
From Legends of Hyrule
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The following is a full list of player-character races supported by this compendium. If creating your character, it is highly recommended your character be a Race of Light. Please consult your DM before creating a character of another race.

Name Summary
%PAGE% Anouki reside in cold climes and have antlers similar to a reindeer's. They tend to be frivolous, prickly, and hard to please.
%PAGE% Brutes with porcine features, most blins are violent and cruel even to their own kind. Blins and hylians have been enemies since time immemorial.
%PAGE% Small, wooden, and plant-like, deku scrubs tend to be apprehensive and paranoid.
%PAGE% Tall, powerful, beautiful, and brutal; this lineage of almost entirely women is both coveted and feared.
%PAGE% Built like mountains, eat rocks, and wade through lava. Gorons are indomitable both as warriors and as friends.
%PAGE% Widespread and influential, the Hylia-blessed race is comprised of social creatures relatively advanced in the ways of magic and technology.
%PAGE% From a glance, kokiri are indistinguishable from hylian children. Protected by the Great Deku Tree, these innocent kids never truly age.
%PAGE% Small, peaceful, immortal, and child-like plant creatures. Koroks can be hard to take seriously, but it's hard not to smile around them.
%PAGE% With the body of a stallion, the head of a lion, and the torso of a man, these monsters are known to be ferocious warriors.
%PAGE% These avian folk are renowned for their valor and reliability. Most rito are capable of winged flight.
%PAGE% These cursed, magical children wander through forests for centuries, playing songs and tricks alike.
%PAGE% Constructs born of ancient, powerful, and long-forgotten magic—sentient weapons with a humanoid form.
%PAGE% Spider-like quadrupeds of animal-like intelligence, tektites are typically considered to be mere beasts.
%PAGE% Primitive and esoteric, these friendly reptilians are known to inhabit tropical islands.
%PAGE% The descendants of magically-inclined hylians who were banished to the Twilight Realm for their crimes.
%PAGE% Zonai are an ancient people said to descend from the sky with magic and technology so advanced that it was thought to be divinity.
%PAGE% Although sea zora and river zora are quite distinct, both are proud amphibious people of rich culture and innate magic.