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Ancient Enhancements

Starting from 10th level, you can place 2 ancient cores into a single object.

Your maximum number of cores permanently increases: it becomes equal to 4 + your Intelligence modifier.

You learn to dynamically apply cores. You master three of the following enhancements. Whenever you enhance an object appropriate to the enhancement, you can choose for the object to gain the effect described by that enhancement. This benefit replaces the bonus your enhancement normally gives to weapons and armor. Some enhancements require you to expend multiple cores to attain the benefit.

You can add multiple enhancements to one object, but cannot add the same enhancement to the same object multiple times unless stated otherwise.

Enhancement Name Cores Prerequisites Description
%PAGE% 4 any item When you first learn this enhancement, choose one of the six ability scores: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma. While a creature wears or wields this object, its corresponding ability score becomes 19 if it would otherwise be lower. A Constitution-equalizing item doesn't affect maximum heart points, but can still affect heart points restored from short rests and other such effects.
%PAGE% 1 weapon This weapon hones into devastating blows. The wielder gains a +1 bonus to attack rolls with this weapon, and scores a critical hit when the d20 lands on an 18 or higher.
%PAGE% 2 weapon (simple or martial melee) This weapon glows as a lit torch, and while charged white runes light its surface. The air around it is always warm, and while the weapon is on one's person one can tolerate extreme cold without difficulty.
     This weapon has 4 charges. Every attack with it expends one of the remaining charges, regardless of whether or not the attack hits or misses. When the wielder hits a creature with this weapon while expending a charge, the creature is ignited for 2d6 fire damage until the end of the wielder's next turn. A creature with resistance to fire damage can't be ignited by this effect.
     After no attack has been made with this weapon for 1 minute, it fully regains its charges.
%PAGE% 3 weapon (simple or martial melee) This weapon faintly glows with a pale-blue color, and while charged white runes light its surface. The air around it is always cool, and while the weapon is on one's person one can tolerate extreme heat without difficulty.
     This weapon has 4 charges. Every attack with it expends one of the remaining charges, regardless of whether or not the attack hits or misses. When the wielder hits a creature with this weapon while expending a charge, it deals an extra 1d6 cold damage.
     A creature which takes any of this cold damage unreduced must make a single DC 13 Constitution saving throw at the end of the current turn. On a failure, the creature is petrified until the end of the wielder's next turn or until the creature takes damage, whichever comes first.
     After no attack has been made with this weapon for 1 minute, it fully regains its charges.
%PAGE% 1 armor Whoever wears this armor has their heart point maximum increase by 1 per level they have attained (or 1 per Hit Die if they don't have levels). If a creature is below its maximum heart points when it doffs this armor, doing so deals unavoidable damage equal to the heart points otherwise gained.
%PAGE% 1 any item When you enhance this item, choose one type of saving throw from Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. Whoever wears or wields this object adds a d8 bonus die to its corresponding saving throws. If different features add bonus dice to your saving throw, they don't combine. Add only the highest.
%PAGE% 2 armor When you apply this enhancement, choose one damage type from acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, necrotic, poison, radiant, or thunder. While this armor is worn, the wearer has resistance to the damage type you chose.
%PAGE% 4 weapon (simple or martial melee) This weapon faintly glows with a pale-green color, and while charged white runes light its surface. The air around it is filled with static electricity.
     This weapon has 4 charges. Every attack with it expends one of the remaining charges, regardless of whether or not the attack hits or misses. When the wielder hits a creature with this weapon while expending a charge, it deals an extra 1d6 lightning damage.
     A creature which takes any of this lightning damage unreduced must make a single DC 13 Constitution saving throw at the end of the current turn. On a failure, the creature is paralyzed until the end of the wielder's next turn. If the wielder takes damage, it can repeat this saving throw, ending the condition on a success.
     After no attack has been made with this weapon for 1 minute, it fully regains its charges.
%PAGE% 2 weapon (any melee) While wielding this object in its hand(s) or forelimb(s), the wielder adds a d4 bonus die to their spell attack rolls. You can instead expend 3 cores to increase the die to a d6, or 4 cores to increase it to a d8. If different features add bonus dice to your attack roll, they don't combine. Add only the highest.

Each time you gain a level in this class, you can forget one of the enhancements you know to learn a new one in its place. If you forget an enhancement, all objects using that enhancement lose it, and you regain any cores you've invested with that enhancement.