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Studied Skill

At 6th level, your further studies grant you greater expertise in a practical area of study. Choose one skill from Arcana, Engineering, Investigation, Lore, Medicine, and Wilderness. If you're proficient in the chosen skill, you add a d6 bonus die to all ability checks made using that skill. “Bonus dice” don’t stack. If you have multiple effects granting bonus dice to a single roll, you apply only one of them.
      If you lack or lose proficiency in the chosen skill, you also lack or lose this benefit until you regain proficiency.
      Your studied skills improve at 8th, 10th, and 12th levels. At each of these levels you can gain another studied skill of your choice and the bonus die increases one step: becoming d8 at 8th level, d10 at 10th level, and d12 at 12th level.

Alternate Studies

Whenever you would gain a studied skill, instead of the normal benefit you can opt for one of the alternate studies below. Each alternate study is only summarized here; click on a study's name for the full effect.

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