blin | 0.25 |
%PAGE% | Medium | humanoid | blin | 0.5 |
%PAGE% | Large | beast | 1 | |
%PAGE% | Medium | humanoid | blin | 2 |
%PAGE% | Tiny | beast | 0 | |
%PAGE% | Large | elemental | 5 | |
%PAGE% | Small | fiend | keese | 2 |
%PAGE% | Large | elemental | 2 | |
%PAGE% | Gargantuan | monstrosity | octo | 11 |
%PAGE% | Large | beast | 1/4 | |
%PAGE% | Tiny | beast | 0 | |
%PAGE% | Medium | humanoid | blin | 2 |
%PAGE% | Medium | humanoid | lizal | 4 |
%PAGE% | Tiny | fiend | keese | 1/4 |
%PAGE% | Medium | humanoid | lizal | 8 |
%PAGE% | Gargantuan | monstrosity | 5 | |
%PAGE% | Large | beast | deer | 1/4 |
%PAGE% | Medium | plant | baba | 0.125 |
%PAGE% | Small | plant | deku scrub | 0.25 |
%PAGE% | Huge | plant | baba | 6 |
%PAGE% | Medium | humanoid | lizal | 5 |
%PAGE% | Large | dragon | 6 | |
%PAGE% | Large | dragon | dodongo | 5 |
%PAGE% | Large | beast | horse | 1/4 |
%PAGE% | Medium | monstrosity | 1 | |
%PAGE% | Medium | beast | avian | 0.125 |
%PAGE% | Tiny | fiend | keese | 1/4 |
%PAGE% | Tiny | fairy | tiny fairy | 0 |
%PAGE% | Tiny | fairy | tiny fairy | 0 |
%PAGE% | Medium | humanoid | lizal | 7 |
%PAGE% | Tiny | fiend | keese | 1/4 |
%PAGE% | Medium | monstrosity | 2 | |
%PAGE% | Tiny | monstrosity | serpent | 1 |
%PAGE% | Medium | aberration | 1 | |
%PAGE% | Medium | humanoid | rito | 11 |
%PAGE% | Medium | humanoid | rito | 0.5 |
%PAGE% | Medium | humanoid | rito | 6 |
%PAGE% | Medium | elemental | 0.25 | |
%PAGE% | Tiny | beast | frog | 0 |
%PAGE% | Tiny | ooze | 0 | |
%PAGE% | Medium | undead | ghost | 1 |
%PAGE% | Medium | beast | 1/4 | |
%PAGE% | Small | beast | critter | 1/2 |
%PAGE% | Large | beast | pig | 0.5 |
%PAGE% | Small | beast | 1/8 | |
%PAGE% | Small | beast | bovid | 1/8 |
%PAGE% | Large | monstrosity | gohma | 5 |
%PAGE% | Medium | beast | skulltula | 3 |
%PAGE% | Large | humanoid | lizal | 16 |
%PAGE% | Tiny | beast | critter | 3 |
%PAGE% | Medium | humanoid | blin | 7 |
%PAGE% | Large | giant | lynel | 28 |
%PAGE% | Medium | monstrosity | octo | 4 |
%PAGE% | Tiny | monstrosity | serpent | 7 |
%PAGE% | Medium | monstrosity | tektite | 3 |
%PAGE% | Medium | monstrosity | wolf | 12 |
%PAGE% | Large | beast | ungulate | 3 |
%PAGE% | Huge | monstrosity | mothula | 7 |
%PAGE% | Huge | dragon | 7 | |
%PAGE% | Gargantuan | monstrosity | 9 | |
%PAGE% | Huge | plant | baba | 9 |
%PAGE% | Huge | dragon | dodongo | 8 |
%PAGE% | Large | giant | horsehead | 6 |
%PAGE% | Medium | aberration | 2 | |
%PAGE% | Large | beast | 1 | |
%PAGE% | Tiny | beast | critter | 1/8 |
%PAGE% | Large | beast | horse | 1/8 |
%PAGE% | Large | giant | horsehead | 3 |
%PAGE% | Tiny | fiend | keese | 1/4 |
%PAGE% | Small | monstrosity | 2 | |
%PAGE% | Tiny | fiend | keese | 1/8 |
%PAGE% | Large | humanoid | blin | 5 |
%PAGE% | Gargantuan | dragon | dodongo | 8 |
%PAGE% | Medium | monstrosity | octo | 2 |
%PAGE% | Small | monstrosity | gohma | 0.25 |
%PAGE% | Medium | plant | 0.5 | |
%PAGE% | Huge | dragon | 12 | |
%PAGE% | Huge | plant | baba | 12 |
%PAGE% | Large | giant | 9 | |
%PAGE% | Medium | monstrosity | wolf | 10 |
%PAGE% | Large | dragon | 0.5 | |
%PAGE% | Gargantuan | monstrosity | 1 | |
%PAGE% | Huge | plant | baba | 3 |
%PAGE% | Medium | dragon | dodongo | 2 |
%PAGE% | Large | giant | horsehead | 1 |
%PAGE% | Tiny | beast | 1/8 | |
%PAGE% | Medium | beast | 1/8 | |
%PAGE% | Tiny | aberration | 1/8 | |
%PAGE% | Small | beast | 1/8 | |
%PAGE% | Large | beast | loftwing | 1 |
%PAGE% | Large | beast | 1/4 | |
%PAGE% | Huge | beast | 4 | |
%PAGE% | Tiny | beast | critter | 0.125 |
%PAGE% | Large | giant | lynel | 8 |
%PAGE% | Medium | monstrosity | gohma | 0.5 |
%PAGE% | Large | construct | 24 | |
%PAGE% | Small | beast | 0.125 | |
%PAGE% | Medium | monstrosity | moldorm | 0.25 |
%PAGE% | Medium | monstrosity | digdogger | 1/4 |
%PAGE% | Tiny | aberration | 0 | |
%PAGE% | Small | humanoid | blin | 0.25 |
%PAGE% | Large | humanoid | blin | 1 |
%PAGE% | Large | monstrosity | moldorm | 2 |
%PAGE% | Tiny | monstrosity | mothula | 0 |
%PAGE% | Tiny | monstrosity | mothula | 0.125 |
%PAGE% | Large | monstrosity | mothula | 3 |
%PAGE% | Medium | beast | deer | 1/8 |
%PAGE% | Medium | beast | bovid | 1/4 |
%PAGE% | Huge | beast | 2 | |
%PAGE% | Medium | humanoid | lizal | 0.5 |
%PAGE% | Small | monstrosity | octo | 0.25 |
%PAGE% | Small | monstrosity | octo | 0.25 |
%PAGE% | Large | giant | lynel | 3 |
%PAGE% | Large | beast | bovid | 1 |
%PAGE% | Medium | beast | 1/2 | |
%PAGE% | Medium | plant | peahat | 0.5 |
%PAGE% | Small | beast | pig | 1/8 |
%PAGE% | Large | beast | 2 | |
%PAGE% | Large | undead | 6 | |
%PAGE% | Medium | monstrosity | 1 | |
%PAGE% | Small | aberration | 1/8 | |
%PAGE% | Medium | monstrosity | octo | 5 |
%PAGE% | Medium | plant | baba | 0.5 |
%PAGE% | Tiny | beast | 1/8 | |
%PAGE% | Small | monstrosity | 1/4 | |
%PAGE% | Medium | beast | pig | 1/2 |
%PAGE% | Medium | aberration | 1 | |
%PAGE% | Large | beast | ungulate | 2 |
%PAGE% | Medium | humanoid | zora | 0.25 |
%PAGE% | Tiny | beast | serpent | 0.125 |
%PAGE% | Large | beast | 1/2 | |
%PAGE% | Small | beast | 0.25 | |
%PAGE% | Large | elemental | 1 | |
%PAGE% | Large | humanoid | lizal | 13 |
%PAGE% | Medium | humanoid | blin | 4 |
%PAGE% | Large | giant | lynel | 23 |
%PAGE% | Medium | monstrosity | tektite | 2 |
%PAGE% | Medium | monstrosity | wolf | 8 |
%PAGE% | Tiny | undead | serpent | 1/4 |
%PAGE% | Medium | beast | skulltula | 1/2 |
%PAGE% | Small | beast | gohma | 0.25 |
%PAGE% | Tiny | beast | 0 | |
%PAGE% | Small | undead | stal | 0.125 |
%PAGE% | Large | undead | serpent | 2 |
%PAGE% | Medium | undead | stal | 0.5 |
%PAGE% | Large | undead | stal | 0.25 |
%PAGE% | Medium | undead | stal | 0.5 |
%PAGE% | Large | humanoid | blin | 3 |
%PAGE% | Large | elemental | 3 | |
%PAGE% | Large | humanoid | lizal | 10 |
%PAGE% | Medium | beast | critter | 1/8 |
%PAGE% | Large | monstrosity | mothula | 0.125 |
%PAGE% | Large | monstrosity | mothula | 0.5 |
%PAGE% | Large | beast | serpent | 0.5 |
%PAGE% | Large | beast | deer | 1 |
%PAGE% | Small | aberration | 1/2 | |
%PAGE% | Small | beast | gohma | 0.5 |
%PAGE% | Tiny | monstrosity | 0 | |
%PAGE% | Large | monstrosity | 0.25 | |
%PAGE% | Medium | monstrosity | 0.5 | |
%PAGE% | Small | ooze | 2 | |
%PAGE% | Small | ooze | 1/8 | |
%PAGE% | Medium | humanoid | blin | 0.5 |
%PAGE% | Small | ooze | 1 | |
%PAGE% | Small | beast | vermin | 0.25 |
%PAGE% | Large | dragon | 9 | |
%PAGE% | Medium | monstrosity | 1 | |
%PAGE% | Small | beast | skulltula | 1/8 |
%PAGE% | Medium | monstrosity | wolfos | 3 |
%PAGE% | Large | monstrosity | mothula | 2 |
%PAGE% | Medium | beast | wolf | 0.25 |
%PAGE% | Medium | beast | wolf | 0.5 |
%PAGE% | Medium | beast | wolf | 1 |
%PAGE% | Medium | beast | wolf | 2 |
%PAGE% | Medium | beast | wolf | 3 |
%PAGE% | Medium | beast | wolf | 4 |
%PAGE% | Medium | beast | wolf | 5 |
%PAGE% | Medium | beast | wolf | 6 |
%PAGE% | Medium | monstrosity | wolfos | 2 |
%PAGE% | Medium | beast | pig | 1/4 |
%PAGE% | Small | ooze | 0.25 |