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Armor Class Expression error: Missing operand for +.

Hit Points heart points (d)

Speed ft.

() () () () () ()
Saving Throws:

skills damange resistances damage immunities conditionimmunity senses languages challenge

|title=''Optional.  Use if different than the page title.''
|size=''Tiny, Small, Medium, Large, Huge, or Gargantuan''
|type=''aberration, beast, celestial, construct, dragon, elemental, fey, fiend, giant, monstrosity, ooze, plant, or undead''
|subtype=''elf, demon, goblin, shapechanger, devil, or one of many other possibilities''
|alignment= ''LG, NG, CG, LN, N, CN, LE, NE, CE, or U''
|challenge= ''Challenge rating of 1/8, 1, 10, etc, as appropriate.  XP is filled automatically based on this.''

|str= ''Strength score.  The modifier is added automatically.''

|strsave= ''Optional.  Regarding the creature's Strength saving throw.  If left blank, it will default to 0.  If you enter "yes", it will default to the creature's proficiency bonus.  If anything else is entered, that will appear as the creature's Strength saving throw, and its Strength score will be ignored.''
|dexsave= ''Optional.''
|consave= ''Optional.''
|intsave= ''Optional.''
|wissave= ''Optional.''
|chasave= ''Optional.''

|hdcount = ''Number of hit dice.  E.g., a creature with 4d6 HD would have this be "4".  Average HP is calculated in part on this.''
|hdsize = ''Optional.  Size of hit dice.  E.g., a creature with 4d6 HD would have this be "6".  Average HP is calculated in part on this.  If left blank, it will default to the normal HD size for the creature's size: d4 for Tiny, d6 for Small, d8 for Medium, d10 for Large, d12 for Huge, and d20 for Gargantuan.''
|hp = ''Optional.  Overrides hdcount and hdsize with whatever plain text you use.  Useful for multiclassing creatures.''
|prof = "Optional.  Proficiency bonus.  If left blank, it defaults to +2, with an additional +1 at 5 CR and every 4 ranks thereafter (+3 at CR 9, +4 at CR 13, etc).
|armorbonus=''Optional. Any bonus from (natural) armor, excluding dex bonus.  The dex bonus is added when AC is calculated.
|armortype= ''Optional. "natural armor", "leather armor, shield", etc.''

|speed= ''Only enter the number in feet, e.g. "20" or "5".''
|swim= ''Optional. Swimming speed.''
|burrow= ''Optional. Burrowing speed.''
|climb= ''Optional. Climbing speed.''
|fly= ''Optional. Flying speed.''

|vulnerability=''Optional.  [[Damage type]]s include acid, bludgeoning (or blunt), cold, fire (or heat), force, lightning (or electric), necrotic, piercing, poison, psychic, radiant, slashing, and thunder (or sonic).''
|immunity=''Optional. For immunity to one or more damage types.''
|conditionimmunity=''Optional.  For immunity to certain [[condition]]s.  These include blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened, grapples, incapacitated, invisible, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, restrained, stunned, and unconscious.

|senses=''Optional.  "darkvision 60 ft.", "tremorsense 60 ft.," etc.  Common senses include blindsight, darkvision, tremorsense, and truesight, usually in increments of 30 ft.''

|perception=''Optional.  If left blank, the creature is not proficient in perception.  If "yes" is entered, its perception bonus equals its Wis modifier plus its proficiency bonus.  If text other than "yes" is entered, that text is displayed as the creature's perception bonus (e.g., "-2" or "+4").  This line is also used for the creature's passive perception.
|stealth=''Optional.  As perception, above.''
|acrobatics=''Optional.  As perception, above.''
|animalhandling=''Optional.  As perception, above.''
|arcana=''Optional.  As perception, above.''
|athletics=''Optional.  As perception, above.''
|deception=''Optional.  As perception, above.''
|history=''Optional.  As perception, above.''
|insight=''Optional.  As perception, above.''
|intimidation=''Optional.  As perception, above.''
|investigation=''Optional.  As perception, above.''
|medicine=''Optional.  As perception, above.''
|nature=''Optional.  As perception, above.''
|perception=''Optional.  As perception, above.''
|performance=''Optional.  As perception, above.''
|persuasion=''Optional.  As perception, above.''
|religion=''Optional.  As perception, above.''
|sleightofhand=''Optional.  As perception, above.''
|survival=''Optional.  As perception, above.''

|languages= ''Optional.  Common, Orc, Bullywug, etc.  Particularly powerful and intelligent creatures may simply know "all" languages.  A special language is telepathy, which must have a specified range, usually being 60 ft. or 120 ft.''