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Ancient Enhancements

Starting from 10th level, your gain four more ancient cores (equaling 4 + your Intelligence modifier). From now on you can also place 2 cores into a single object.

You become able to dynamically apply cores. Whenever you apply a core, you can apply an enhancement you have learned instead of the normal bonus provided by the prerequisite number of cores. This benefit replaces the bonus your cores would normally give to weapons and armor. The Flame Weapon enhancement for example costs 2 cores, so adding this enhancement to a a weapon would still require you to add at least 2 cores, and those two cores wouldn't provide their default benefit of +2 to attack and bonus rolls.

You learn three 1-core or 2-core enhancements from the following list. Click an enhancement's name to see more details regarding it.

Enhancement Core(s) Type Summary
%PAGE% 4 any item A specified ability score of the wearer or wielder becomes equal to 19 if it would otherwise be lower.
%PAGE% 1 weapon Wielder gains +1 bonus to attack rolls with this weapon, and scores a critical hit when the d20 lands on an 18 or higher.
%PAGE% 2 weapon (simple or martial melee) Attacks with the weapon deal extra fire damage and can ignite, but the weapon has limited charges.
%PAGE% 3 weapon (simple or martial melee) Attacks with the weapon deal extra cold damage and can petrify, but the weapon has limited charges.
%PAGE% 1 armor Wearer's heart point maximum increases by 1 per level.
%PAGE% 1 any item Wearer adds a d8 bonus die to one specified type of saving throw.
%PAGE% 2 armor The wearer gains resistance to one specified damage type.
%PAGE% 4 weapon (simple or martial melee) Attacks with the weapon deal extra lightning damage and can paralyze, but the weapon has limited charges.
%PAGE% 2 weapon (any melee) The wielder adds a bonus die to spell attack rolls.

You can add multiple enhancements or bonuses to one object, but cannot add the same enhancement to the same object multiple times unless stated otherwise.

Each time you gain a level in this class, you can forget one of the enhancements you know to learn a new one in its place. If you forget an enhancement, all objects using that enhancement lose it, and you regain any cores you've invested with that enhancement. The new enhancement can be 3-core starting from 14th level, and 4-core starting from 18th level.