
From Legends of Hyrule
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Warning: Legends of Hyrule is still very unfinished and its content may radically change. In particular, there are plans to radically revision classes.
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Player's Guide

Character Creation
the next level
champ, opportunist, researcher, sage, scion
gerudo, goron, hylian, rito, zora
anouki, deku, korok, twili, zonai
armor, weapons, gear, tools, goods, services

System Reference

Hyrulean Guidelines
Using Ability Scores
str, dex, con, int, wis, cha
Time & Movement
Dungeon Mastering
encounters, progression, treasure, variant rules


Fighting Styles
spell list, spell gallery
Creature Overview
monsters, NPCs, other creatures
Magic Item Overview
item list, item gallery

The following table summarizes all character lineages included in Legends of Hyrule. When creating your character under default rules, your character must be from a common or uncommon race. Please consult your narrator before creating a character of a rare or weird race. Of course, a narrator is free to use any of these races to inspire original NPCs.

Common races

These core races should be suitable for any campaign, whether in Hyrule or the Forgotten Realms.

%PAGE% Tall, powerful, beautiful, and brutal; this lineage of almost entirely women is both coveted and feared.
%PAGE% Built like mountains, eat rocks, and wade through lava. Gorons are indomitable both as warriors and as friends.
%PAGE% Widespread and influential, the Hylia-blessed race is comprised of social creatures relatively advanced in the ways of magic and technology.
%PAGE% These avian folk are renowned for their valor and reliability. Most rito are capable of winged flight.
%PAGE% Although sea zora and river zora are quite distinct, both are proud amphibious people of rich culture and innate magic.

Uncommon lineages

These peculiar lineages have unusual backstories or abilities. They should still be suitable for any campaign in Hyrule, even if they aren't as prominent as common lineages. For a campaigns elsewhere you might want to consult your narrator before using them.

%PAGE% Anouki reside in cold climes and have antlers similar to a reindeer's. They tend to be frivolous, prickly, and hard to please.
%PAGE% Small, wooden, and plant-like, deku scrubs tend to be apprehensive and paranoid.
%PAGE% Small, peaceful, immortal, and child-like plant creatures. Koroks can be hard to take seriously, but it's hard not to smile around them.
%PAGE% The descendants of magically-inclined hylians who were banished to the Twilight Realm for their crimes.
%PAGE% Zonai are an ancient people said to descend from the sky with magic and technology so advanced that it was thought to be divinity.

Rare lineages

These races often hail from lands or cultures that limit creative freedom for you, your narrator, or other players. If you play one of these races as your hero, you will probably need an original backstory for how they became an adventurer in the first place—or an explanation how they can work in a party. You should consult your narrator before using one of these.

%PAGE% Brutes with porcine features, most blins are violent and cruel even to their own kind. Blins and hylians have been enemies since time immemorial.
%PAGE% From a glance, kokiri are indistinguishable from hylian children. Protected by the Great Deku Tree, these innocent kids never truly age.
%PAGE% With the body of a stallion, the head of a lion, and the torso of a man, these monsters are known to be ferocious warriors.
%PAGE% These cursed, magical children wander through forests for centuries, playing songs and tricks alike.
%PAGE% Primitive and esoteric, these friendly reptilians are known to inhabit tropical islands.

Weird lineages

The following lineages could theoretically work as player-characters. Any one of these lineages might be too weak, too strong, too unintelligent, too alien, too bizarre, or just too weird. They can not only disrupt the narrative but in some cases can disrupt gameplay. Some weird lineages might not even believably cast spells or use items. Always consult your narrator before choosing a lineage like this, as in many campaigns they simply won't work.

%PAGE% Constructs born of ancient, powerful, and long-forgotten magic—sentient weapons with a humanoid form.
%PAGE% Spider-like quadrupeds of animal-like intelligence, tektites are typically considered to be mere beasts.