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Starting from 2nd level, you can exploit an unguarded enemy to hit with a walloping blow or an exposed weak point.
     As an action, you can make a weapon attack or unarmed strike against a creature if it is Exposed to your attack or if you have advantage on the attack roll. The creature must also be within 20 feet of you.
      On a hit, add 1d8 damage as a bonus die. If multiple effects add bonus dice to a damage roll, they don’t stack—add only one of them. This bonus damage increases by 1d8 at every even-numbered opportunist level, as shown in the opportunist table.
      Some monsters have a “weak point” and suffer extra effects from a sneakstrike, as detailed in their stat blocks. Your narrator might otherwise add effects for sneakstrikes in some circumstances.


Also starting from 2nd level, you can gain an edge in combat. You either have an edge or you don't. It doesn't stack. You gain an edge whenever you accomplish any of the following:

  • Sneakstrike. You damage an enemy with your sneakstrike.
  • Help. An ally makes an attack roll with advantage thanks to your Help action. You gain the edge when they make the roll, not when you use the action.
  • Cover. Cover you have makes the difference between an enemy’s attack hitting you and missing.
  • Environmental Damage. You damage or knock Prone an enemy using objects or hazards in the environment. This includes using an improvised weapon you took from the environment since this combat began.

On Edge

While you have an edge, you're so swift and smooth that enemies can't use reactions triggered by your actions or movement (except for boss reactions).

Edge Action

While you’re on edge, you can take an extra action on each of your turns in combat called an Edge Action. This action can only be Dash, Hide, Search, or Use.

Push the Edge

Immediately before you make an attack roll, you can expend your edge (losing it) to gain advantage on that attack roll.

Over the Edge

If while you have an edge you would fall to 0 heart points, you can lose your edge and drop to 1 heart point instead. You must finish a rest before you can go over the edge again.

Losing the Edge

If your speed is reduced to 0, you can't gain an edge, and you lose any edge you have. You also lose your edge when combat ends.